What happens when two massive players in the supplement game team up? Things get taken to the MAX. And in this case, we’ve been gifted an incredible new product, packed full of top-notch ingredients to make it extremely effective on multiple angles.

From Beast’s Instagram: “For the past 13 years Super Test has set the standard. And in that time we’ve tweaked the formula to assure it continued to be the most powerful legal Test Booster available.”
In March of 2019, Beast Sports announced it would be partnering up with The Guerrilla Chemist to formulate a new line of supplements. We finally have our first release in Beast Super Test Maximum – a new iteration of Beast’s long-time best seller Super Test. Based on the track record of these two, we can’t say we’re surprised that they’ve delivered an absurd test-booster, loaded with the best ingredients on the market!
Multi-faceted testosterone and performance matrix
What’s great is that this isn’t just a one-trick pony. It should provide several benefits:
- A powerful natural testosterone boost
- Estrogen control
- Workout enhancement (via increased nitric oxide production)
- Strength gains
- DHT, Liver, and Kidney Protection
- …even some potential fertility benefits!
We’re going to break down everything about this new release – the formulator, its ingredients, and what separates it from its predecessor and other test-boosters on the market. But, before we dive in, make sure you subscribe to PricePlow’s Beast Sports Nutrition news for our supplement deals, news, reviews, and upcoming interviews / diet research about the product and brand!
Beast Super Test Maximum – Deals and Price Drop Alerts
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PricePlow's Beast Super Test Max Reviews: Ben's Huge Lifts and Mike's Testosterone to 791!
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Mike’s before and after Super Test Max blood work
That’s right – total testosterone nearly to 800! See the links below for before and after:
- Mike’s PRE Blood Work (June 5, 2019)
- Mike’s POST Blood Work (July 5, 2019)
Unreal! And another story is that I dropped LDL while keeping HDL high and triglycerides low — a perfect whammy!
The Guerrilla Chemist: Mixing it up in the Test-Boosting Game
Bryan Moskow wasn’t always referred to as The Guerrilla Chemist; it’s a title he has earned through his work in the supplement industry. After earning a Master’s Degree in Organic and Biochemistry from the University of Central Florida, Bryan began working on perfecting formulas for a number of different companies. His formulas were so effective, and so much in demand, that Beast came knocking to help with the tough-to-follow act of the OG Super Test. While he has clearly broadened his horizons in recent years, that doesn’t mean he has forgotten his roots – hormonal enhancement!
Bryan still dabbles in partnering with leading companies in the industry, despite being a CEO of his own. This kind of collaboration is often what breeds new innovation, something we always appreciate. Perhaps no product explains this better than Super Test Max, which is both a new spin on a Beast top-seller and a Guerrilla Chemist’s foray into testosterone-boosting products. He’s definitely excited about this one, specifically because of the inclusion of S7, a superfood-powered NO booster , and Laxogenin, a natural anabolic booster. But don’t just take our word for it, you’ll need to hear it from the man himself:
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This is far more comprehensive than the stuff at the local corner store or junk you hear radio commercials about all the time – it may be the most comprehensive, natural test-booster out there!
So let’s break down just what makes it so unique:
The ingredients – taking testosterone to the MAX!
In each four capsule serving, here’s what you’re getting:
Pro-Testosterone Support Factors
KSM-66Ⓡ Ashwagandha Extract (Root) – 600mg
Open formula, providing testosterone, estrogen control, workout amplification (strength and nitric oxide), and liver + kidney support! Wow!
Ashwagandha, also known as Withania somnifera, is an adaptogen with ties to Ayurvedic medicine. The herb has long been used to improve overall health, and offers quite a bit in a test-boosting product.
Helps keep hormone levels optimized
Ashwagandha is best known for its ability to combat cortisol. Cortisol, a hormone necessary for everyday bodily function, can fluctuate quite easily. When we get stressed, lack sleep, or eat poorly, our body responds by elevating cortisol levels. This can wreak havoc on our hormones, as we tend to produce less testosterone and burn less fat while cortisol levels are high.
Thankfully, ashwagandha can help fight this. A study from 2012 showed that subjects suffering from chronic stress significantly reduced their stress levels after consuming 600mg of ashwagandha daily for 60 days.[1] So, while other ingredients here play more of an active role in increasing testosterone, this herb mainly plays elite defense, helping fend off things that can disrupt optimal testosterone production.
However, that doesn’t mean that ashwagandha can’t boost testosterone by itself. In fact, some studies suggest it can! In one study, infertile men yielded testosterone gains by as much as 14 to 40%,[2] whereas another saw an increase between 10 and 22%![3]
Even works for testosterone in healthy young men
The issue with the above studies is that they’re in older guys or those with issues such as hypogonadism. But it turns out, testosterone gains were even seen in young and healthy males!
A study from 2015 used active, healthy, young men as test subjects, which likely approximates the demographic of SuperTest Maximum users. Ashwagandha use boosted testosterone levels upwards of 15% in these young healthy men,[4] which supports the argument that ashwagandha may be more just a hormone defender, after all!
A little power boost never hurts!
There have also been a couple of studies that have unveiled potential power-boosting benefits of ashwagandha. One study saw an improved power output and improved VO2 max,[5] while another saw an improved 1RM of bench press and leg extension.[6] With more testosterone and more power, you’ll be primed to pack on lean mass in the gym.
High-quality form, high-quality dose
It should come as no surprise that no punches were pulled when it comes to the form and dosage here. KSM-66 is often the form of ashwagandha used in research, as it is one of the most potent and pure forms of the herb on the market. The 600mg used here is the clinical dose, so you can bet that you’ll see some cortisol-lowering, testosterone-boosting effects coming from this ingredient!
FurostanⓇ (Fenugreek extract 50% Steroidal Saponins)(Seed) – 300mg
Another herb native to Ayurvedic medicine, fenugreek has anecdotally been used to enhance libido and masculinity. Thus, it tends to be one of the most common ingredients in these types of products, and the research backs it up!
Fenugreek acts as an alpha-5 reductase inhibitor, meaning it helps prevent testosterone from being converted into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), an androgen that encourages hair loss.[8] Using fenugreek to protect against increased levels of DHT can lead to higher overall testosterone levels, along with a decrease in body fat.[9]
Interestingly, fenugreek has shown the ability to increase insulin sensitivity,[10] as well as decrease blood glucose levels.[11] This can prime your cells for glucose uptake, helping them build and recover, and thus build muscle.
By the way, fenugreek does increase libido.[7] While that’s not necessarily the main focus here, it may still be important to you, and is worth noting!
PrimaVieⓇ (Shilajit Extract minimum 50% Fulvic acid) – 100mg
We’re sensing a trend here, as shilajit is yet another Ayurvedic herb! This one in particular, is not as widely used as its medicinal cousins, but we’re definitely been seeing it’s popularity grow in recent years.
PrimaVie Shilajit is an ultra-high quality extract of the ayurvedic remedy shown to boost testosterone production and muscle repair.
Shilajit draws most of its power from its high concentration of fulvic acid. It works to keep testosterone levels elevated,[12] as well as possibly increase fertility,[12] something that has worked for at least one member of Team PricePlow! Additional research has even shown to improve muscle pliability and recovery.[13]
PrimaVieⓇ is a high-quality form of shilajit formulated by NatreonTM. With a potent, fulvic acid-rich dose of shilajit here, SuperTest Maximum is enhancing anabolic production from yet another angle.
Boron Citrate – 10mg
Ok, so we have our androgen-boosting ingredients covered, but is there anything that helps fight off estrogen production? Asking this question, at this point, is warranted. However, it’s a question that The Guerrilla Chemist has already answered: yes! (There’s also much more estrogen defense later on!)
Increased free testosterone!
This is a fantastic partnership, and Super Test Max is only the first product they’re collab’ing on!
Boron has a range of properties in the world of biochemistry, but seems to be extremely effective in regards to your hormones. In a study published in 2011, healthy males aged between 18 and 29 were prescribed a daily dose of 10mg of boron for 6 days. At the conclusion of the trial, the researchers found that boron significantly reduced estrogen levels.[14] More importantly, it did so without altering total androgen levels, while also increasing free testosterone.[14]
So not only did it lower estrogen, but it helped promote the bioavailability of testosterone within the body, as well! Free testosterone is the type that’s free to go and react with receptors — this is what matters!!
Anabolic Growth Enhancer
Now for a bit of strength:
5a Hydroxy Laxogenin – 50mg
Laxogenin is one of the hottest ingredients when it comes to natural strength- and performance-boosting supplements, and for good reason!
Laxogenin is a strength-boosting plant “steroid” that’s the answer to declining strength levels coming off cycle.
A naturally-occuring steroidal sapogenin, laxogenin is a member of the family of plant-based steroids called brassinosteroids. While the word “steroid” may be a bit scary for you, have no fear – brassinosteroids are all-natural, non-hormonal, and legal, and lack any of the side effects commonly seen with that “other” stuff.
Being relatively new to the supplement industry, research hasn’t yet pinpointed the mechanisms laxogenin operates through. Nonetheless, science has shown that it promotes muscle protein synthesis and reduces protein breakdown.[15,16] One study in particular noted an increase in lean body mass and athletic performance when compared to a control group.[15]
This came from an internal study from a Laxogenin manufacturer, so take it with a grain of salt, but many have experienced a small but appreciated uptick in strength with Laxogenin.
While research has also shown an ability to improve recovery, lower cortisol, and decrease inflammation,[17] we need to proceed with a bit of caution here. These results are extremely encouraging, however, most of these studies didn’t use human test subjects. Before we can anoint it an all-natural, safe, as-equally-effective alternative to hardcore anabolics, additional research needs to be published.
Regardless, we can’t negate what existing research has shown. Anecdotally, 100-150mg has yielded these benefits as well as minor strength gains. There’s just 50mg in SuperTest Maximum, but with everything else The Guerrilla Chemist is delivering in the formula, this dose of laxogenin is complemented nicely.
Nitric Oxide Support Factor
Workout enhancement? That’s where S7 comes in:
S7 – 50mg
These seven constituents can help you boost nitric oxide levels – and at a low dose so it fits in a capsule form factor!
S7, an innovative blend of natural ingredients formulated by FutureCeuticals, is a rather surprising inclusion here, at first glance. However, once you think about the mechanisms dependent on nitric oxide production, you realize how clever of a use it it!
S7 is an all-natural, plant-based nitric oxide booster. It’s composed of 7 main ingredients: green coffee beans (caffeine-free), green tea leaves (caffeine-free), colorless turmeric, tart cherry, blueberry, broccoli, and kale. While it may not look quite as glamorous as some other pump-inducers, it may be more effective – and it fits easily in a capsule! Early research has shown that a 50mg dose (which is what we have here) boosts nitric oxide production by a whopping 230%.[18] That’s great and all, put we’re not necessarily buying this to chase workout pumps here, so what’s its purpose?
Nitric oxide production is directly related to insulin sensitivity.[19] This makes sense, as higher levels of vascularity yield better delivery of nutrients from the blood to cells. This in turn raises growth hormone levels![20]
S7 is quickly being added to a ton of pre workout supplements, but we didn’t foresee it getting added to a test booster. Great idea, Guerrilla!
Therefore, when we see that nitric oxide production and testosterone production are positively correlated,[21] meaning that high values in one accompany high values in the other, it makes perfect sense! Oh, and that additional blood flow may be able to erect some other benefits (assisting with the Ashwagandha and Shilajit), but we’ll let you figure that one out!
In addition to all of that, high nitric oxide levels also inhibit cortisol production,[22] once again pairing well with ashwagandha. So, S7 is delivering an all-natural, superfood-powered NO booster that helps promote testosterone production across multiple fronts.[23,24] Hopefully you’re not questioning what it’s doing here anymore, huh?
Estrogen Defense
Oftentimes, we’re feeling sluggish, less manly, or our free testosterone is low because of estrogen. Time to take care of that:
Japanese Knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum 20% Resveratrol) – 200mg
A throwback to the OG Super Test formula, Japanese Knotweed hails from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), where it has been used to promote blood circulation and heart health. It contains a high concentration of resveratrol, which is where many of its benefits are believed to be rooted in.[25]
Resveratrol has the ability to influence estrogen metabolism. Specifically, it has shown the ability to inhibit aromatase in breast cancer cells.[26] Aromatase is the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone into estrogen, an extremely undesirable bodily function for someone looking to elevate testosterone levels. Luckily, Japanese Knotweed, by way of resveratrol, can help keep this process from taking place as frequently as it normally would.
3,3 Diindolylmethane (DIM) – 200mg
SuperTest Maximum isn’t going to let resveratrol fight estrogen alone, however! DIM, a compound derived from cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and kale,[27] is also a potent estrogen blocker!
DIM mainly inhibits aromatase by way of its ability to activate arly hydrogen receptors, which degrade estrogen receptors.[28,29] However, it doesn’t attempt to simply rid the body of all estrogen. Rather, DIM tries to optimize estrogen levels, as it increases synthesis of estradiol 2-hydroxylase (EH) while decreasing levels of 16-alpha-hydroxyestrone.[30] EH is typically regarded as “good” estrogen, whereas estrone is tagged as “bad” estrogen. Getting rid of the stuff we don’t want while keeping what we do, well, that’s never a bad thing!
The Guerrilla Chemist was smart here – he knew that leaving one of the ingredients to fend off estrogen alone was a tall order. But teaming both up together makes for a strong defense against estrogen!
DHT Defense
Some testosterone gets lost when converted to DHT (which is also responsible for male pattern hair loss on the scalp). If we can prevent some of that conversion to DHT, we keep more testosterone around:
Pumpkin Extract (Seed) (Cucurbita pepo) – 200mg
Pumpkin extract contains high concentrations of triterpenoids, carotenoids, and phenolic acids. These compounds help facilitate a number of functions, but none more important (in this case) than their ability to inhibit 5-alpha reductase.[31] This enzyme is mainly responsible for converting bioavailable, free testosterone into DHT,[32] which we discussed earlier. Blocking this conversion is advantageous because it keeps your free testosterone stores high, and keeps those adverse effects of high DHT, like baldness, at bay.
Stinging Nettle Extract (Leaf) – 150mg
Stinging nettle leaf also defends against DHT, as it too attacks 5-alpha reductase levels.[33] However, it does so through different compounds than pumpkin extract: beta-sitosterol and scopletin. Research conducted in mice has shown these two compounds can effectively inhibit 5-alpha reductase, which in this study helped treat symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Another formula section, another tag-team effort! Rather than ask one ingredient to perform specific functions in this formula, SuperTest Maximum knows that working as a team often leads to better results!
Liver & Kidney Support Factors
When your hormone levels shift, such as when using a testosterone-booster, your vital organs don’t quite know how to respond. There are a couple of things here to help keep them from being thrown out of whack and into harm’s way!
In addition, this opens the door for some users to add Super Test Max as an adjuct for their more intensive Post Cycle Therapy protocols!
N-Acetyl Cysteine – 600mg
N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is a precursor of the amino acid cysteine,[34] which is incredibly important to maintaining healthy liver function.
NAC is an excellent promoter of glutathione, an antioxidant.[35] An unhealthy liver typically lacks sufficient glutathione stores, which are replenished via cysteine, hence the importance of NAC. Glutathione isn’t very bioavailable, so supplementing with NAC is one of the best ways to get more of it.
600mg of NAC is an awesome dose, as most supplements like this one come in well under that. Given how important the liver is, we’ll take as much protection as we can get!
Cranberry Extract (Fruit) – 100mg
When you hear about cranberry extract supplementation, you often hear how they’re used to treat UTIs. Well, that has an awful lot to do with your kidneys, and the research backs up such interaction. Cranberry extract has shown to promote urinary tract health, while also protecting against bacteria build-up on kidney walls. Given a high concentration of healthy proanthocyanidins, cranberry extract offers some much-needed aid to your kidneys.
Nobody wants problems with any of their organs, and these types of supplements sometimes bring some adverse effects along with them. While we believe in everything The Guerrilla Chemist has included here, it absolutely cannot hurt to be a little proactive in protection!
Maximum vs Original
At the max dose of eight capsules per day, Beast’s Super Test is quite loaded… but can we do more with even fewer caps?!
In comparing SuperTest Maximum to its predecessor Super Test, you’ll find that the complexes within each product (“DHT Defense”, for example) share similar goals. However, the ingredients used to accomplish such aims differ largely.
Both products use ashwagandha, fenugreek, resveratrol, stinging nettle leaf, pumpkin extract, and cranberry extract. But after that, these two diverge onto their own paths pretty quickly.
We’ve highlighted laxogenin and S7 quite a bit, and that’s really because we think they’re superior to a lot of alternatives out there. The original SuperTest offers both anabolic and nitric oxide support, but lacks these two ingredients and has a bit less ‘pop’ in the performance side of things. Specifically, it uses a proprietary blend for its “Male Support” ingredients, which we tend to try and avoid when there’s clinical research on largely dosed ingredients like ashwagandha. That being said, we do love the ingredients within the blend, and have good faith that Beast knows what they’re doing in there.
We’re not trying to bash either one of these products at all – they’re both great and Super Test has sold insanely well over time. But with this formula, if you can handle a bit more on the budget, we’re confident you’ll love what you get out of Super Test Maximum a touch more, and there’s fewer capsules to boot! Check out the website to see where you can get the best deals on either product, be it the original version or the one “taken to the max!”
Super Test Max – a great start for an exciting collaboration
With so many testosterone boosters on the market, it’s pretty difficult to find new, innovative products that aim to elevate testosterone levels and provide crushing workouts. At least it used to be that way before Beast and The Guerrilla Chemist teamed up!
In Super Test Maximum, the two deliver an all-in-one, all-natural, fully-proven testosterone-enhancing formula. You’re getting the natural testosterone supporters you want like ashwagandha and shilajit. You’ve also got active defense against estrogen and DHT, both of which are disadvantageous when looking to boost testosterone. And let’s not forget the all important vital organ support!
Breaking the mold the Guerrilla way
But, SuperTest Maximum really breaks the mold here with the inclusion of laxogenin and S7. The former is a novel, strong natural anabolic growth promoter, while the former is the latest nitric-oxide enhancer. Simply by offering up these two ingredients, this formula broadens its scope, making it truly comprehensive.
At the end of the day, Super Test Max primes your body for lean muscle growth, even more so than its predecessor (which we are big fans of here)! If you’re having issues keeping your testosterone levels up, and are looking for a bit of help, look no further. This collaborative product is the test-booster that you want, and it’s packed full of everything you need,
What a start in this line of supplements coming down the pipe from Beast and The Guerrilla Chemist. We’re hooked, and are definitely on the lookout for the next product the two are cooking up together!
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