L-Carnitine (Tag Archives)
Below are all of the posts about straight L-Carnitine. But first, read more about L-Carnitine Research that shows we’ve been underrating the ingredient!!
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L-Carnitine is Underrated. New Meta Review Reminds Us Why.
If you’ve ever researched dietary supplements, then chances are, you’ve stumbled across L-Carnitine. This versatile compound can be found in everything from fat burners to pre workout supplements to multivitamins.
L-carnitine helps transport long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria of the cell, helping your body burn those fats for fuel during the Krebs cycle, […]
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Top Secret Nutrition Acquired by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals
On June 19, Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals announced yet another industry acquisition: Hi-Tech has bought Top Secret Nutrition.[1]
This is a bit of a lower-profile target than past purchases (listed below) since TSN has been a bit dormant lately, but there is some strategy to this one. Let’s explore:
Why Hi-Tech Bought Top Secret NutritionThe […]
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Hi-Tech CarniSlim – Weight Loss Carnitine for Everyone!
Looking at L-Carnitine supplements but not sure which form is best for you? Why not have all of them?!
Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals is known throughout the industry as the leader in effective fat burning supplements. From new products such as Synadrene to old favorites like Lipodrene, Hi-Tech’s domination of the thermogenic market is unquestioned.
We’ve previously […]
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NutraKey Supplements: Committed to Making a Better YOU
Health and Vitality are two words that are thrown around the supplement industry quite frequently. Most companies like to bandy the words on all of their supplement ads or worse, on their actual products.
It’s somehow become easy for supplement companies to forget these two words when developing their mission statements, but that’s sadly become […]
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Magnum Carne Diem – Seize the Fat Loss!
When looking for a quality fat burner, we often see the stimulant-overload options that simply cram more and more caffeine. Sure, some is good, but too much really isn’t for most people.
This eventually leads most to look into the non-stim fat burner market. However, this is a harrowing road to navigate, as it’s filled […]
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