Antioxidants (Tag Archives)
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Slendacor: A Novel Triple-Herb Weight Management Complex Backed By Science
The weight management supplement market has seen countless ingredients come and go, but very few have the clinical backing and real-world success of Slendacor, a patented weight management ingredient developed by PLT Health Solutions. This unique herbal blend combines three traditional botanicals – Moringa oleifera, Murraya koenigii (curry leaf), and Curcuma longa[…]
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Ashwagandha Evolution: Shoden and the Rise of Glycoside-Enhanced Extracts
In a supplement industry dominated by synthetic compounds and artificial ingredients, one ancient herb continues to captivate both researchers and consumers alike: Ashwagandha. This adaptogenic powerhouse from Ayurvedic tradition has seen an unprecedented surge in popularity, with scientific research validating what traditional medicine has known for millennia.[1]
But as more consumers turn to this traditional […]
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Modere Magnesium Blend: Three Forms of Magnesium for Enhanced Recovery and Mood
Following Modere’s groundbreaking success with Curb in late 2024, the company continues to innovate in 2025 with the new Modere Magnesium Blend, a comprehensive mineral supplement that takes a sophisticated approach to magnesium supplementation.
Modere Magnesium: Three Bioavailable Forms of Magnesium and MoreThis isn’t your ordinary magnesium – it combines three highly-bioavailable forms […]
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Supresa: PLT Health’s Science-Backed Saffron Extract That Fights Food Cravings
We’ve all been there – that mid-afternoon snack attack that derails our diet, or the late-night munchies that undo our day’s discipline. The struggle against uncontrolled snacking isn’t just about willpower – it’s a complex interplay of hormones, neurotransmitters, and deeply-ingrained behaviors that can feel impossible to overcome.
But what if there was a way […]
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ProFisetin by Aidu Biotech: The Black Belt Senolytic Anti-Aging Fisetein Ingredient
Nearly everyone wants to live a long and healthy life. That’s why the market for anti-aging therapies is in the tens of billions of dollars, and there’s been a great shift to focusing on healthspan — the number of healthy years one lives.
So what’s the key to aging slower? According to a growing body […]
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Vanizem: Enhance Mood and Conquer Stress by Boosting Anandamide Production
In a fast-paced, highly-demanding world like ours, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. How can we better cope with the daily stress of modern society?
There are many different approaches, but it’s always wise to begin by looking inward – at the human organism – to learn how we can leverage our own design to achieve […]
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NeuroRush: Unlocking Coffee’s Cognitive Benefits For Focus and Workouts
Modern life is a workout, and as we navigate it, we’re subjected to high levels of stress. Unfortunately, the unprecedented demands on our minds come at a time when the brain is more important than ever for determining professional success and life outcomes.
So what do we do to support this vital organ of knowledge […]
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NNB Nutrition Shines at SupplySide West 2024: Trends in Energy, Focus, GLP-1, and Natural Sweeteners
At SupplySide West 2024, NNB Nutrition captivated attendees with groundbreaking ingredients poised to redefine the supplement industry. They had a premiere booth location, and thanks to its success, will be going even bigger next year!
NNB Takes Advantage of Premiere Booth Location at SSW 2024NNB Nutrition, a leader in novel nutritional ingredient development, […]
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Bryan Johnson Posts Lab Tests for Blueprint Capsules… But They’re OUT OF SPEC!
The supplement industry has an ongoing game of tug of war. Consumers want increasing amounts of transparency and published lab testing, but lab tests can present challenges. Simply put, some products don’t contain what they say they contain – either ingredients are underdosed, as we saw with the lab tests on creatine gummies published by […]
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