Primeval Labs Ape Sh*t ALPHA: The Apex Predator Pre Workout

Apex predator: Also known as an alpha predator, is a predator at the top of a food chain, without natural predators of its own.

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Primeval Labs is a supplement brand that tells you they are right there in their name. The brand that’s full of aggressively-marketed (yet legally compliant) supplements reaches a spirit that’s simply on a more… primeval level.

They’ve taken their “Untamed” Ape Sh*t pre-workout supplement and turned it into a pre workout platform, giving you options such as the ready-to-drink Ape Sh*t RTD and the fat-loss amplifying Ape Sh*t Cutz.

Now, it’s time to get a bit more… predatory.

Ape Sh*t ALPHA: Unleash your inner alpha

Primeval Labs Ape Sh*t Alpha

Meet the Apex Predator Pre-Workout: Primeval Labs Ape Sh*t Alpha

Primeval Labs Ape Sh*t Alpha is a pre-workout supplement built to bring your A-game to the gym — and when we say A-game, we mean Alpha-game. For those looking for an extra edge, this pre-workout has a bit more thunder than the rest.

Ape Sh*t Alpha has a few key ingredients in a full two-scoop serving:

  • 350 milligrams of caffeine from natural sources
  • Added energy from yohimbe
  • Testosterone-supporting vitamins and minerals
  • Estrogen control and increased blood flow agents

And of course, you’ll still find a full dosage of beta alanine and solid smack of choline to keep you focused on your hunt for greatness.

It’s all covered below, it all stacks great with VasoGorge, and it’s available through PricePlow’s affiliated stores:

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Ape Sh*t Alpha Ingredients

Below is what you’ll get in two scoops:

  • Beta Alanine – 3200mg

    Primeval Labs Ape Sh*t Alpha Ingredients

    Not only did Primeval amp up the energy on this, they’ve added clinical doses of vitamins and minerals that help boost free and total testosterone levels!

    Just like the rest of Primeval Labs’s pre workouts, Ape Sh*t Alpha has a full 3200 milligram dose of beta alanine, which is the endurance-boosting amino acid most athletes know and love.

    Once in the body, the essential amino acid L-histidine (found in Primeval Labs EAA Max, in case you need more) reacts with beta alanine to form carnosine,[1,2] a molecule that helps buffer lactic acid in muscle tissue, reducing fatigue.[2] More beta alanine and a sound diet allow you to make more carnosine, which is the goal here — since carnosine itself isn’t orally bioavailable.

    Indirect lean mass thanks to increased volume

    In our Ape Sh*t Cutz article, we discuss how beta alanine allows for increased training volume, which then leads to better weight loss.[3,4] Similarly, if you’re in “alpha bulking mode” that added volume can also help you get more lean mass gains as well![5-7]

    Note that these are indirect gains, since you still need to put in the additional work, but all other things considered equal, 3.2 grams of beta alanine daily does seem to allow for more volume that can lead to more mass if you’re eating right.

    Two large meta analyses on beta alanine

    There are dozens of other trials we could look at, but it’s best to lean on the two major meta analyses conducted on those trials. The first two demonstrated that beta alanine significantly increases exercise endurance – especially for exercises in the 30 to 10 minute window.[8,9] The third study looked at safety, finding no adverse effects or toxicity.[10]

    The safety study is important, because beta alanine is experiential — many individuals get the “beta alanine tingles” (especially at this dose), an effect known as paresthesia. Let this be your alpha alarm bell that it’s time to train and train hard.

  • Choline Bitartrate – 1000mg (71% DV)

    Another ingredient also in the Cutz version, choline bitartrate is our source of choline, providing a very solid and significant portion of your suggested day’s dosage of the incredible brain-boosting, cell structure bolstering vitamin.

    Primeval Labs Ape Sh*t Alpha

    Need to go even more Ape than usual this month? Then this one’s for you.

    Choline is used to help you build more acetylcholine, often called “the learning neurotransmitter” here on PricePlow. It facilitates numerous cognitive processes such as learning, motor function, and overall cognitive control.[11] With more acetylcholine, we can get more focus, attention, and alertness,[12] exactly what you want in alpha mode. We’ve also anecdotally felt a better “mind muscle contraction” when using large doses like this one.

    Choline bitartrate is a high-yield choline ingredient,[13] allowing us to get to the 71% recommended daily allowance pretty quickly. There are more bioavailable forms, but when we see a gram or more of bitartrate, we get fired up because it can be felt.

    There are numerous weight loss benefits from choline that are covered in our Cutz article,[14] likely attributed to several mechanisms including better carnitine retention.[15-17] In terms of building muscle, there’s a bit less research, although choline deficiency can reduce whole-body protein synthesis[18] and choline-deficient muscle cells have significant membrane structure issues.[19]

    For you Alpha Pubmed Warriors, a great discussion on choline’s role in skeletal muscle strength and structure can be found in an article published in Nutrients in 2020 titled Choline: An Essential Nutrient for Skeletal Muscle.[20]

  • Natural Caffeine Anhydrous (from Coffee Bean) – 350mg

    Ape Sh*t Alpha

    Stim up with the kings

    Here we go! Two scoops of the Alpha pre here brings you a solid 350 milligrams of caffeine from natural sources. This is the same as the RTD (which has ~350 milligrams coming from a blend) but more than Cutz (which has 300 milligrams total) and more than the original (~275 milligrams total). So you know you’re on strong footing here, as expected from a product with Alpha in the name.

    Caffeine inhibits adenosine and phosphodiesterase after it crosses the blood-brain barrier,[21] which keeps you awake longer[22,23] and boosts physical and mental performance.[24,25]

    There is a mountain of research showing what we all know to be true – caffeine lowers reaction time[22,26-28] and can even promote generally better well-being.[22,29]

    The question is in the dose – 350 milligrams is a lot for some, and perfectly alpha for others. Know your limits, remember that we have yohimbe below, and scoop accordingly.

  • Grape Seed Extract (95% Proanthocyanidins) (Vitis vinifera) – 300mg

    Grape Ape! It’s a nitric oxide boosting, blood flow enhancing pump agent not found in any of the other Ape Sh*t series pre workouts, grape seed extract. Known as GSE, this proanthocyanidin-rich ingredient can lead to numerous benefits positive for health, and many of them are thanks to their ability to interact with eNOS (endothelial nitric oxide synthase).

    Primeval Labs Untamed Apeshit RTD Sunrise Splash

    Forget the days of boring RTD flavors like grape and fruit punch – Primeval Labs really knocked the ready-to-drink pre workout flavors out with Ape Sh*t Untamed RTD!

    A 2016 meta analysis on 16 clinical studies found that grape seed extract significantly reduces blood pressure and improves blood flow,[30] something we look for when chasing pumps and power in the gym. Researchers have also found increases in cognitive function, reduced inflammation, better blood sugar control, and improved organ function from grape seed extract.[31-34]

    There are other benefits, most of which are likely attributed to improved blood flow and nitric oxide production. Mechanistically, grape seed extract can enhance eNOS expression and nitric oxide activity by way of protein kinase B (Akt) phosphorylation.[35]

    This is also a solid dose – we often see less, but we want it in the 200-400 milligram range, and that’s exactly where we’re at in two scoops. This is an ingredient we don’t see as often as we would like to.

  • 3,3′-Diindolylmethane – 125mg

    A very unique addition to a pre workout supplement, we have estrogen-controlling 3,3′-Diindolylmethane, also known as DIM.

    DIM inhibits aromatase and 5a-reductase, which are two enzymes involved in the production of estrogen.[36] However, it doesn’t completely shut down estrogen — it helps balance it by boosting levels of the “good estrogen” (estradiol 2-hydroxylase) while reducing the “bad estrogen” (16-alpha-hydroxy estrone).[37]

    This has great effects for both men and women, and there’s even further research in women regarding reduced breast cancer and lowered risk of thyroid disease that are worth knowing about.[37,38] A 2016 systematic review shows that DIM improve the body’s response to oxidative stress on top of correcting some estrogen metabolism issues.[39]

  • Yohimbe Bark Extract 8% (Pausinystalia yohimbe) – 35mg

    Apeshit Cutz

    Yohimbe is also in the Cutz version, but there’s actually more in Alpha!

    To amplify that powerful dosage of caffeine, we have a solid (but not overwhelming) 35 milligrams of yohimbe bark extract, an even higher dose than what’s in Ape Sh*t Cutz! This is going to bring intensity to another level.

    Yohimbe is well known for its ability to boost fat loss and reduce appetite, which is why it’s in Cutz, but it also increases overall stimulation and amplifies male virility![40-42] The intense ingredient’s actions are due to its ability to inhibit alpha-2 receptors,[43] limiting some fat storage processes from occurring.

    However, on top of the energy yohimbe provides, it’s the male performance gains that are the main reason that it’s in an Alpha supplement. A 1998 meta analysis looked at yohimbine (the primary constituent standardized in yohimbe) and looking at seven trials, found that it had great success at treating ED.[42]

    With a known 8% standardization, this means we’re getting 35*0.08 = 2.8 milligrams of yohimbine, a reasonably strong dosage that shouldn’t put too many over the edge. Perfect!

  • Added Vitamins and Minerals

    On top of the powerful formula above, Primeval Labs bring us added vitamins and minerals that are essential for alpha effects – this is something they haven’t done in their other pre workouts:

    • Boron (as Bororganic glycine) – 10mg

      Rarely seen in a pre-workout — but making total sense in this one — we have a clinical 10 milligram dose of boron by way of bororganic glycine. Most important for us, boron enhances the utilization and production of testosterone and vitamin D,[44] and should never be overlooked in supplements catered towards men.

      VasoGorge Get Ready For Pre-Workout Pumps

      Stack with VasoGorge and get ready for massive Nitrosigine-based pumps!

      In addition, it’s critical for the growth and maintenance of bone tissue, as well as wound healing and cognition. But most importantly…

      A boost in free testosterone!

      A 2011 publication showed that boron can significantly increase free testosterone levels and reduce estrogen levels![45] Although the study was small (8 participants), the data was strong enough to demonstrate an effect.

      As suggested above, boron can lengthen vitamin D’s half-life and improve magnesium absorption, which can prevent vitamin D deficiency[45] — something we can easily lean on thanks to the amount of vitamin D that’s also this supplement.

      Bororganic Glycine?

      New to PricePlow, however, is bororganic glycine which is a glycine-bound form of the mineral (utilizing boric acid) that gets absorbed better. This is known as a chelated mineral, and we’ve seen the technology employed with numerous other minerals like zinc, magnesium, selenium, copper, and more.

      The theory is that minerals are not well-absorbed by our small intestine, but amino acids are — so we bind the mineral to the amino acid, and it serves as a “trojan horse” to enable better uptake. Numerous research trials show that this is effective for other minerals, but we don’t have such data on boron. However, we’ve seen enough evidence to suggest that it’s going to work incredibly well, and bororganic glycine is manufactured by the same company that manufactures several of the other high-bioavailability minerals.

      Our favorite article about boron? Easy: the one titled “Nothing Boring About Boron”.[44]

    • Vitamin D (as cholecalciferol) – 80mcg (3200IU or 400% DV)

      Another fantastic addition to an Alpha pre-workout is a legitimate dose of Vitamin D – 3200IU worth! Most pre-workouts have none, but we’d be happy to see any – but rather than not-so-alpha doses of 400 or even 2000IU, Primeval Labs went with an incredible 3200. This is likely enough to get you in a solid beneficial zone, even if your multivitamin doesn’t have a great amount (we still recommend getting sun when you can).

      Vitamin D Synthesis

      Remember that supplemental Vitamin D helps your body generate the active hormonal form just like your skin is able to do with sunshine!

      The cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) here is the same form that’s ultimately produce by our skin when exposed to sunshine[46] – it’s incredibly active.

      Vitamin D has shown numerous hormonal benefits in research, including both aromatase regulation[47] and testosterone production.[48,49] In general, men with higher vitamin D levels have higher testosterone levels, while men with lower vitamin D levels have lower testosterone levels.[48]

      Even better, however, was a 2011 placebo-controlled study providing 3332IU daily (nearly what we have here) powering a 25% increase in total testosterone and a 20% increase in free testosterone compared to placebo – which had no significant change in vitamin D or testosterone levels![49]

      This is in addition to all of the great immunity and mood benefits that we don’t need to get into here – just get your sun and get your vitamin D, always and forever, whether or not you’re taking this pre-workout. End of story.

    • Zinc (as zinc citrate) – 30mg (273% DV)

      Ape Sh*t Alpha

      It’s Ape Sh*t Alpha time

      Pairing with vitamin D as another ingredient that improves immunity but can also boost testosterone, we have a large 30 milligram dose of zinc.

      Thanks to its immunity benefits, zinc has been a large part of the health zeitgeist recently, and we generally use it for that purpose. However, what most don’t know are how many studies have universally shown testosterone level improvements as well![50-53] Even cooler, just like boron and vitamin D, studies have shown improved free testosterone levels as well,[50,53] something that’s harder to achieve.

      With greater free testosterone, you have more of the hormone available for use when you need it – and if you’re thinking alpha – you’re going to need it.

    We generally see these vitamins and minerals in men’s multivitamins and men’s health supplements, but we rarely get them in a pre-workout. Cheers to Primeval Labs for this.

Flavors Available

Primeval Labs Ape Sh*t Alpha

What flavor do you get? Primeval Labs usually knocks them all out of the park, so we’re honestly not very concerned

As you know from EAA Max (a supplement you should certainly consider stacking this with), Primeval Labs are the flavor kings. Here’s what’s on the menu for Ape Sh*t Alpha:

    Did someone say stacking?

    While we’re on the subject of using EAA Max, it’s worth noting that this was designed to stack incredibly well with VasoGorge, which includes a full clinical dose of nitric oxide boosting Nitrosigine.

    Be the Apex Predator

    Ape Sh*t Alpha Alyssa

    Ape Sh*t Alpha is a more aggressive pre-workout supplement than your standard pre. The caffeine dosage is obviously higher, so consider that when scooping, but also consider the yohimbe inside that’s going to net you nearly 3 milligrams of yohimbine – no tiny dose.

    It may not seem like a big deal, but having zinc, vitamin D, and boron added to a pre-workout is a big deal. There are simply too many men not getting enough of these three critical nutrients, and this pre was launched just before winter, so the timing couldn’t be better.

    The Ape Sh*t platform is rounding out incredibly well… and looking at what we’ve seen so far, we’re guessing that there’s one thing still missing. Perhaps you should sign up for our Primeval Labs news alerts to stay tuned for those future launches:

    Primeval Labs Ape Sh*t Alpha – Deals and Price Drop Alerts

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    Disclosure: PricePlow relies on pricing from stores with which we have a business relationship. We work hard to keep pricing current, but you may find a better offer.

    Posts are sponsored in part by the retailers and/or brands listed on this page.

    About the Author: Mike Roberto

    Mike Roberto

    Mike Roberto is a research scientist and water sports athlete who founded PricePlow. He is an n=1 diet experimenter with extensive experience in supplementation and dietary modification, whose personal expertise stems from several experiments done on himself while sharing lab tests.

    Mike's goal is to bridge the gap between nutritional research scientists and non-academics who seek to better their health in a system that has catastrophically failed the public. Mike is currently experimenting with a low Vitamin A diet.

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