Ever since Glaxon launched last year, the supplement industry can’t stop talking about their formulas, products, advertisements, and informative videos. They’re creating quite the buzz and PricePlow definitely saw this coming — we predicted that they would be the talk of the town and even named them our Supplement Brand to Watch in 2020.
There are so many supplement companies that come and go but never gain that much traction. Glaxon is different. The last thing they want to do is follow industry trends. Instead, the “Goons” that run the company set out on a mission to create a brand no one can ever replicate. Glaxon is doing what they do best, giving consumers entertaining and informative content, epic products, plus always looking to improve.
Introducing Super Greens: A Performance Focused Greens Supplement
We’ve tried several of Glaxon’s products so far, and always find them effective. You should try them for yourself to understand the method behind the madness at Glaxon. If you’re into high energy pre-workouts, Specimen is a perfect fit. But if you’re looking for a supplement to help you hit your daily micronutrient intake and get some performance benefits, then check out Glaxon Super Greens.
Not your average greens supplement
Like all of Glaxon’s supplements, Super Greens is not your average greens product (e.g. doesn’t taste like your licking a patch of grass). Glaxon knows all you Goons don’t always get enough fruits, veggies, or fiber in your diet. And they also know there are bros out there that only care about how big their biceps can get. So Glaxon merged both worlds and formulated a supplement containing ingredients that offer plenty of health benefits, and a few that increase recovery and performance.
Below, we break down the details and hidden benefits of SuperGreens so you can understand how the formula is designed to improve your health and performance. You’re probably thinking it’s too good to be true, so just read on to see why PricePlow is very excited about Super Greens. But before you do, subscribe to PricePlow’s Glaxon news and deal alerts because they’re always up to something and you don’t want to miss it.
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What’s the Point of a Greens Product?
Before we dive into the nitty-gritty details of Super Greens’ supplement facts panel, let’s discuss the purpose of a greens powder. Some people think they can just drink a greens supplement and then they’ll never have to eat fruits or veggies again. Well, that couldn’t be further from the truth. You should always aim for getting roughly three to five total servings of fruits and vegetables per day. However, no one’s perfect and we all fall short sometimes. So a greens-based product can be like your insurance policy.
But like we said, Super Greens is more than just a blend of greens — it has several other ingredients that are beneficial, even if you get plenty of fruits and veggies from your daily diet. Greens supplements typically consist of a variety of grasses, cruciferous vegetables, and algae. In order to pulverize the ingredients, they undergo a special processing method. As a result, the greens’ nutrients are strained out and what’s left behind is a concentrated powder rich in chlorophyll. Chlorophyll has some unique benefits that we’ll below.
Super Greens Ingredients: Fruits, Greens, and Fungi
Glaxon has several blends in this product that each offer their own benefits. We’re not going to analyze every single ingredient because that would turn this article into a textbook! Instead, we’ll discuss the blend as a whole explain why certain ingredients are included. Also, there are a few simple ingredients not commonly found in average greens formulas — that’s the performance side.
Some of the key benefits of Glaxon Super Greens include:
- Helps Fight Free Radicals
- Decreases Inflammation
- Increases Muscular Performance
- Improves Blood Flow
- Elevates Endurance
- Enhances Cognition
- Boosts Immunity
- Supports Blood Alkalinity
The ingredient panel is stacked and if you’re one of the few people who gets plenty of fruits, veggies, and fiber every day, then you can probably take a half serving. However, for most Glaxon Goons out there, a full serving will give you the best outcome. The label lists dosage for both a half and full scoop; below, we analyze a full serving.
Here’s what one scoop (10g) of Super Greens delivers:
Acacia (Acacia senegal) Fiber – 2.5g
We’ll kick off this product breakdown with an ingredient that most greens supplements are unfortunately missing — a healthy dose of fiber.
Whole fruits and veggies normally contain various micronutrients, along with a good amount of fiber. If a greens product lacks additional fiber, it’s likely you’ll experience gastrointestinal issues.
The main source of fiber in SuperGreens comes from acacia, but it’s accompanied by the functionality of the Supershroom blend, which we discuss later. Acacia, a soluble and prebiotic fiber, is extracted from the sap of the acacia Senegal tree.
Soluble vs Insoluble Fiber
There are two main types of fiber in food, soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber dissolves easily in water and forms a gel-like substance in the gut. Insoluble fiber doesn’t dissolve. It’s said to remain intact as it flows through the digestive tract.
Both sources are important and should be included in everyone’s diet. Some good sources of soluble fiber include acacia, oatmeal, and various fruits. Insoluble sources of fiber are whole grains, beans, nuts, and various veggies.
Benefits of Prebiotic Fiber
A prebiotic fiber is “a non-digestible compound that, through it’s metabolization by microorganisms in the gut, modulates the composition and/or activity of the gut microbiota, thus conferring a beneficial physiologic effect on the host.”[1] There are several benefits to consuming adequate amounts of prebiotic fiber,[2] such as:
- Increases production of good bacteria, including bifidobacteria and lactobacilli
- Increases calcium absorption
- Increases production of beneficial metabolites
- Improves immune system functioning
- Has positive effects on gut barrier permeability
- Decreases allergy risk
- Decreases protein fermentation[2]
As you can see, getting enough dietary fiber is crucial for helping maintain good gut health. For most people, experts suggest consuming 25 to 30 grams of fiber daily. One serving of Super Greens knocks out a good chunk of that by providing 2.5 grams.
Green Balance Alkalizing Blend – 1g
We’re going to get a little nerdy in this section, so stick with us. And just know that the main star of the show is good ol’ chlorophyll.
The Green Balance Alkalizing Blend was formulated by Nature’s Power Nutraceuticals, a leading supplier of potent nutraceuticals and botanical extracts. It features several ingredients, such as wheatgrass, oat grass, alfalfa grass, kale, spirulina, and chlorella. Thanks to their green color, all of these ingredients are rich in chlorophyll, which is important.
The Importance of Chlorophyll
Chlorophyll is the reason why plants are green. It’s also responsible for making greens so difficult to flavor. That doesn’t sound so great right now, but keep reading.
Chlorophylls are colored, conjugated polyenes that play a crucial role in photosynthesis, a process by which plants to convert sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into glucose and oxygen.
Without chlorophylls, photosynthesis would be impaired and the plant would die. So it’s essential for the plants’ survival.
Some people may think drinking a greens powder can “detoxify” or increase the body’s pH and make it less acidic. Greens actually have very little effect on total pH levels, but they can help catalyze several important reactions in the body that result in an “alkalizing” effect. The main compound in this equation is chlorophyll.
Chlorophylls’ Structure: the Tetrapyrrole
Here’s how powerful chlorophylls can be and how they work. Based on their structure, chlorophylls are classified as tetrapyrroles. Tetrapyrroles consist of five-sided rings containing nitrogen situated around a centralized metal atom.[3] Other tetrapyrroles, referred to as porphyrins, chlorins, and corrins, include heme and cobalamin (also known as vitamin B12).[3] All of these molecules share the same structure, but the centralized metal atom varies. For example, vitamin B12’s centralized metal atom is cobalt, whereas heme’s is iron, and chlorophyll’s is magnesium.
But how are tetrapyrroles linked to health benefits?
The Alkalizing Effect of Tetrapyrroles
Research shows that chlorophyll and other tetrapyrroles can activate phase II enzymes in the body.[4] The main ones include catalase, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione s-transferase. They are responsible for inducing endogenous antioxidant activity. Although phase II enzymes won’t completely change your body’s pH, they can help neutralize free radicals, which are acidic in nature.[4] Therefore, in a more localized environment, there can be an alkalizing effect from phase II enzymes, which are activated by the chlorophylls derived from ingredients in SuperGreens’ Green Balance Alkalizing Blend.
Greens and Performance
Not only can activation of phase II enzymes benefit your health by protecting your cells from free-radicals, but they can also boost performance by helping buffer lactic acid. Lactic acid build-up occurs when our bodies cannot clear the metabolic waste by-products fast enough. This leads to a “back-up” in our energy systems, and our ability to create ATP quickly plateaus. Therefore, we fatigue because we’ve run out of our cell’s energy currency.
Now this is inevitable, but having a supplement that can help buffer lactic acid longer can amplify your performance.
Watermelon (Citrullus Lanatus) Powder – 500mg
Watermelon powder, also known as Citrullus lanatus, is rich in essential nutrients that provide a host of health benefits. But it’s also rich in citrulline, which can boost performance. We typically see L-citrulline or citrulline malate in various pre-workout supplements because it’s one of the best ingredients for increasing blood flow and, as a result, help you get a bigger pump.
Instead of just taking citrulline on its own, consuming it with watermelon provides some unique benefits. A 2013 research study demonstrated that consuming watermelon juice mixed with citrulline resulted in faster recovery than taking citrulline on its own.[5] After the results were in, the researchers looked into why this occurred and ended up discovering that watermelon increased citrulline absorption.[5] We all know the body can’t use some nutrients efficiently if you can’t absorb them.
Watermelon also is rich in vitamin C and A, which can have an anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, this ingredient may boost health and recovery and improve performance overall.
Supershroom Multi-Strain Mushroom Blend – 1g
Supershroom is a functional mushroom blend that not only serves as a source of prebiotic fiber but also helps enhance performance in several ways.
As we mentioned earlier, acacia is the main source of fiber in Super Greens, but not the only source. Mushrooms contain carbohydrates, which are efficiently utilized as prebiotics in the gut.[6] The carbohydrates include chitin, hemicellulose, beta- and alpha-glucans, mannans, xylans, and galactans.[6]
Fungi prebiotics, along with acacia, can also help boost your immune system by decreasing pathogens in the digestive system.[7]
Supershroom and Performance
Supershroom mushroom blend contains several fungi that have been linked to increased performance,[8-10] such as maitake mushroom (Grifola frondosa), Cordyceps militaris, reishi (Ganoderma lucidum), king trumpet (Pleurotus eryngii), shiitake (Lentinula edodes), lion’s mane (Hericium erinaceus), and turkey tail (Coriolus versicolor).
Researchers have become more interested in assessing mushroom blends’ effects on performance. But it’s important to note that the research clearly shows that these mushrooms need to be consumed for an extended period before you’ll start noticing major benefits, including those that are cognitive or physical.
Studies have shown that in as little as two weeks, volunteers have improved VO2Max and time to exhaustion.[8] Dosages used for studies showing significant improvements in performance have ranged from 1 to 12 grams per day.[8]
The consensus seems to be that a variety of dosages are effective, but continual use is ideal for the best results.[8,9] This is in agreement with other studies assessing the effectiveness of mushrooms on performance, many of which have found the most significant improvements were seen after 12 weeks of supplementation.[10]
Mushrooms and Recovery
Microtears are created in muscle fibers when you’re in the gym hammering away at the weights. Afterward, if we feed our bodies with proper nutrition and give them adequate rest, they will repair, rebuild, and grow even stronger. What most people don’t know is if this is actually an inflammatory response. We normally think inflammation is a bad thing and should be limited or prevented at all costs. However not all inflammation is bad — it’s a crucial part of the recovery process.
What does this have to do with mushrooms? Well, these powerful fungi have been shown to increase immune system function and specifically, phagocytic activity.[11,12]
The immune system has several phagocytes cells, which include neutrophils and macrophages.[13] They’re essential for cleaning up debris from muscle damage. This is a necessary step for properly repairing muscle. For example, if you want to build a house and there’s brush and garbage in the way, you need to clean the area before you can start construction.
Therefore, if mushrooms can increase the activation of the immune cells, then it’s possible you will recover faster. There needs to be more research on this topic, which Joey Savage from Glaxon understands. However, mushrooms have too many benefits to be excluded from Super Greens.
Betta Berries – 500mg
Super Greens also contains several fruits, including BettaBerries, tart cherry, and pomegranate.
In general, berries offer several health benefits. Research shows that the fruit are loaded with antioxidants, which help battle against free radicals, improves inflammatory markers, and can have positive effects on our lipid profile and glycemic response.[14]
The Power of Anthocyanins
The biggest difference between raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries, besides shape, is their color. What makes one berry red and one purple, depends on how much anthocyanins they contain. Anthocyanins in berries are similar to chlorophyll in green plants — they give the plant or berry its color. But they also have other benefits.
Anthocyanins seem to have a profound effect on vasodilation and increasing blood flow. Several studies show they can activate endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS).[15-17] This enzyme is responsible for converting L-arginine into nitric oxide (NO) and L-citrulline. Ultimately, NO is what leads to vasodilation, greater blood flow, nutrient delivery, and waste product removal. Thus, greater levels of eNOS could lead to better pumps because of the increased amounts of NO that are synthesized.
If you’re taking a pre-workout supplement that already has ingredients like L-citrulline for pumps, then Super Greens may help get a greater result because of increased eNOS levels. Enhanced blood flow can also lead to better recovery and performance, because greater amounts of nutrients are delivered to working muscles and metabolic waste products are cleared more efficiently.
BettaBerries for the win
Super Greens doesn’t just have any old berry blend, they have BettaBerries. This is another trademarked ingredient from Nature’s Power Nutraceuticals, assured to be of high quality and rigorously tested for safety, potency, and purity. The main active constituents in this blend include AcaiVida, acerola, amla, goji, JabuVital, mangosteen, MaquiForza, pomegranate, strawberry, and XandraPure. All of these berries are known for being rich in phyto-nutrients and antioxidants.[18]
Tart Cherry (Prunus cerasus) as [CherryPure] – 500mg
Tart cherry, as CherryPure, is an ingredient that consists of pure Montmorency tart cherry powder. It’s a registered trademark of Shoreline Fruit. Tart Cherries are known for being rich in vitamin C and anthocyanins. But they also have unique mechanisms that benefit recovery.
Glaxon’s main goal with Super Greens is to formulate a greens supplement that also increases performance, so CherryPure was an obvious ingredient to tap. CherryPure has been shown to have positive effects on recovery and soreness in both resistance training and endurance events.[19,20]
To examine the acute effects of CherryPure supplementation, researchers had participants only take CherryPure seven days prior, same day, and two days after an intense resistance training session.[19] They found participants had decreased perceptions of muscle soreness and markers of muscle breakdown (catabolism).[19] However, in this study, the study authors were not able to identify exactly how CherryPure worked.
Therefore, another study was conducted in an attempt to tease out CherryPure’s mechanism of action.[20] The researchers found that endurance-trained participants who supplemented with CherryPure had reduced markers of muscle catabolism, immune and inflammatory stress, better-maintained redox balance, and increased performance.[20] The researchers hypothesized the positive effects are due to a lower cortisol response during exercise and, thus, reduced pro-inflammatory markers.[20]
Overall CherryPure is a solid ingredient that can help aid in recovery from resistance and aerobic training.
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) Lecithin – 200mg
Sunflower lecithin is a common addition to several supplements, most notably protein powders since it helps improve mixability. However, sunflower lecithin may also result in a cognitive boost because it contains phosphatidylcholine (PC).
PCs play several essential roles in the body. They’re one of the most abundant phospholipids in mammalian cell membranes, therefore they’re needed to maintain a cell’s structural integrity.[21] PCs can also help boost acetylcholine levels in the brain, which improves focus, mind-muscle connection, and memory.[21] So with this ingredient, you may get an extra cognitive boost and better performance in the gym.
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera [Std. for 2.5% Withanolides])(Root) – 100mg
One thing that can quickly lead to poor performance and health is excessive stress. In response, several companies have created supplements with ingredients like ancient herbs and adaptogens designed to help lower stress and improve health. Ashwagandha is a popular ingredient in such supplements because of its effectiveness in reducing stress.
Ashwagandha, also known as Withania somnifera, is an herb that was widely used in Ayurvedic medicine. Ashwagandha is a potent adaptogen, which means it helps the body deal with stress and adapt by regulating physiological processes during periods of excessive strain and tension.[22]
In addition to helping to handle high-stress situations, research shows ashwagandha has anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, adaptogenic, memory-enhancing, hematopoietic, sleep-inducing, and anxiolytic properties.[22]
Plant Digestive Enzyme Blend – 50mg
One of the main ingredients that Glaxon added to Super Greens V2 is a plant digestive enzyme blend that helps promote proper digestion and nutrient absorption.
Here’s a brief look at each enzyme and what substrate they act upon:
- Alpha-Amylase – helps break down carbohydrates
- Cellulase – helps break down cellulose
- Hemicellulase – helps break down hemicellulose
- Invertase – breaks down sucrose (table sugar) into fructose and sucrose
- Beta-Glucanase – helps break down beta-glucans found in mushrooms and other carbohydrates
- Alpha-Galactosidase – helps break down alpha-galactose groups found on glycolipids and glycoproteins
Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin – 25mg
Sodium copper chlorophyllin is an ingredient that’s rarely seen in supplements. Since you’re already getting a good amount of chlorophyll from the Green Balance Alkalizing Blend, Glaxon just added 25 milligrams more in the form of sodium copper chlorophyllin.
It’s important to note that chlorophyll also assists in the restoration and replenishment of red blood cells. They’re the cells that carry oxygen through the body and are crucial for optimal performance — as well as life. Chlorophyll works at a cellular level to help the body regenerate and repair.
Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) [Fruit] Extract [Std. to 95% Piperine as BioPerine] – 5mg
What’s black pepper extract doing in a greens product?
Bioperine is the trusted, trademarked form of black pepper extract that promises 95% or greater piperine, the part of black pepper with the most activity.
Black pepper extract is included to enhance absorption and bioavailability of all the beneficial ingredients we’ve discussed so far. It’s well established that if your body can’t absorb a nutrient, it will just pass through your system without any effect at all. When you’re taking a supplement that’s definitely not ideal. You want to give your body the best chance it can get to absorb every ingredient.
Black pepper extract is a great source of piperine, which is a molecule that helps prevent enzymes in the body from breaking down other ingested drugs and nutrients,[23] such as supplements. Black pepper extract started out as a popular addition to curcumin, but because of how effective it is, its use has expanded exponentially.
Available Flavors: The Best Tasting Greens on Planet Earth?
Most people absolutely despise the taste of greens supplements. So they try to mask the flavor, like mixing the powder into a smoothie or shake. Obviously that can be inconvenient. And you’re less likely to take your daily greens if you dread the taste. Glaxon knows, regardless of how beneficial Super Greens is, if it tastes terrible, you won’t take it.
Let’s be real though. Greens are never going to taste as good as a pre-workout or amino acid supplement. Even so, Glaxon did an excellent job of flavoring Super Greens. We give them credit for that much.
Here’s an updated list of Glaxon Super Greens’ flavors:
Glaxon Super Greens are From Another Universe
Glaxon does a great job at producing entertaining — and educational — information for their Goons. But just looking at the different formulas and trying each product, you can tell they are onto something. Super Greens is different than other greens products out there.
How Glaxon is Here to Disrupt the Industry
You may look at Glaxon’s line of products and wonder how are they’re different from other supplement companies. They have all the standard stuff: pre-workouts, amino acids, nootropics, fat burners. Customers will have to dig a little deeper to truly experience what makes Glaxon different. For example, see how their CholineACE choline blend is unique.
First, check out their formulas, because that’s the biggest thing that sets them apart. Watch their YouTube channel under the name of Supplement Lab to get a science lesson, and read our blog an ingredient breakdown.
Glaxon always looks for gaps in the industry, and then rigorously works to fill them. They’re not interested in what anyone else is doing because the team has a vision. The last thing Glaxon wants to do is “fit in” with the supplement industry.
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