SteelFit Shredded Steel: The Intense Fat Burner That Wires You IN

Update! Shredded Steel has been awarded PricePlow’s Best Fat Burner of the Year! See why below!

Although a “new” brand, SteelFit‘s team has been in the fitness industry for nearly 30 years. They come from Pro TanⓇ, the leading skincare and tanning products in the bodybuilding industry. But in recent years, the team has taken all of their knowledge and contacts and got into the supplement space. They entered with a fresh perspective, wanting to introduce a few new ingredients into the market.

SteelFit Shredded Steel

Do you love yohimbine? If so then this is a must-try with a hot new ingredient!

SteelFit isn’t afraid to be a little different – they produce high quality, effective labels, while always looking for ways to differentiate themselves. And boy is this supplement here different!

Fitting with the approach of the company, SteelFit has hit us with an intriguing new fat burner – Shredded Steel. We’ve raved about their spicy thermogenic drink mix, Steel Sweat, but this one comes in capsule form. Not only is this label packed with effective ingredients we’re accustomed to seeing (L-carnitine, caffeine, etc.), it also includes some other really interesting — and promising — new compounds.

Shredded Steel Differences:

  • 150mg Caffeine but 10mg yohimbine and 100mg Theacrine!
  • New ingredient: AlluviaⓇ Purple Tea
  • Finally, Iodine included in a fat burner!

When it comes to thermogenics, any unique and safe ingredients are always welcome. To find out exactly what’s in Shredded Steel’s compelling label, read on! But first, don’t forget to check out PricePlow for price comparisons, and be sure to sign up for SteelFit deals and alerts as these guys are just getting started!

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Mike’s Shredded Steel Fat Burner Review

Listen to Mike rave about this low-caffeine, high-yohimbine, iodine-based blend:

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Shredded Steel Ingredients

Finally — a fat burner that includes iodine!!

If you don’t want to read everything, then check out Mike’s ingredient explanation, split off from his review up above:

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  • Iodine (From Organic Atlantic Kelp) – 150mcg

    SteelFit Shredded Steel Ingredients

    Don’t be fooled by the lower caffeine – the Theacrine and Yohimbine bring some pop to Shredded Steel! Our new ingredient is Alluvia Purple Tea!

    It goes without saying that the thyroid is incredibly integral when talking about your weight. How efficiently this metabolism-controlling, hormone-producing gland is firing makes or breaks your quest to maintain a healthy weight and body fat percentage, among other things. However, thyroid issues are relatively common nowadays, and one main culprit is a vitamin/mineral-deficient diet. Particularly, many of us are iodine deficient, even though iodine is an essential mineral that we all need!

    We used to see it in bread, but it was removed and replaced by bromine. Manufacturers now use iodine in table salt, however, many people now use sea salt without iodine in it, risking a deficiency. In addition, the competing halogen elements of fluoride, chlorine, and bromine (typical additives in water, flour, and sodas) not only mess up your thyroid, but they directly combat iodine and its effects by displacing it! We do have iodized salt, but everyone’s moving away from it and towards “gourmet sea salt” with no iodine! To top it off, nearly nobody eats seaweed or kelp, the best natural sources of it. Simply put, we probably aren’t getting enough iodine, and we believe there is a serious iodine deficiency looming in America.

    Thankfully, SteelFit recognized this, and made sure it squeezed it onto Shredded Steel’s label. We’ve been wait for this, and can’t believe it took so long for someone to do!

    But, what exactly does iodine do for us and the thyroid gland, and what exactly is its role in the fat-burning process?

    Iodine can help facilitate metabolism activity

    While the thyroid regulates multiple hormones throughout the body, none has a more important relationship with fat-burning than thyroxine, often called T4. Within the body, it is converted to triiodothyronine (T3) with the help of L-Tyrosine, and the resulting T3 is a major factor in heart, brain, and digestive function, as well as metabolism activity.[1]


    Long story short: No iodine, no thyroid hormone synthesis.

    When your thyroid isn’t functioning properly, the levels of these hormones drop, which can lead to a decrease in the speed of your metabolism.[2] This is obviously undesirable, and means your body burns less calories, leading to fat gain.

    However, by supplementing with iodine, these potential issues can be avoided. With the help of tyrosine, iodine helps the thyroid function properly, thus regulating T3 and T4 production. If you have issues with a slow metabolism, or have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, making sure you’re getting enough iodine can help boost your metabolism up to normal levels!

    Iodine deficiency can affect almost every major bodily function

    Because the thyroid is crucial to most bodily functions, iodine deficiency can affect quite literally your entire body. Among things that could be potential problems for those lacking in iodine include:

    Thyroid Metabolism

    An overview of thyroid hormones’ role in metabolism[4]

    • Fatigue and general feeling of weakness,[3]
    • Chronic feeling of being “cold”,[4]
    • Inefficient burning of brown fat, which is commonly used by the body to generate heat,[5]
    • Slowed heart rate,[6]
    • Reduced activity in the hippocampus, creating issues with learning and memory.[7]

    Translation: a healthy thyroid is monumentally important. Supplementing with iodine can ensure yours is acting as it should, producing the hormones your body needs to function well.


    As with most things in life, “too much of a good thing is never a good thing.” This mantra may ring through when it comes to iodine, and it’s something you should be aware of. Low amounts of iodine can cause hypothyroidism, whereas too much can cause hyperthyroidism. This means your thyroid is working too hard, which can also cause hormonal balances, and can even suppress hormone production.[8] Safe amounts of iodine in the diet tend to be within the 75 to 150mcg range, although many not at risk for hyperthyroidism have gone far higher. Shredded Steel comes in at the top of that range, which is excellent if you lack iodine in your diet.

  • L-Carnitine Tartrate – 500mg

    Next up is L-carnitine tartrate, something we are much more accustomed to seeing in a fat-burning product! L-carnitine is mainly used by the body to shuttle fatty acids into the mitochondria, where they can then be burned for energy.[9] Essentially, carnitine helps free up fat within the body to be burned, which is exactly why someone would be taking a product like Shredded Steel. In this particular case, the carnitine used is bonded with tartrate in order to enhance absorption, loosening up those acids quicker.[10] This stuff is highly researched, and has shown potential in multiple different cases.

    The science makes sense, but…


    After reading a new review based upon 100 citations, we are finding fewer and fewer reasons not to take ~2g L-Carnitine each day

    There’s been a lot of mixed results in regards to L-carnitine supplementation and fat loss. Long story short, it’s going to depend on what you eat (heavy meat-eaters probably don’t need much more).

    Most research that has found effective results have either used high doses (around 2g daily) or had used the elderly as subject.[11] In addition, the research conducted on younger individuals has been inconsistent. For instance, one study conducted on middle-aged overweight women on an aerobic training program saw no significant difference in fat loss with additional carnitine supplementation.[12]

    Will you see significant results? We really can’t say for sure, because it depends on your diet. However, the mechanisms L-carnitine triggers within the body is shown to free up fatty acids for burning, which is the goal, right?

    Better blood glucose and insulin levels

    Studies have shown that carnitine enhances glucose response and increases insulin levels.[13] This is highly desirable when trying to improve body composition, and are strong indicators that carnitine can keep you in a fat-burning state. It’s also shown some promising results when tested in fasted individuals on a low-calorie diet, both of which are common tools used when trying to lose weight.[14]

    Decreased muscle soreness

    Carnitine Function in Intracellular Transport

    Carnitine’s Function in Intracellular Transport.[28] Note how important this molecule is if you plan on delivering fatty acids to cells. You can ignore the bottom yeast section.

    L-carnitine has been shown to decrease muscle damaged in men following resistance training programs.[15, 16] Additionally, these same subjects reported less muscle soreness. Doing less damage to your muscles not only makes you less liable to injury, but it means you won’t be as sore the day after a workout. This could potentially allow you to hit the gym harder the following day, as your recovery period decreases. Hey, avoiding that post-training “I feel like I got hit by a train” feeling isn’t a bad thing. You’ll be able to recover faster, train harder the following day, and maybe even burn more calories in that workout!

    While most of these studies used a higher dose of L-carnitine (around 2g daily), we still think the 500mg of L-carnitine tartrate in Shredded Steel will bring some level of effects. However, make sure you’re getting more carnitine from other sources, whether it be an additional supplement or through food (beef and pork have great carnitine-concentrations!)

    Long story short: if you’re carnitine-deficient (either from low- or zero-meat diet, old age, or intense athlete), supplementing more is the smart thing to do.

  • Betaine Anhydrous (Trimethylglycine) – 500mg

    Betaine is quite literally a supplement powerhouse. It’s one of the most-studied sports supplement ingredients out there, and it’s no surprise to see it here!

    SteelFit Shredded Steel Review

    Are you SteelFit?

    While it may not be directly related to fat loss (there are some conflicting studies out there), there’s no doubt that betaine can increase muscle power and endurance.[17] Yet, even though studies can’t agree on potential body composition effects,[18,19] we’re leaning towards believing in the hype, at least at larger doses. Think about it – there’s nothing better for your metabolism than heavy resistance training (which we always recommend), and by increasing power output and endurance, your training only improves. That fires up your metabolism, and can help you burn more calories. So, while the research hasn’t shown conclusive evidence, the mechanisms at play here make sense.

    Betaine is commonly found in beets, spinach, and potatoes, among other foods. With 500mg here, you’re definitely going to want some other sources of betaine in your diet – 2.5g is the clinical dose!

  • KSM-66Ⓡ Ashwagandha Root Standardized Extract (Withania Somnifera) (5% withanolides) – 300mg

    SteelFit really isn’t pulling any punches with Shredded Steel, but if you needed some reassurance, look no further. Not only are they giving us an effective dose of ashwagandha here, but they’re using the highly-respected KSM-66Ⓡ version of it!

    Ashwagandha is well-known throughout the industry as a potent stress-combatant, however, it does warrant inclusion in a fat-burning supplement as well! This herb promotes low cortisol levels, which has an obvious impact on weight and bodyfat.[20] It’s no secret that being stressed makes us crave junk food, particularly those that have the dreaded “little protein, high carb, high fat” nutritional profile. By keeping cortisol levels low and staying more calm, we are more likely to stay on track with our diet.

    Ashwagandha significantly reduces cortisol

    Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb that helps lower cortisol in addition to improving VO2 Max. Good luck burning fat if your cortisol is too high – drop it with some KSM-66!

    In fact, research may back this up. One particular study found that subjects using ashwagandha saw 3% decrease in body mass, whereas placebo only saw 1.5%.[21] That’s significant, and it speaks to just how important your cognition is while trying to lose weight!

  • Caffeine Anhydrous – 150mg

    Bring on some stims! Most fat burners on the market have caffeine somewhere on the label, and it’s always a welcome inclusion, especially at 150mg. Shredded Steel isn’t going to get you absolutely wired with that dose, however, it’s absolutely going to bring about the fat-burning benefits caffeine has to offer!

    Caffeine has been shown to increase energy expenditure and lipolysis,[22] as it seems to free up fatty acids for burning, just as carnitine does. In addition to those internal effects, it obviously gives you energy, which you can use to go a bit harder in the gym!

    Coming in with 150mg here is an excellent move by Shredded Steel. Again, it won’t hit you too hard, plus it allows some freedom to stack with other caffeinated supplements.

  • Organic Atlantic Kelp (Ascophyllum Nodosum) (Whole Plant) – 115mg

    This is actually the ingredient that brings the iodine, as discussed above in the mineral section.


    SteelFit is a relatively “new” brand but we’ve known them in the business forever. So far their formulas are intense and we’re loving them!

    Hailing from the Atlantic Ocean, the kelp found in Shredded Steel should be all too familiar for our East coast readers. If you think seaweed is just the annoying plant that hits your ankles while you’re swimming in the ocean, you’re only partly correct! As it turns out, it’s extremely high in iodine content, and that’s exactly why it’s on this label!

    While little research has been done regarding the plant itself, much has been documented about how important iodine is to the body. It’s why SteelFit lists it at the top of its label, and why we decided to discuss it first – we were just so excited to see it in this product!

  • Theacrine (as TeaCrineⓇ) – 100mg


    Theacrine is similar to caffeine, but definitely not the same, providing a possibly far longer lasting effect.

    Coming from the innovators over at Compound Solutions, TeaCrineⓇ gained momentum in the supplement industry over the past few year, especially at this dose. It’s structure is similar to that of caffeine, however, it comes without the crashing effects.[23] It signals adenosine within the body, an identical reaction to that of other stimulants.[24]

    Pure theacrine, which is what we have here, is essentially the slower-hitting, long-lasting cousin of caffeine. While it hasn’t been specifically tested for fat-burning effects, it has been shown to both enhance and prolong the energy-boosting effects of caffeine.[23] It’ll help you maintain a smooth rise in energy levels, which could absolutely be used as a tool in your calorie-torching quest!

  • AlluviaⓇ Purple Tea (Camellia Sinensis) Leaf Extract (Standardized to 3% GHG) – 100mg


    Coming from Maypro, Alluvia is the new tea-based fat burning ingredient on the block, coming from purple tea!

    Purple tea extract is another intriguing inclusion here. It’s relatively new as far as teas are concerned, as it’s recently begun cultivation in Kenya by Maypro Industries.[25] However, it’s incredibly dense with value bioactive ingredients, such as anthocyanins and polyphenols (where the leaves get their purple color from!), caffeine, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), and epicatechin gallate (ECG).[25] These are all commonly found in tea leaves, however, there is one specific ingredient unique to purple tea, which warrants its spot on this label.

    All about the GHG!

    1,2-di-Galloyl-4,6-Hexahydroxydipheno yl–D-Glucose, conveniently known as GHG, is a rather large organic compound that distinguishes purple tea from other teas. It’s been shown to have anti-obesity and anti-aging effects,[25] which makes it a worthy ingredient in a fat-burner. The studies that have been conducted regarding this effect say so!

    Inhibits fat absorption
    Alluvia Purple Tea

    All about Alluvia Purple Tea – Courtesy MayPro Industries

    In a study published in 2015, GHG was tested to see how it affected lipids within the body. 11 male subjects and 7 female subjects received 100mg of AlluviaⓇ Purple Tea per day for 4 weeks. At the end of the study, the results were astounding. Subjects showed significant reduction in subcutaneous fat-thickness in the abdomen and upper arms.[26] Thus, the researchers also saw an increase in lean body mass percentage,[26] meaning that pure body fat was the target of the GHG.

    Another study had men drink pure purple tea, as opposed to supplementing with an extract. At the completion of the study, researchers found improvements in multiple areas:

    • Lowered BMI,[27]
    • Lower body weight,[27]
    • Less body fat mass,[27]
    • Less abdominal fat,[27]
    • Improved body fat ratio,[27]
    • Improved muscle ratio,[27]
    • Waist and hip size reduction,[27]
    • Abdominal and right upper arm fat thickness reduction.[27]

    As you can see, the research on GHG is promising to say the least. We love the 100mg dose of purple tea leaf here, especially because the first study mentioned here used the same brand and dose in their research! Shredded Steel is a strong fat-burner, and it draws a lot of that strength from GHG. We’re looking forward to other brands realizing its potential!

  • Evodiamine Fruit Extract (Evodia Rutaecarpa) – 100mg

    Looking for a way to warm yourself up? Look no further than evodiamine fruit extract! This stuff has roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine, where it was used by people for its “warming” effect. Similar to capsaicin, evodiamine acts as a vanilloid receptor agonist, and it quite literally boosts your internal body temperature a bit.[28]

    SteelFit Shredded Steel Branded Ingredients

    Shredded Steel uses several branded ingredients

    In theory, a raised internal body temperature should increase caloric expenditure. However, scientists still debate whether evodiamine has this ability. Although some research conducted using mice has shown fat mass reduction,[28,29] these findings haven’t been consistent. In addition, scientists can’t confirm whether there’s potential for fat-burning in human subjects.

    We love capsaicin and similar molecules here at PricePlow, both for the potential fat-loss benefits and the upkick in body temperature! If evodiamine can do the same thing, then we’ll give it shot. However, we would definitely like to see more conclusive research published before we can get fully behind it!

  • CognizinⓇ Citicoline – 100mg

    Many fat burners on the market utilize focus-enhancing ingredients to complement stimulants, but Shredded Steel is doing it the right way! By tossing in 100mg of citicoline, they’re giving you the most bioavailable form of choline![30]

    Choline is touted for promoting that “mind-muscle” connection in the gym, however, it can effectively boost focus in any aspect of life.[31] Although no specific fat-burning effects have been shown, the nootropic is truly a great adjunct to the caffeine and theacrine here. At 100mg, it’ll give you some extra focus, and keep you feeling good, but not a monster amount of choline and regardless, we’re still going to recommend eating eggs! There’s nothing wrong with that!

  • Grains of Paradise Seed Extract (Aframomum Melegueta) (ParadoxineⓇ) – 40mg

    If you thought Shredded Steel was done hitting you with some heat after some evodiamine, you’re mistaken! Grains of paradise is one of our favorite fat-burning ingredients, not only because it warms you up, but it actually has some research showing some fat-burning proof!

    Research has shown that grains of paradise helps you more efficiently use brown adipose tissue for energy.[32] This means that it helps you burn stored body fat as a main energy source, which is imperative in improving body composition. It may even help increase total caloric expenditure![32]

    Long story short – we love grains of paradise! We’ll take it in virtually any fat-burner. If you want the long story on ParadoxineⓇ, feel free to check out our mega-post: Grains of Paradise: Fat Fighting Spice of the Goddesses.

  • Yohimbe HCL (Pausinystalia Yohimbe) – 10mg

    Large dose alert!!

    Yohimbe is no stranger to the fat-burning world, as its one of the most well-known, most-researched ingredients in the industry. This is extracted for yohimbine, attached to hydrochloric acid to aid in bioavailability (Yohimbine HCl), and a serious amount of it at that. This alpha-2-adrenergic blocker helps free up fatty acids for energy and slightly boost energy levels.[33] There’s also some research that suggest yohimbe may have some appetite-suppressing effects,[34] which could be huge while dieting.

    Yohimbine Norepinephrine

    Yohimbine increases norepinephrine levels,[33] and that is one reason why this is so intense!

    However, yohimbe is something you should be careful with. This stuff has been known to cause issues in people with anxiety,[35] as it actually can make you more anxious.

    SteelFit hits us here with 10.2mg of 98% yohimbe extract, so it’s actually a full 10mg dose of yohimbine HCL. It’s an aggressive dose that many need to work up to, and if you’re sensitive to yohimbine, you will want to be weary. That said, it’s still not as serious as the notorious alpha yohimbine.

    Alongside the longer-lasting theacrine and the moderate caffeine dose, these three combine for a very unique “amping up”. If you’re a fan of yohimbine, this is a must-try supplement for this reason alone. If you’ve taken one or two 2.5mg yohimbine HCl capsules without problem, you should be ready for two caps here, and then hopefully the full three cap dosage.

  • Black Pepper (Piper Nigrum) Fruit Extract (BioPerineⓇ) Yielding 95% Piperine – 5mg

    What good is to be taking all of these ingredients if your body isn’t fully absorbing them? Sabinsa, the corporation that develops BioPerineⓇ, or black pepper extract, asked a similar question. Thankfully, their product is a viable solution!


    Bioperine is the trusted, trademarked form of black pepper extract that promises 95% or greater piperine, the part of black pepper with all the activity!

    Black pepper has been shown to enhance the bioavailability in supplemented ingredients, including fat-soluble vitamins, water-soluble vitamins, among other supplemented vitamins and minerals.[36] In fact, research has even been published that cites significant caloric expenditure boost in a fat-burner that used BioPerineⓇ.[37] Now, we’re not saying this stuff caused that outcome, however, the fact that it’s been successfully used in a product like Shredded Steel should tell you all you need to know!

Dosing / Stacking

One dose of Shredded Steel is 3 capsules, taken before your first meal of the day, as the caffeine + yohimbine components may help suppress appetite some. SteelFit also suggests you drink at least 6 glasses of water, in order to warn off any potential dehydration.

SteelFit Steel Sweat

If you’re crazy about heat, this label is loaded with thermogenic ingredients… but we’re definitely not recommending this to rookies right off the bat!

As far as stacking goes, there are a ton of options you can choose from. Due to the relatively low caffeine content in this product, you could still get away with adding additional caffeine if that’s your kind of thing (like a small cup of coffee or Steel Sweat — but things will get hot). However, it’s not recommended at first because the yohimbe comes on strong, and you really need to assess before adding more. This is a 150mg caffeine dose that lasts.

We suggest adding in some form of alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), which complements L-carnitine in that it activates the same mechanisms in the body.[38] Incorporating some choline in a good idea too, as it’s been shown to help preserve L-carnitine levels within the body, and may even have its own ability to help burn fat.[39]

Meanwhile, if concerned about thyroid function, L-Tyrosine may work well with the iodine as it combines to create T3.

You can also look into any stimulant-free fat burners on the market to really go after any stubborn body fat, such as SteelFit’s SteelCoreⓇ.

Conclusion – Get Wired In and Get Ready to Get Shredded

Look, losing body fat is hard. Our bodies tend to love hanging on to it, as it’s a dense energy source and our bodies see no reason to give it up while we have plenty of glycogen to work from within the muscles and liver. Sometimes, we just need a little extra boost to kickstart the fat-burning process.

SteelFit Shredded Steel Label

Wow. Lots of branded ingredients, lots of energy, lots of shred!

There’s no way around this: with 10mg yohimbine, this stuff is intense. You could say “wired”.

If you have your diet and training on point, stress levels (relatively) low, can handle the yohimbine, and are looking for that something extra, SteelFit’s Shredded Steel is fantastic place to look. It uses science-backed ingredients to help you burn stubborn body fat, but it also gives you some angles that other fat-burners don’t. By prioritizing iodine, Shredded Steel is looking to optimize thyroid levels, a key factor in enabling your metabolism to function properly. In GHG, you’ll be getting a relatively new ingredient with very promising new research behind it.

SteelFit is coming at you with a great, fully-disclosed fat-burning powerhouse. We’ve got no doubt that this supplement would be a worthy addition to your fat-burning regimen. Too often, we see fat-burners that have a long list of proprietary blends, hiding what’s truly in them. It takes great confidence to completely open up the label, and it usually means the company believes in what its product can do for consumers.

If you’re down to get wired in, SteelFit Shredded Steel has a formula we’re happy to recommend to Y-lovers!

SteelFit Shredded Steel – Deals and Price Drop Alerts

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Disclosure: PricePlow relies on pricing from stores with which we have a business relationship. We work hard to keep pricing current, but you may find a better offer.

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About the Author: Mike Roberto

Mike Roberto

Mike Roberto is a research scientist and water sports athlete who founded PricePlow. He is an n=1 diet experimenter with extensive experience in supplementation and dietary modification, whose personal expertise stems from several experiments done on himself while sharing lab tests.

Mike's goal is to bridge the gap between nutritional research scientists and non-academics who seek to better their health in a system that has catastrophically failed the public. Mike is currently experimenting with a low Vitamin A diet.

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