Nutrex Vitadapt: Multivitamin for Comprehensive, Year-Long Health!

Nutrex Research Inc

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When it comes to our daily regimens, we all strive to do what we believe is best for ourselves. Maybe you’re an early-riser, waking up to hit the gym before an 8:00 AM meeting. Perhaps instead, you work night shifts and like to get your workouts in during the early afternoon. Despite some clear polarities that may exist, we all structure our daily lives in a way that seems to benefit us. This construction is rather all-inclusive and touches on our diets and supplementation, as well.

Many of us take our supplementation pretty seriously, scrupulously selecting supplements for our regimen and precisely dosing them upon every instance of taking them. Proteins, pre-workouts, aminos…you name it, and you can probably instantly point out your go-to supplement in that field. Unfortunately, this level of preference seems to be lacking when it comes to multivitamins, which is a huge mistake!

Nutrex Vitadapt

Vitadapt has all your vitamin and mineral bases covered with some bonus ingredients to manage stress!

Multivitamins are crucial for maintaining overall health, providing various key nutrients the body needs to run as efficiently as possible. This becomes even more significant when facing the flu season, where our immune systems are truly put to the test! Given how consequential multivitamins can be, wouldn’t it make sense to incorporate one that goes above and beyond the rest?

Vitadapt: A drug-tested multivitamin with adaptogens!

Nutrex Research, one of the industry’s most popular brands, happens to have one of the industry’s strongest multivitamins – Vitadapt. Built with an incredibly versatile complex of essential vitamins and minerals, Vitadapt contains almost everything you need to promote everyday health. It also incorporates a few adaptogens to bring a few additional benefits to the table that most other mutlis don’t! Nutrex has actually been producing this exceptional product for awhile now, but we’ve yet to blog about – what better time than now?!

In this post, we’re going to go deep into Vitadapt – its ingredients, benefits, and advantages over other multivitamins. Before we get to that, make sure you’re subscribed to PricePlow for the latest supplement deals, news, reviews, and interviews!

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Vitadapt Overview: Covers the essentials, addresses other components of health!

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Nutrex Vitadapt has everything you need to be running on full cylinders!

While most of us tend to be a bit more lax when it comes to choosing a quality multivitamin, its importance cannot be understated. Our body needs a variety of essential nutrients to function at its best, and unfortunately, it’s extremely difficult to get all of them from one source. Even when we consume a complex of foods in hopes of hitting certain “quotas” of these vitamins and minerals, we often come up short. This is not a slight of one’s diet by any means – hitting all of your daily values (DV) is tough work!

Multivitamins exist to help make that battle a bit easier, providing us with dosages of these vitamins and minerals that make it quite effortless to hit our DVs. That being said, not all multis are created equal – some are ineffectively dosed, while others lack key ingredients. This makes choosing a quality multivitamin incredibly important – you not only want to make sure you’re getting what you need, but you want to know if there’s anything more your multi could potentially be doing!

Vitadapt has both of those points covered. It’s effectively dosed with the key nutrients any quality multivitamin needs, while also packing solid doses a few ingredients that virtually all other multivitamins tend to lack. We like to throw around the term all-encompassing when talking about well-dosed multivitamins, but considering all that Vitadapt has to offer, it may just be the best embodiment of that tag!

In order to elaborate upon what separates this multivitamin from the rest of the pack, let’s jump into its ingredients.

Vitadapt Ingredients

Vitadapt Supplement Facts

Just one look at that supplement facts panel and you can see this multivitamin goes above and beyond!

Nutrex breaks Vitadapt down into two components – one consists of the typical vitamins and minerals found in multivitamins, while the other lists the ingredients that are more unique to this product. We’ll analyze the entire label of Vitadapt in a similar, multi-sectional manner.

  • Vitamins and Minerals

    • Vitamin A (as Beta-Carotene) – 5000IU

      Vitadapt kicks things off with a solid dose of vitamin A, delivering 100% DV of this crucial fat-soluble vitamin. Coming in as beta-carotene here, this vitamin is used by the body to help facilitate a number of bodily processes, many of which revolve around maintenance. Vitamin A’s reach is expansive – its plays a key role in protecting eyesight,[1] maintaining reproductive health,[2] and keeping your immune system in top shape.[3] Given its versatile nature within the body, it only makes sense that Vitadapt addresses vitamin A first, supplying a quality dose to get us started!

    • Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid) – 500mg

      Vitamin C is no stranger to common language – unless you live under a rock, you’ve probably heard of it before! This water-soluble vitamin is found in various foods, such as oranges (yes, the “fabled’ orange juice-vitamin C linkage holds up!), bell peppers, and broccoli.[4] Despite its abundance, it’s so important that Vitadapt wants to ensure you’re getting enough of it.

      We’ve all heard about vitamin C the antioxidant – this vitamin can do wonders for your immune system, helping it ward off illness.[5] It actually has quite a bit more to offer, making it a bit more versatile than common belief leads on. Multiple studies have found that vitamin C can lower the risk of heart disease,[6] while others have concluded that it can improve digestion and absorption of nutrients such as iron.[7]

      Especially in the light of flu season, getting in enough vitamin C is incredibly important. Assuming your diet is in check, you’re likely already intaking enough of it. However, the body simply expels any unused vitamin C, so taking measures to ensure you’re getting as much of it as possible is rarely a bad thing!

    • Vitamin D (as Cholecalciferol) – 2500IU

      Vitamin D Synthesis

      Remember that Vitamin D isn’t so much as a “vitamin” as it is a hormone produced by the skin!

      In warmer climates, whether you’re talking about summer months or simply warmer parts of the world, getting enough vitamin D isn’t much of an issue – sunlight exposure is one of the best sources of this essential nutrient! However, in the frigid months of winter, most of us aren’t out in the sun…we’re doing everything we can to stay warm and cozy inside!

      Given winter is upon us, we’re even more appreciative of seeing vitamin D here. It’s excellent for protecting bones, thanks to an enhancing effect on the digestion of calcium and phosphorus.[8] It’s a general immune-boosting powerhouse,[9] with additional research suggesting it can fight insulin resistance, thus reducing the risk of diabetes.[10] There’s also evidence of vitamin D inducing a slight appetite suppression,[11] which in unison with insulin management, can potentially aid weight loss efforts!

      Vitamin D gets a lot of love regularly, but given how tough it can be to get enough of it naturally in colder months, it becomes even more important. With a solid 2500IU dose here, which is approximately 625% DV, Vitadapt has you covered – take your daily serving and you’re free to enjoy the warmth of the indoors!

    • Vitamin E (as D-Alpha Tocopherol) – 30IU

      If you’re at all familiar with vitamin E, you’ve likely heard of it in conversation revolving around skin health. Due to its strong antioxidant abilities, its able to protect your skin by warding off free radicals that attack healthy cells.[12] However, those abilities extend further – vitamin E can protect eye health,[13] to a level similar to that of vitamin A. Likewise, those effects can benefit your muscles, as research has shown that vitamin E may also promote muscular health.[13].

      This fat-soluble vitamin is most abundant in nuts and nut oils,[12] so if you’re allergic to or simply stay away from nuts, adding a bit of supplemental vitamin E is definitely something you should look into! Vitadapt has any potential deficiencies covered, delivering a full 100% DV here!

    • Vitamin K2 (as Menaquinone) (MK-7) – 40mcg

      Nutrex IsoFit

      High intensity training requires quality nutrition to ensure proper recovery, luckily Nutrex Research has you covered!

      So far, virtually each vitamin we’ve discussed is a strong antioxidant that brings a comprehensive effect to the table. That’s not a bad thing by any means, but how about a bit more specificity?

      Vitamin K, another fat-soluble vitamin, has one main focus, and man, does it get the job done well. This vitamin is mainly concerned with blood health – it promotes prothrombin, a protein that helps ensure proper blood-clotting and blood flow.[14] These effects span across the entire body, with research seeing that vitamin K yields a positive effect on cognitive health![15]

    • B Vitamins (Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacinamide, B6, Folic Acid, B12, Biotin, D-Calcium Pantothenate) – 176.2mg

      Any effective multivitamin that wants to be taken seriously must pack a solid dose of the B vitamins, which Vitadapt fully covers. The B-complex helps the body convert nutrients into energy,[16] a mechanism so vital that it makes the importance of the B vitamins pretty obvious. Particularly, they’re most effective at breaking down carbohydrates for energy,[17] raising their importance even more for athletes.

      Vitamin B6 Metabolism

      Vitamin B6 Metabolism[18]

      That’s not all these vitamins do, however! Additional research actually supports the claim that the B vitamins can improve mood, regulate stress, and lessen symptoms of anxiety and depression.[19,20] The body uses the B-complex in various places, including two (metabolic function and cognition) that are arguably among the most vital.Each B vitamin dose here sits at least at 100% DV, with many going far beyond their daily recommendation. That’s not necessarily a bad thing here, however. Given that these are water-soluble vitamins, the body simply excretes what it doesn’t use. Vitadapt packs more than enough of each B vitamin here, providing the body with ample amounts of the vitamins it needs to keep the metabolism and the brain firing!

    • Calcium (as Calci-KⓇ) – 120mg

      Quick trivia – what’s the most abundant mineral within the body? If you said calcium, you’re correct! If you guessed some other mineral, no worries, we wouldn’t have pegged calcium as the answer initially, either!

      When diving into some science, however, calcium’s bodily abundance quickly makes a ton of sense – the body uses it everywhere. It’s known for promoting bone growth and health,[21] and is thus pretty relevant for those dealing with diseases like osteoporosis. That aside, calcium pops up in other, seemingly unrelated places, too – from weight management to hormonal functioning,[22,23] calcium is a key player in various mechanisms!

      At only 8% DV, Vitadapt is simply giving you a bit of a head start on your daily calcium intake. As long as you’re getting it through foods like dairy products and leafy greens, you’re good!

    • Phosphorus (as Calci-KⓇ) – 60mg

      Vitadapt Overview

      Clinically dosed and fully loaded!

      If your response to the previous trivia question was phosphorus, you were close – this mineral is the second-most abundant mineral within the body. Similar to calcium, however, phosphorus plays a multifaceted role, touching various areas within the body. It supports a number of processes such as cell signaling, cell building, and energy metabolism.[24,25]

      Again, this dose comes in well under your total daily intake, sitting at 6% DV. Most protein sources, such as dairy products, meat, and fish are phosphorus-rich, so if you’re serious about your training and recovery, this mineral is probably one you’ve got covered!

    • Iodine (from Kelp) – 150mcg

      Iodine may not be the first thing you think of when discussing compounds that are imperative for upkeeping general health, but in fact, we’re beginning to realize just how significant it truly is. Unfortunately, it took a widespread deficiency for us to come to such a realization.

      You see, we used to get plenty of iodine in our diets, as it was a main additive in breads – it’s since been replaced with bromine (a compound that actually competes with iodine for uptake). And yes, table salt contains iodine, but modern society has moved towards replacing generic table salts with non-iodine salts such as sea salts. Finally, most water supplies contain chlorine and fluoride, each of which also compete with iodine. Sum all of this together, and you’re looking at a significant increase in the risk of iodine deficiency, which can wreak havoc on our health!

      Iodine keeps the thyroid happy and your hormones in check

      Long story short: No iodine, no thyroid hormone synthesis. Get enough iodine in!!

      The thyroid is an incredibly important gland that regulates the secretion of hormones. When it falters, or works either too much or too little, some serious issues can arise. Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) and iodine deficiency have shown a strong correlation with one another,[26] and what happens in this scenario isn’t good – fatigue,[27] feeling “cold”,[28] cognitive decline,[29] and slow heart rate are all symptoms of hypothyroidism.[30] Things are equally as problematic in hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid), with fatigue, insomnia, and fast heart rate among potential symptoms.[31] Finding and maintaining optimal thyroid levels is essential to overall health, and ensuring your iodine intake is in check is an excellent way to do just that!

      We’re starting to see more supplements address potential iodine deficiencies, but the awareness has yet to spread across the industry. Thus, we truly appreciate any sight of iodine on a label, and in Vitadapt, that’s no different. We’re working with 100% DV in this product, which is an excellent amount to keep the thyroid running as it should. As we’ve said, this multivitamin takes an all-encompassing approach to your health, and this inclusion embodies that sentiment.

    • Magnesium – 100mg

      Nutrex Plant Protein Athlete

      In addition to hitting your micronutrients with Vitadapt, make sure you’re getting enough protein along with it!

      Magnesium is another mineral that many tend to struggle to get in on a daily basis, a truth that is problematic due to the mineral playing a major role in facilitating over 600 cellular functions.[32] As such, its impact spans far and wide. From protecting brain development, memory, and learning,[33] to treating symptoms of migraines and heart disease,[32] magnesium’s importance makes it something you need to make sure you’re consuming!

      If that wasn’t convincing enough, get this – multiple studies show it’s incredibly powerful in fighting insulin resistance,[34] with some even touting magnesium as “one of the metabolically magical minerals”.

      Vitadapt contains around 25% DV of magnesium, which is a dose we actually like. Due to the impact that magnesium has on quality sleep,[35] we’d prefer to get the large majority of our magnesium in the evening. Not only that, but intaking too much magnesium can yield a laxative-like effect. We’d suggest splitting up doses over the course of the day, which is something that Vitadapt seems to recommend, as well!

    • Zinc (as TRAACSⓇ Zinc Glycinate Chelate) – 20mg

      Zinc is yet another multi-purpose mineral, thanks to its function as a catalyst for numerous enzymes. As such, its effects are seen everywhere, from the immune system,[36] the digestive system,[37] all the way up to the brain![38] It does a lot of work behind-the-scenes, but make no mistake – zinc is incredibly important!

    • Selenium (as Selenium Amino Acid Chelate) – 75mcg

      Alpha Pump

      One of the best pump products on the market to go along with your supplement stack!

      Selenium, like so many other vitamins and minerals, operates chiefly as an antioxidant. Research supports its prowess, too, showing that it can be used to boost immune health and fight dangerous diseases.[39] It earns most of its hype in regards to its effects on cognition, with research citing its ability to maintain cognition, as well as even potentially improving cognitive functioning in the elderly.[40]

    • Copper (as TRAACSⓇ Copper Biglycinate Chelate) – 1mg

      Copper helps facilitate red blood cell production, in addition to encouraging hemoglobin production. Hemoglobin is a protein that moves oxygenated blood throughout the body,[41] which ultimately allows us to function properly. While copper may not be the most commonly-linked mineral to hemoglobin and the blood, its effects are noteworthy nonetheless.

    • Manganese (as TRAACSⓇ Manganese Glycinate Chelate) – 1mg

      Manganese is a trace mineral, which essentially means the body doesn’t need too much of it in order to work well. That being said, its presence is still necessary, evidenced by its ability to regulate blood sugar and metabolize various nutrients.[42-44]

    • Chromium – 60mcg

      Chromium is another trace mineral that actually operates similarly to manganese. It mainly helps regulate insulin activity,[45] although additional research has seen a saitiating, hunger-reducing effect caused by the mineral,[46] as well!

    • Molybdenum (as Molybdenum Methionate) – 5mcg

      Nutrex Post Lift Recovery

      Post-Lift not only helps you recover faster, but also helps your muscles grow following a workout.

      An essential mineral, molybdenum acts as a cofactor for four different enzymes within the body, triggering processes that help rid the body of toxins.[47] This cleansing effect is relatively easy to come by, as molybdenum is pretty abundant in most diets. Nonetheless, this mineral is a worthy, and appreciated, inclusion!

    • Potassium (as Calci-KⓇ) – 100mg

      Potassium, most commonly touted for its anti-cramping effects, is also used to regulate cardiovascular health, muscular functioning, and maintain bone integrity.[48,49] Vitadapt supplies only 2% DV, so while it gets you started on the path towards hitting your total daily intake, make sure you have some avocados, spinach, and yes, bananas, somewhere in your diet!

  • Adaptogenic & Performance Enhancing Blend

    Now that we’ve covered the ingredients we expect to see in a multivitamin, let’s jump into the things that are a bit more uncommon in such a product!

    • KSM-66Ⓡ (Ashwagandha) – 300mg

      Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic herb that has grown immensely popular in recent years, as we’ve been seeing it much more often nowadays than in the past. Nutrex may have seen this coming, however, as they threw it into Vitadapt before it was a mainstay ingredient! They were ahead of the curve, seeing incredible potential in an herb that science was finally beginning to uncover as a health and wellness powerhouse!

      Cortisol reduction leading to less stress and anxiety

      KSM-66 bills itself as the World’ Best Ashwagandha… and we don’t disagree!

      Ashwagandha owes much of its recent growth to its relationship with cortisol and stress! Before we discuss what science has shown, however, allow us to touch on what both of these things are. Stress, unfortunately, is something we’re all too familiar with – it can be summed up as a tense feeling of overwhelmedness, often brought on by daily occurrences in life. Cortisol, however, is the hormone secreted when we get stressed. While beneficial in small amounts (it is the body’s mechanism of defense against stress, anyway!), excess amounts are linked to things like insulin resistance and weight gain. Given the nature of today’s world, stress and cortisol are pressing issues, so any time we can combat them, we’re all ears. Ashwagandha may just be one of our industry’s best ways of doing so!

      In 2012, researchers found that a 600mg daily dose of the herb effectively lowered serum cortisol levels by 28%,[50] while placebo saw only an 8% reduction. Additional research has supported these findings, seeing upwards of a 30% decrease in cortisol in individuals taking 500mg daily.[51]

      That same study from 2012 tested how this reduction in cortisol carried over to mental health, as well. Administering subjects three different tests that assessed their self-perceived levels of stress, anxiety, and depression, they found that the ashwagandha group improved their scores by 44.0%, 72.3%, and 71.6%, respectively![50]

      Nutrex Vitadapt is one of the few multivitamins that ventures outside of typical, everyday health, looking for more ways to benefit those taking it. By including ashwagandha, the product aims at improving levels of stress and anxiety. Nutrex is also utilizing KSM-66Ⓡ, one of the industry’s highest-quality ashwagandha formulations. At a 300mg dose, we’re sitting at about half of the clinical dose – that being said, this dose has yielded benefits and research. Plus, let’s not forget – this is a multivitamin, we’re excited to see ashwagandha at all!

    • Schisandra Extract – 200mg

      Nutrex Research Outlift Gummy Bear

      Alternatively, you can still go with the sucralose-sweetened Outlift original, now in Gummy Bear as well!

      Schisandra is a root that has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries for its powerful adaptogenic abilities. The powers of the plant stem from its berries, which contains three different bioactive compounds – schisandrin A, schisandrin B, and schisandrin C. Anecdotally, schisandra has shown to be quite useful, but as always, we generally leave it to scientific research to either support or disclaim anecdotal uses. Thankfully, science has spoken, and the results are convincingly positive!

      In 2017, researchers saw schisandrin B block the buildup of amyloid beta peptides in the brain, ultimately having them conclude it could yield a positive effect on Alzheimer’s disease.[52] In 2013, schisandrin C displayed an ability to fight hepatitis in mice, though further research using humans is needed to back up these findings.[53] It’s important to note that these studies used isolated schisandrins, while Vitadapt concludes a comprehensive extract containing all three. Is there any research pertaining to a full-complex extract?

      Reduction in stress and levels of depression

      As it turns out, yes! In an animal study from 2016, scientists noticed an antidepressant-like effect induced by schisandra extract in mice.[54] It achieved this through affecting the noradrenergic, dopaminergic, GABAergic, and glutamatergic systems, each of which play integral roles in mental health. Thus, schisandra extract possesses adaptogenic abilities that help the body ward off stress and anxiety, as well!

    • Rhodiola Rosea Root Extract – 150mg

      Rhodiola Rosea

      Rhodiola Rosea: Our favorite feel-good herb with some additional workout boosting properties

      Rhodiola rosea is the last adaptogen listed in Vitadapt, but it’s just as potent as the other two! It owes its abilities to its concentration of rosavins and salidrosides, both of which contribute different things to a comprehensive extract – rosavins are thought to have more of an effect on hormones, while salidrosides serve as a nootropic.[54]

      In a study from 2000, subjects were given 170mg of rhodiola daily for 2 weeks, with their mental performance being tested before and after the study began. It’s worth noting that these individuals were night-shift working physicians, so it’s safe to assume they were a bit stressed, to say the least! At the conclusion of the study, they found that the herb significantly reduced fatigue and improved cognition at work![55]

      Furthermore, a study from 2012 saw equally-significant effects, although these scientists were more concerned with rhodiola’s effects on stress levels. After three days of 400mg daily doses, subjects given rhodiola reported feeling less stressed, especially in areas typically impacted by stress, such as one’s social life or sleep quality.[56,57]

      At 150mg, Vitadapt packs a quality dose of this fatigue-reducing, stress-relieving nootropic. It complements both ashwagandha and schisandra well, forming a strong, three-pronged, adaptogenic punch!

Nutrex has been expanding their solid product profile!

Nutrex Outlift

This pre workout is packed with clinically studied ingredients to boost your performance!

Nutrex is one of the biggest names in sports supplements, formulating quality and cutting-edge supplements for consumers all over the world. While Vitadapt may not necessarily be one of their newer products, it remains one of their strongest overall – it’s a bit more inventive than its competition, all the while remaining extremely effective. That being said, it’s been receiving quite a lot of internal competition for its spot amongst Nutrex’s best – the brand has been on a tear lately, hitting us with new flavors and products at an incredible rate!

Nutrex has been incredibly busy recently, as we’ve seen the brand touch on virtually every area of its product profile. New flavors of existing products? How does Italian Ice Outlift sound? If new iterations of existing best-sellers are more appealing to you, they have that, too – the Nutrex Natural Series has introduced all-natural versions of their top-sellers, such as Nutrex Outlift Natural or Nutrex Plant Protein. The brand has also been busy formulating entirely new products, with Nutrex Alpha Pump serving perhaps as the best evidence of the brand’s recent innovation.

We’ve been busy keeping up with Nutrex, who seemingly hit us with more news each week. That being said, many of their older products have transitioned into industry mainstays, and we’d be remiss to forget about them! From Nutrex IsoFit to Nutrex Vitadapt, the brand has their fair share of excellent products of yester-year that have remained strong supplements. Between these types of supplements and their newer products, we’re truly looking at a brand dominating the industry!

Conclusion – upkeep your overall health with Vitadapt

Nutrex Vitadapt Review

This multivitamin definitely deserves 5 star reviews!

We all have our go-to supplements – be it a favorite protein powder, or our uplifting pre-workout, we all have supplements that we turn to time and time again. Why then, do most of us become less of a stickler when it comes to choosing our multivitamin? We demand the best when it comes to the rest of our supplements, so shouldn’t we do the same for the thing that helps upkeep our health?

In the wake of the flu season, picking a great multivitamin becomes even more important. With so many vitamins and minerals playing crucial roles within the body, we need to ensure that we’re getting enough of the ones that not only defend us from getting sick, but keep us firing on all cylinders, as well. And if we can get any additional benefits from the multivitamin that’s an added bonus!

Nutrex Vitadapt does just that! Covering key nutrients that the body needs to function with quality doses, it also supplies adaptogens that virtually all other multivitamins lack. Bone health, immune health, and stress levels are just a few areas Vitadapt addresses, but as you can see, those three lie in different spheres of health. Vitadapt not only has those areas covered, but also the gaps in between. Therefore, Vitadapt makes for an excellent multivitamin, flu season or not!

Nutrex Vitadapt – Deals and Price Drop Alerts

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About the Author: Mike Roberto

Mike Roberto

Mike Roberto is a research scientist and water sports athlete who founded PricePlow. He is an n=1 diet experimenter with extensive experience in supplementation and dietary modification, whose personal expertise stems from several experiments done on himself while sharing lab tests.

Mike's goal is to bridge the gap between nutritional research scientists and non-academics who seek to better their health in a system that has catastrophically failed the public. Mike is currently experimenting with a low Vitamin A diet.

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