L-Carnitine (Tag Archives)
Below are all of the posts about straight L-Carnitine. But first, read more about L-Carnitine Research that shows we’ve been underrating the ingredient!!
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RAW Burn Improves Fat Loss, Focus, and Energy
In order to lose weight, you must create a caloric deficit by expending more calories than you take in. When you maintain this deficit over the course of several weeks, the body slowly sheds fat. As long as you’re eating right and resistance training regularly, you retain lean muscle mass. Fitness experts say the goal […]
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SteelFit Steel Burn: Unlock Fat Stores with L-Carnitine
Fat loss is one of the most common goals for fitness enthusiasts and average gym goers. On a very basic level, you need to burn more calories than you consume in order to lose weight, and if diet is on point and protein is high enough, improve your overall body composition in the process. […]
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Co-Axel: The Ingredient That Fuels SteelFit’s Abs Of Steel!
SteelFit has become quite a popular brand in a relatively short span of time. They’ve been able to release several products that get rave reviews, including Steel Whey, Steel Pump, Steel Dreams, and our favorite, Shredded Steel.
However, SteelFit is more than just a sports nutrition brand; they’re also known for […]
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Men’s Fertility Supplements: The Ferodrox-Driven Male Fertility Stack
Men’s Fertility.
This is an interesting topic that comes up here from time to time, as it occasionally intersects with many of the supplements we discuss on this blog and our YouTube channel.
Many men don’t discuss the topic of fertility in public, but after having a child in 2017, and having covered several […]
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ProGBB: The Gamma Butyrobetaine Supplement that Enhances Carnitine
Carnitine supplements are some of the most popular ones around. If you follow PricePlow, you’ve likely tried at least one, and that’s a good thing, because way too many people are carnitine deficient due to our society’s irrational fear of red meat. Without sufficient carnitine, we have a difficult time with an immense number […]
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Ghost Won’t Slow Down for 2019: What’s in Store for the Supplement Brand?
Ghost is a company that thrives off clinical formulas, amazing flavoring, and now… doing official company collaborations.
2018 was an epic year: Starting with the release of the official Sour Warheads Ghost Pump, Ghost followed up with partnerships for Sour Patch Kids and Swedish Fish to deliciously flavor their amino acids. Looks like there’s no […]
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SteelFit Shredded Steel: The Intense Fat Burner That Wires You IN
Update! Shredded Steel has been awarded PricePlow’s Best Fat Burner of the Year! See why below!
Although a “new” brand, SteelFit‘s team has been in the fitness industry for nearly 30 years. They come from Pro TanⓇ, the leading skincare and tanning products in the bodybuilding industry. But in recent years, the team […]
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Higenamine: Appetite Suppressant Stimulant Also Named Norcoclaurine
Note: This article is out of date, and must be updated with the latest regulatory guidelines. The FDA does not accept it as a dietary supplement ingredient, as it was not sold as one before 1994 and has never had an acknowledged NDIN (New Dietary Ingredient Notification) per DSHEA 1994.
Our society is consistently focused […]
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