Raw Nutrition TEST: Boost More Than Just Testosterone!

Raw Nutrition is back at it, this time attacking testosterone – using a heavy-handed approach, attacking some unique pathways to get hormone levels on the rise.

Raw Nutrition Test

Raw Nutrition Test: Raise more than just testosterone. This is an all-around wrecking ball of a supplement, but there are definitely some lesser-traveled ingredients inside!

Raw Nutrition Test uses a combination of ingredients to target multiple types of results. With Raw Test, we’re expecting the several effects:

  • Increased free and natural testosterone production
  • Healthy estrogen control
  • Improved libido and sexual function
  • Protection from testosterone “escaping” to DHT and estrogen
  • Body recomposition improvements

Get ready, because this will bring more than just testosterone-enhancing ingredients.

Raw Test: Tried-and-true ingredients meet new natural compounds

Over the past couple of years, there have been several natural testosterone boosters that do everything they can to improve free and total test using clinically-backed ingredients, and they’re all starting to look the same. Raw Test is doing things different.

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Built from the ground up. Get ready for something different with this one!

Nearly everything on the market is anchored by KSM-66 Ashwagandha, which we do have here as our foundation, with data even supporting a test boost in healthy young users. But where Raw Nutrition differentiates is with the alternative compounds and body recomposition effects.

We’re talking about a major dose of Bryonia Laciniosa extract for testosterone, muria puama extract for libido, and ursolic acid for body recomposition benefits. All backed up with some estrogen support and boron and critical minerals in boron and zinc.

If you’ve used some of those “same old same old” test boosters — which we do love — but are looking for something different and slightly more aggressive with admittedly less human clinical data, then Raw Test should be on your list to try.

That’s the short story. Below, after we check prices and have you sign up for our Raw Nutrition news alerts, we get into the longer story:

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Raw Test is anchored by KSM-66 Ashwagandha – like most competing products. So we can confidently say that this supplement is going to “work”, because we’re confident that ashwagandha works.

The question is, how much more can Raw Nutrition make it work? Much of it depends on this first ingredient, bryonia laciniosa extract. The following is what you can find in a day’s dosage of 8 capsules, although it’s recommended to split these into four capsules twice daily:

  • ByroViron (Bryonia Laciniosa extract) – 1.65g

    Raw Nutrition Test Ingredients

    Raw Nutrition Test Ingredients — You’ve never seen a label like this.

    ByroViron is a trademarked ingredient made from bryonia laciniosa extract. Aside from what we’ll get from ashwagandha, fenugreek, and boron, Raw Test’s success in boosting testosterone largely depends on this ingredient right here. And with 1.65g, it’s not a small dose, so Raw Nutrition’s betting big on it.

    Traditionally, Bryonia seeds have been used to treat sterility[1,2] and in traditional Indian tonics used to improve sexual behaviour.[1,3]

    High in punicic acid

    The primary constituent is punicic acid, but there is also goniothalamine and glucomannan that may play roles.[1,4-6] Punicic acid is a unique omega-5 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid that’s been shown to possess beneficial antioxidant, anticarcinogenic, pro-metabolic, and anti-inflammatory properties.[7-9]

    The major bryonia animal study

    The data hinges mainly on a 2009 animal study published in the International Journal of Impotence Research. In that study, male rats were given doses of 0, 50, 100, and 150mg/kg body weight for 28 days.[1] Researchers measured numerous effects and biomarkers, including sexual behaviour, reproductive organ weights, sperm status, and hormone levels.

    The results are broken into four major sections:

    1. Hormone assay: testosterone, follicular stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone

      All three hormones measured – serum testosterone, FSH, and LH – significantly increased on a dose-dependent basis.[1]

      Bryonia Lacionosa Testosterone

      Bryonia Lacionosa has incredible effects on hormones in mice, and at a dose-dependent response! Testosterone is the “brick” design here.[1]

      The two higher-dosed groups really had impressive testosterone boosts (shown as the “brick” pattern in the image above), which is likely why Raw Nutrition’s dosing this quite high.

    2. Sexual performance

      Higher-dosed groups had far greater sexual activity as well. They had greater mount frequency, lower mount latency, and “reload time”. Once again, the results were dose-dependent in every single marker tested.[1]

    3. Sperm count and health

      Again, another dose-dependent response: sperm count increased as the Bryonia dose increased.[1]

      Similarly, fructose content was higher in each group, although it’s a debatable metric for sperm health and motility.[10,11]

    4. Body weight and weight of testes

      Sounding like a broken record, the rats once again had a dose-dependent response both in terms of increased body weight and testicle weight.[1] Prostate and seminal vesicle weight also increased, as did the epididymis.

    The researchers theorize that the mechanism works through stimulation of gonadotropin — likely via hypothalamus activation. This is due to all three hormones increasing, but it’s just conjecture until further research is conducted.

    Bryonia Laciniosa Seeds

    Bryonia laciniosa seeds, which exert some insanely interesting properties.

    This is the only study we have to go on, and we of course wish for more, but it’s striking. Not only could Bryonia laciniosa be a major next-generation natural testosterone boosting ingredient, it may be great for bulking as well!

    And with the benefits of punicic acid involved, there seems to be the makings of a new testosterone boosting ingredient that also enhances general health.

    Increased metabolic support?

    Most aren’t here for metabolic support, but it never hurts. Another animal study on Bryonia laciniosa seed extract showed marked improvements in blood glucose, plasma insulin, triglycerides, all forms of cholesterol (HDL, LDL, VLDL), urea, and creatinine in insulin-resistant rats.[12]

    While successful results are unsurprising given the metabolic benefits of punicic acid,[13] it’s impressive that so many biomarkers were affected by Bryonia.

    Raw Nutrition may be on to something very serious here – and combined with ursolic acid (discussed below), we’re extremely excited about this unique new supplement.

  • Muira Puama extract 6:1 – 1g

    Muira Puama

    Muira Puama is long known to be a potent aphrodisiac, but we don’t commonly see it in sports nutrition supplements. Image courtesy Wikimedia.

    Muira puama is also known as Marapuama and Potency Wood, so you can probably guess where this ingredient is headed – a strong aphrodisiac!

    It’s found in Brazil, is scientifically known as Ptychopetalum olacoides or uncinatum, and has long been used as a sexual tonic[14] that may also enhance cognition. While there may be testosterone-boosting properties, we are unaware of any research on that matter, so we’ll focus on the “feel good” sexual properties of Muira Puama, then get into the secondary cognitive benefits.

    A Brazilian aphrodisiac

    The oldest study on Muira puama unfortunately cannot be found online, but is cited by three other studies.[14-16] In that study, 1-1.5g of 4:1 extract was given to 262 men. The self-reported libido scores improved in 62% of the men, while erectile function improved in 51%. Given the 6:1 extract here (and we’re not sure what was extracted in this study nor in Raw Test), we are clearing that dosage.

    Another study was conducted on 202 men, but is slightly confounded with ginkgo biloba.[15] In that study, either 350mg or 1050mg of 4:1 Muira Puama extract was given alongside 32mg ginkgo or 96mg daily to postmenopausal women. The participants self-reported sex life satisfaction, ability to reach orgasm, and orgasm intensity.

    65% of them self-reported improved sexuality and 71% reported improvement in at least one parameter measured. Specifically speaking, the improvements were 27%, 43.5%, and 38% respectively in sex life satisfaction, ability to reach orgasm, and orgasm intensity.

    We’re confident that ginkgo biloba does not strongly affect libido or sexuality, so we attribute the results to the Muira puama.

    A potential cognitive enhancer

    GetRawNutrition TEST

    GetRawNutrition TEST and Bring the Wood

    Just like Bryonia also provides additional metabolic properties, Muira puama may bring some additional cognitive benefits. It seems to work similarly to common pre workout supplement ingredient huperzine A in that Muira Puama can inhibit acetylcholinesterase,[17] helping to keep the brain’s acetylcholine (the “learning neurotransmitter”) around longer.

    In addition, there may be benefits in terms of nerve growth factor,[18] as the diterpenoids constituents of Muira Puama have been shown to promote neurite outgrowth. Neuroprotective properties have also been found.[19,20] Again, this isn’t why we’re here, but the possible benefits of Raw Test are definitely greater than just testosterone.

  • Rosemary leaf extract (std to 50% ursolic acid) – 900mg

    Next, it’s time to look at body recomposition with one of the industry’s most underrated recomp ingredients – ursolic acid!

    Found heavily in Rosemary leaf extract, ursolic acid has been widely studied enough to have a very thorough meta-analysis published in 2017[21] which consistently found:

    1. Improved energy expenditure and fatty acid oxidation
    2. Increased muscle strength
    3. Decreased muscle breakdown / atrophy
    4. Lower blood glucose levels
    5. Increased muscle mass
    6. General physical fitness improvements[21]
    Ursolic Acid Benefits

    A recent review of the ursolic acid research showed some amazing general benefits[21]

    That meta analysis targeted studies looking to prevent and treat obesity-related and and muscle mass-mediated research, and used 17 eligible studies (of 69 found) that analyzed adiposity/obesity, inflammation, strength, skeletal muscle mass, and energy expenditure, covering both rodents and humans.[21]

    The human lean mass gains study

    Although much of the research on ursolic acid has been performed on animals, one impressive study showed incredible benefits after giving men 150mg three times daily for eight weeks.[22] At the end of the study, the ursolic acid group had significant decreases in body fat yet body weight stayed the same.[22] The ursolic acid subjects actually gained a bit of lean mass while losing fat! In addition, their IGF-1 levels increased.

    These results are why we see a 900mg dosage at 50% standardization – the 450mg ursolic acid yield is in line with the above research.

    A bit on the mechanism of ursolic acid

    The researchers of the major meta analysis described above concluded that the primary mechanisms were the activation of Akt and AMPK along with increased IGF secretion.[21]

    Raw Nutrition Testosterone Booster

    More than just a testosterone booster, Raw Nutrition has body recomposition compounds like Ursolic Acid as well!

    Those conclusions are backed up by earlier research showing that ursolic acid increases Akt activity in skeletal muscle.[23] The PI3K/Akt pathway regulates protein synthesis and metabolism in the body,[24] and increased Akt activation in skeletal muscle has been shown to boost energy expenditure, reduce adiposity, lower blood glucose, and even fight fatty liver diseases.[25,26]

    Going further, researchers have also found that ursolic acid stimulates Akt activity by enhancing insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) activation and it can reduce muscle atrophy in fasted mice.[27]

    There may also be an improvement in the metabolically-dense brown fat in mice, who also showed larger slow and fast twitch muscle fibers along with better exercise capacity in one study.[23]

    We don’t expect effects on testosterone with ursolic acid, but do love the body recomposition improvements the ingredient yields. It’s great to see here, especially at the clinically-backed dose, so long as we do have other test boosting ingredients. Which gets us to ashwagandha:

  • KSM-66 (Organic Ashwagandha)(withania somnifera)(root)(std to 5% total withanolides) – 600mg


    KSM-66 bills itself as the World’ Best Ashwagandha

    KSM-66 is a trusted and well-known form of standardized Ashwagandha extract (also known as withania somnifera). There are numerous benefits from the plant, most of them thanks to its ability to decrease cortisol levels.[28,29]

    Below we focus on its testosterone-enhancing properties, but for a full in-depth analysis on Ashwagandha, read our article titled Revive MD Ashwagandha: Combat Stress with KSM-66.

    Ashwandha’s effects on testosterone

    The study we like to cite most often when writing about natural testosterone boosters is one that was done on healthy young men. We often see testosterone improvements from ingredients in men who are hypogonadal or infertile or otherwise impaired (and we do indeed have that here too), but most Raw Test users are going to be on the younger side, still looking for a boost.

    The study is from 2015, where researchers found 57 healthy young adult males and gave them either 600mg ashwagandha (split twice daily) or placebo.[30] After eight weeks, ashwagandha boosted testosterone levels by an average of 15%.[30] They also saw strength and muscle mass improvements: men in the ashwagandha group boosted bench press and leg extension and had more chest and arm muscle growth. Finally, they reported less soreness and exercise-based induced muscle damage,[30] indicating better recovery.

    Ashwagandha Strength Gains

    These are some serious strength gains on the big lifts!

    While that study is most relevant to most Raw Nutrition customers, there is of course plenty of research on various types of males, ranging from aging to overweight to infertile to hypogonadal.[31-36] While cortisol reduction works for both sexes, the testosterone boost seems to be most prevalent in men.[36]

    As mentioned in the intro, ashwagandha is the anchor of Raw Test, and we have a clinical dose inside. The differentiation comes from the ingredients above.

  • Fenugreek seed extract (50% saponins) – 500mg

    Fenugreek is a major mainstay in testosterone boosters because it prevents us from losing our testosterone. Several studies have shown its ability to increase strength, improve body composition, and improve both free and total testosterone levels, while boosting libido to boot.[37,38]

    Fenugreek Libido

    To top it all off, a boost in libido too![39]

    Researchers who published a 2016 study recruited 60 healthy males, comparing fenugreek against placebo over the course of 8 weeks, drawing blood at baseline, week 4, and week 8.[38]

    When the study was finished, the fenugreek group had a statistically significant boost in free testosterone but no reduction in total testosterone compared to placebo.[38] The researchers also reported significantly increased muscular endurance and body fat reduction compared to placebo.[38] These effects have been replicated on alternate, standardized fenugreek extracts,[40] and we’ve also seen increased libido as well.[39]

    As always, more research is needed to fully understand the mechanism, but most studies theorize that fenugreek can boost testosterone levels by inhibiting the aromatase and 5α-reductase enzymes.[41] Aromatase and 5α-reductase are two critical enzymes that act upon testosterone — the first converts testosterone to estrogen, and the second converts testosterone to dihydrotesterone (DHT).

    By inhibiting these enzymes with fenugreek, we keep our test where we want it, limiting any losses to estrogen or DHT.

  • DIM (Diindolylmethane) – 150mg

    Diindolylmethane (DIM) is popular in the sports supplement industry because it can help balance hormone levels in both men and women, with the unique ability to decrease elevated estrogen levels.


    Balance your estrogen? Even the molecule is balanced!

    Assisting the fenugreek above, DIM can also inhibit aromatase and 5ɑ-reductase,[42] so the same deal applies – less testosterone loss to estrogen and DHT.

    In addition, researchers have found that DIM helps the production of estradiol 2-hydroxylase (EH),[43] which is also known as the “good estrogen”, while decreasing 16-alpha-hydroxy estrone,[43] known as the “bad estrogen”.

    Remember, we’re not trying to annihilate estrogen. It’s critical and necessary. But we want it balanced and in line with our testosterone levels. When estrogen is too high, there are a number of horrible consequences, ranging from moodiness to gynecomastia to infertility to ED.

    As always, it’s important to check blood work. If using pharmaceuticals, you may need far more than a dietary supplement like DIM, but when just using a natural testosterone booster like Raw Test, we’re very confident in the DIM + Fenugreek combination to keep the “bad estrogen” at bay.

    Now on to the support minerals:

  • Zinc (as Zinc Picolinate) – 11mg (100% DV)

    Zinc is a common ingredient in natural testosterone boosters, since all types of individuals (ranging from sedentary to active athletes training to fatigue) see testosterone levels increase when supplementing the critical mineral.[44-47] Even better, free testosterone improved in some of those studies,[44,47] which we’re happy to see since free testosterone is not bound and is readily available to be put to work.

    Revive MD Zinc

    And for the adults, Revive MD’s Zinc is out, and it brings 50mg elemental zinc from OptiZinc (zinc monomethionine). They explain the decision lower down.

    What is unique here is that Raw Nutrition opted for zinc picolinate. This form of zinc is bound to the organic acid picolinic acid, which is a metabolite of tryptophan. One study showed that zinc picolinate increased both urinary and serum zinc levels better than both zinc citrate and zinc gluconate (and of course better than placebo).[48] This also leads us to believe that it is far superior to the cheap zinc oxide we see in lower-quality supplements (always say no to zinc oxide!).

    So it seems that zinc picolinate is an “upper tier” form of zinc. However, if looking for a top-tier form of zinc for critical immunity needs or other benefits, or you want an even higher dosage, read our article titled Revive MD Zinc: Why Use OptiZinc? (Zinc Monomethionine). That article also details several other benefits to zinc that go beyond testosterone enhancement.

  • Boron Citrate – 10mg

    Finally, we have 10mg boron citrate, which makes us happy knowing that it’s an easy add-on that gets forgotten by formulators too often.

    Boron is important for bone growth and maintenance, wound healing, cognition, and improves the body’s utilization and production of hormones like testosterone, vitamin D, and estrogen.[49]

    Increase in free testosterone!

    A 2011 study showed that boron supplementation significantly boosted free testosterone levels while also reducing estrogen levels.[50] The study only had 8 participants, so take it with a small grain of salt, but given the mineral’s importance, we see no reason not to include it in a premium supplement. It’s also helpful to prevent vitamin D deficiency by extending Vitamin D’s half-life while also enhancing magnesium absorption.[50] Alongside the zinc, we see a lot of overall health improvements from taking boron, and few people get their boron levels checked or make sure their multivitamin has it, so it’s smart to include it here.

Raw Nutrition Testosterone

Raw Test is here. And we are excited about this one.

Raw Nutrition Test Dosage and Instructions

Raw Nutrition suggests taking four capsules twice daily, split into an AM and PM dose. You could take 8 capsules all at once if you must, but split doses are preferred, as they mimic most of the studies and will keep the minerals and herbs in the bloodstream more consistently.

Conclusion: A test booster that does more

Raw Test

Is 8 capsules a day worth it? We think so. Split those doses into 4, twice a day.

Raw Nutrition makes a very compelling supplement in Raw Test here. We know what we can expect with the ashwagandha, DIM, boron, fenugreek, and zinc. We don’t know what everyone should expect from Bryonia laciniosa or Muira Puama, and that excites us.

Further, we are confident in ursolic acid, and excited to see it here because it’s simply not used frequently enough.

It all makes for an extremely unique supplement that is admittedly not going to be for the most timid, cautious, or conservative of users, since we’re strongly relying on animal data for the highest-dosed ingredient. If that’s you, then dig deeper into the sources and consider it. If that’s not you, then that’s fine – there are dozens of other supplements that use ashwagandha, or you can get Revive MD’s solo ashwagandha and start there.

This is the kind of supplement that fires us up, though. And hopefully it’ll fire you up too.

RAW Nutrition Raw Test – Deals and Price Drop Alerts

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Disclosure: PricePlow relies on pricing from stores with which we have a business relationship. We work hard to keep pricing current, but you may find a better offer.

Posts are sponsored in part by the retailers and/or brands listed on this page.

Raw Test Label

The full Raw Test Label

About the Author: Mike Roberto

Mike Roberto

Mike Roberto is a research scientist and water sports athlete who founded PricePlow. He is an n=1 diet experimenter with extensive experience in supplementation and dietary modification, whose personal expertise stems from several experiments done on himself while sharing lab tests.

Mike's goal is to bridge the gap between nutritional research scientists and non-academics who seek to better their health in a system that has catastrophically failed the public. Mike is currently experimenting with a low Vitamin A diet.

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