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Enhanced Labs Top T: Harnessing ProtoTest and EndoFlo for Performance and Vitality
Testosterone levels in men decline about 1-3% every year after age 30-40, and 20% of men over the age of 60 have testosterone levels below the reference range.[1] Therefore, maintaining hormonal balance to support top workout performance, energy levels, a healthy sex drive, and a good overall well-being is essential.
Knowing the importance of hormonal […]
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Burn Fat AND Boost Performance with aXivite: Elias Chiatalas of SEE Nutrition | Episode #148
On Episode #148 of the PricePlow Podcast, Mike and Ben welcome Elias Chiatalas, CEO of SEE Nutrition, to discuss aXivite, a supplement ingredient known for fat loss and sports performance benefits.
Elias shares his journey, starting as an athlete and pursuing a degree in physical therapy, before moving into strength and conditioning. His […]
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NNB Nutrition’s ElectroPrime Beats Today’s Hydration Formulas with Better Osmotic Pressure
By now, we’ve all heard that electrolyte balance is absolutely crucial for overall hydration, which ultimately affects not only your athletic performance recovery, but also your health, and potentially, your longevity.
The question we need to answer is which electrolyte formula is best? As always, not all supplements are created equal, and not […]
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Support the Gut-Brain Axis (and Stool!) with Digexin: Eric Withee of Freemen Nutra | Episode #147
On Episode #147 of the PricePlow Podcast, Mike and Ben are joined by Eric Withee, the Director of Ingredient Innovation at Freemen Nutra. The top of conversation is a new dietary supplement ingredient named Digexin, which is a combination of ashwagandha and okra extracts designed to support gut health.
Freemen Nutra is traditionally […]
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DUAL FUEL: Combining Ketones and Carbs for Rocket Performance
For decades, carbohydrates have been the go-to fuel for athletes, especially in endurance sports. The rationale is simple: carbohydrates, stored in the body as glycogen, are a readily accessible source of energy during high-intensity exercise. However, the body’s glycogen reserves are finite, and once depleted, performance can suffer dramatically.[1-3]
This has led to the development […]
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ProtoTest: Vitality Booster from Aura Scientific with 50% Protodioscin
When upstart novel supplement ingredient developer Aura Scientific arrived on the scene, everyone was excited about their first four ingredients, which included a new coffee fruit extract named NeuroRush and a pump ingredient named EndoFlo which can be found in products like Magnum Nutraceuticals Limitless X16 pre-workout supplement.
But behind the scenes, it’s Aura’s hormone […]
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NMN, FDA, and the Supplement Industry’s Fight Against Pharma (Updated 8/28/24)
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PLT Health’s Cognitive Ingredients: Enhance Focus, Mood, & Brain Health | Episode #146
On Episode #146 of the PricePlow Podcast, Mike and Ben welcome Steve Fink, Vice President of Marketing, and Dr. Jeremy Appleton, Director of Medical and Scientific Affairs, from PLT Health Solutions, a company specializing in natural, botanical ingredients.
In this episode, we dive deep into the science behind some of the most innovative cognitive-supporting […]
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MuscleTech Alpha Test Extreme: Why Use Tesnor for Testosterone?
MuscleTech has always distinguished itself from the countless supplement brands available by pioneering new ingredients like paraxanthine, which have been added to a few of their products (starting with their iQ Series). The company took things further with its Alpha Test Thermo products by combining disparate formulas like fat burners and testosterone boosters.
MuscleTech […]
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