Primeval Labs Ape Sh*t TEST Booster: Amplify Your Inner Ape

The Ape Sh*t series from Primeval Labs has already introduced a bunch of awesome pre-workout supplements that help you push yourself to the max in the gym.

Pre-workout supplements typically consist of stimulants, such as caffeine or ergogenic aids like creatine — ingredients that help you, immediately after consuming them, experience an acute improvement in performance.

Primeval Labs Ape Sh*t Test

Primeval Labs Ape Sh*t Test is the first non-pre-workout supplement in the series, so it can be stacked with the others to amplify test!

But for peak performance in the gym, these short-term fixes aren’t enough. You have to think about your long-term hormonal health as well. For this reason, we’re excited to announce that as part of the insanely popular Ape Sh*t line, Primeval Labs has released a new testosterone-boosting formula.

Enter Ape Sh*t Test: the first non pre-workout supplement in Primeval’s Ape Sh*t series.

This product is designed to maximize the production of one of the most, well, climactic hormones in the body… the one that’s responsible for performance, recovery, and gains: testosterone. It also has some libido boosters to shift you into a higher gear.

How does Ape Sh*t Test do it? Let’s take a look.

Primeval Labs Ape Sh*t Test – Deals and Price Drop Alerts

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In a single four (4) capsule serving of Ape Sh*t Test from Primeval Labs, you get the following:

  • Vitamin D (as cholecalciferol) – 80 mcg/3200 IU (400% DV)

    One reason why we like to see vitamin D provided as cholecalciferol is because this is the form produced naturally by the skin when it’s exposed to sunshine.[1] It’s the most biologically active form of vitamin D in the human body.

    Primeval Labs Ape Shit Test Ingredients Label

    Ape Sh*t Test from Primeval Labs: More testosterone for more aggressive gains. And Ape-like libido!

    In the research literature, vitamin D is recognized as a hormone regulator because of its ability to minimize aromatase activity (the enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen)[2] while, at the same time, it directly boosts testosterone production.[3,4] Put simply, men with higher levels of vitamin D in the blood also have higher levels of testosterone.[3]

    In 2011, a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study showed that 3332 IU of vitamin D3 (almost the exact dose that’s in Ape Sh*t Test) given daily caused an impressive 25% increase in total testosterone and a 20% increase in free testosterone. The placebo group showed no change.[4]

  • Zinc (as zinc bisglycinate chelate) – 20 mg (182% DV)

    Zinc is so crucial for optimal testosterone production that it’s often called the “master mineral” of the male endocrine system.

    The bisglycinate part of this ingredient is worth paying attention to: when minerals are bound to glycine they show increased bioavailability across the board, and when it comes to zinc specifically, controlled studies have shown that glycinated zinc outperforms zinc oxide, zinc sulfate, and zinc gluconate.[5-7]


    Turns out that the stereotyping of steak as a “masculine” food has at least one solid basis in fact: steak is extremely high in zinc

    The impact of even a mild zinc deficiency is absolutely devastating for testosterone production. In one 1996 study where researchers deliberately restricted subjects’ zinc intake, testosterone levels fell by almost 75%, from about 40 nmol/L to roughly 10 nmol/L, on average.[8] That’s an insanely huge drop. The same team of researchers found that supplementing zinc in elderly men with a slight mineral deficiency doubled their testosterone levels from about 8 nmol/L to around 16 nmol/L.[8]

    Seventy-five percent drops and 100% increases — these are huge effect sizes, an order of magnitude you usually don’t see in nutrition research. Suffice it to say, if you’re trying to optimize testosterone production, you do not want a zinc deficiency.

    Does that mean more is better? Quite possibly. If you aren’t deficient in zinc, supplementation won’t necessarily raise your testosterone levels above baseline. But it can still increase your levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT),[9] one of testosterone’s most active metabolites and the one most responsible for the hormone’s “masculinizing” effects.[10]

  • Fenugreek Extract (std. to 50% saponins) – 600 mg

    Primeval Labs ApeSht Untamed RTD

    When Primeval Labs enters a niche, they enter explosively. Get ready to go Ape – no shaker cup needed with the Ape Sh*t Untamed RTD.

    Many research studies on fenugreek have concluded it’s able to boost both total and free testosterone while improving a range of testosterone-dependent traits, such as strength, body composition, and libido.[11,12]

    In one study from 2010, 49 healthy males were given fenugreek daily for eight weeks. Researchers drew blood on day 1 and weeks 4 and 8. By the end, compared to the placebo group, the fenugreek cohort had a statistically significant increase in free testosterone levels,[13] which is what we’re primarily concerned with since free testosterone is the unbound, and hence, biologically-active form of the hormone.

    These results have since been replicated using a variety of standardized fenugreek extracts.[41]

  • Ashwagandha extract (Withania somnifera)(root) – 2.5% withanolides – 600 mg

    When it comes to testosterone boosters, a lot of the research deals with specific subpopulations, such as patients with advanced kidney disease, or infertility. But not all of the results apply to healthy young men, who won’t necessarily respond to a testosterone booster.

    Ashwagandha Strength Gains

    When you’re lifting heavy, every little advantage adds up — ashwagandha is one

    That’s why when it comes to ashwagandha, we like to cite a particular study that was performed on healthy young men.

    Published in 2015, a team of researchers gave 57 healthy young adult males either 600 milligrams of ashwagandha (divided into two daily doses of 300 milligrams each) or a placebo.[14] After eight weeks, the ashwagandha group experienced, on average, a 15% increase of testosterone levels.[14] Moreover, their strength and muscle mass increased, too, and they recovered faster from exercise.[14]

    There’s plenty of other ashwagandha research out there on males with various medical conditions—from old age to obesity and infertility—all clearly showing benefits of ashwagandha supplementation.[15-20]

    In both men and women, ashwagandha has a powerful anti-stress effect because of its ability to lower cortisol—[20] a stress hormone whose action, broadly speaking, is in opposition to that of testosterone, with high cortisol levels leading to decreases in testosterone.[21]

  • Tribulus terrestris extract (standardized to 40% saponins) – 500 mg

    Tribulus terrestris has long been used in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine for the purpose of increasing libido and fertility,[22] and modern research has corroborated this.

    Primeval Labs Ape Sh*t Alpha

    Meet the Apex Predator Pre-Workout: Primeval Labs Ape Sh*t Alpha. Please read our discussion on zinc dosages before stacking these two together though!

    One study from 2000 found that Tribulus increased production of nitric oxide in rabbits,[23] which had a pro-erectile effect in the males. A 2012 study found that in male rats with demonstrably low libido, Tribulus increased their sexual behavior and their serum testosterone in a dose-dependent fashion.[24]

    Research in humans is pretty lacking, but given the biological similarities between mammals, the positive results in animal models is encouraging. Generlaly, however, we like to see “trib” added to products like this because it’s experiential – the libido boost is quite noticeable and feels like a testosterone boost. So long as there are other ingredients in here that can actually boost test in humans (ashwagandha, longjack, fenugreek, boron, zinc, vitamin D), we’re happy to see it added.

  • Organic Maca Powder (Lepidium meyenii)(root) – 500 mg

    Although it doesn’t actually boost testosterone,[25,26] maca powder is a sensible addition to a testosterone-boosting formula because of its testosterone-like effects, namely increases sperm production and libido.[27-30] It can also potentially discourage prostate hypertrophy,[31] which is important for optimal male health.

  • Longjack extract (Eurycoma Longifolia)(root) – 150 mg

    Also known as tongkat ali, longjack consumption brings a number of well-attested sexual benefits,[32,33] one of which is to increase sperm production by inhibiting aromatase and phosphodiesterase (PDE).[32]

    A proper discussion of PDE is probably beyond the scope of this article, but since we’ve discussed aromatase a few times already, we should note that longjack is potentially a powerful aromatase inhibitor whose effects are still being debated by researchers.[33-36]

  • Pine Bark Extract (Pinus pinaster) – 150 mg

    Pine bark extract is another ingredient that’s not really a testosterone booster but has testosterone-like properties in that it supports the male endocrine system.

    Primeval Labs VasoGorge Product Stack

    Now here’s a stack we can get behind… any Ape Sh*t pre workout with VasoGorge (which also has pine bark extract). Add in Ape Sh*t TEST for even more insanity!

    Specifically, pine bark extract seems to be good for prostate health. In a study from 2018, 75 males with symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) (a condition in which urine flow is blocked by prostate enlargement) were divided into three groups: the control group was given standard,. non-pharmaceutical, treatment; the second group received standard management plus daily pine bark extract supplement and group three got pharmaceutical treatment alone.[37]

    The pine bark extract group saw a significantly greater reduction in symptoms compared to both of the other groups.[37] In practice, that meant less urinary frequency, urgency, and straining.[37] Pine bark extract also upregulates nitric oxide (NO),[38] which as most readers probably know, is crucial for healthy erectiles and whole-body blood flow.

    For a more detailed look at how pine bark helps boost NO and blood flow, check out our analysis of VasoGorge, the nitric-oxide boosting stack from Primeval: Engorge Yourself with Primeval Labs VasoGorge.

  • Bororganic Glycine – 10 mg

    Bororganic glycine is a form of boron that is bound to an amino acid, glycine, for superior bioavailability, just like the zinc ingredient we discussed above.


    It makes perfect sense that boron would boost testosterone, when you consider the fact that it looks totally badass

    Boron has a ton of important functions in the body, but for our purposes, we should make special note of its role in producing testosterone and vitamin D.[39] Recall from our earlier discussion that vitamin D itself is a testosterone booster. So besides directly supporting testosterone production, boron indirectly boosts T via vitamin D.

    In addition to boosting vitamin D production, boron helps keep vitamin D levels high by extending its half-life and[40] making the vitamin D you already have last longer.

    A study from 2011 showed that supplementing with boron can significantly increase free testosterone levels while also reducing estrogen levels.[40] This study only had a sample size of eight—which is tiny—so take it with a grain of salt. But considering boron’s action on vitamin D and magnesium, another pro-testosterone mineral,[40] the results of a study even this small are totally plausible.

    We’re a big fan of how Primeval Labs uses glycinated forms of minerals. We saw them do it in Ape Sh*t ALPHA as well – you can read our analysis of it here: Primeval Labs Ape Sh*t ALPHA: The Apex Predator Pre Workout.


There’s one ingredient in this formula that puts an upper limit on the number of Ape Sh*t Test capsules you should take daily, and that ingredient is zinc. The tolerable upper limit for zinc intake is 40 milligrams per day from all sources,[42] although we’ve seen plenty of zinc supplements target 50 milligrams for when it’s really needed.

Considering that the average American male’s intake of zinc is 14 milligrams per day, you’re probably already somewhere between 30 and 40 milligrams of total zinc intake per day after taking Ape Sh*t Test, and should really look at your diet if you want to take more capsules.


VasoGorge Get Ready For Pre-Workout Pumps

Nitrogisine, the lynchpin ingredient of VasoGorge, is one of our favorite NO boosters

A lot of the effects people look for from testosterone boosters have a lot to do with nitric oxide (NO) and blood flow – let’s face it, these are the primary factors in erectile quality.

For that reason, consider stacking Ape Sh*t Test with VasoGorge, a Primeval Labs stack that’s aimed at maximizing NO production. If you’re interested in learning more about NO and VasoGorge, check out our article titled Engorge Yourself with Primeval Labs VasoGorge.

The Ape Sh*t Series Pre Workouts

You can also take this alongside any of the Ape Sh*t pre workouts:

Zinc considerations with Alpha + Test

Primeval Labs Ape Sh*t Alpha

Need to go even more Ape than usual this month? Then this one’s for you.

Regarding Ape Sh*t Alpha, the same discussion about zinc comes up – it has 30 milligrams of zinc, while Ape Sh*t Test has 20. This puts us at our maximum supplemental dose, and is admittedly above the government’s recommendations. If you stack Alpha with Test, it may be wise to ensure that you’re not taking a multivitamin or immunity supplement that has too much more zinc, and consider cycling off one or the other after the month is over.


Ape Sh*t Test from Primeval Labs has a ton of promising testosterone boosters. But there’s also a lot of stuff in here that may not necessarily boost testosterone, but will support general male health by optimizing things like libido and sperm count. These are the reasons men typically seek to raise their testosterone levels anyway, so we think this is a good approach for developing a male health tonic.

We generally love how these products put a bit of “pep in your step” – and that’s exactly what the rest of the Ape Sh*t series does, so as their first non-pre-workout in this line, it fits just right.

Primeval Labs Ape Sh*t Test – Deals and Price Drop Alerts

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Disclosure: PricePlow relies on pricing from stores with which we have a business relationship. We work hard to keep pricing current, but you may find a better offer.

Posts are sponsored in part by the retailers and/or brands listed on this page.

About the Author: PricePlow Staff

PricePlow Staff

PricePlow is a team of supplement industry veterans that include medical students, competitive strength athletes, and scientific researchers who all became involved with dieting and supplements out of personal need.

The team's collective experiences and research target athletic performance and body composition goals, relying on low-toxicity meat-based diets.

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