Looking for a multivitamin with quality minerals that won’t break the bank? Primeval Labs may have just what you need in Glory MV.
One of our favorite supplement brands, Primeval Labs, has been on a roll with product releases recently. Primeval is back with a new product, and a foray into a new field. A multivitamin!
Their latest product, Glory MV, is their take on what a proper multivitamin should be, and it has quite the list of ingredients behind it to keep yourself healthy year round. We’ve got TRAACS patented minerals in here, as well as some others that far too many people seem to be deficient in, making this an excellent yet relatively inexpensive addition to your daily supplement lineup.
But before we give you guys a quick rundown of what’s in a serving here, be sure to sign up for PricePlow’s coupon-driven deals, and don’t forget to sign up for Primeval Labs alerts to stay up to date on their new product releases.
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The label is below, but we’ve broken this quick post one down by the major groups of ingredients and minerals. The dosages come in a simple serving size of two capsules. Here’s your essential “TL;DR” on each set:
The B-Vitamins – Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Biotin, B6, Folate, and B12
The B-Vitamins are a group of water soluble vitamins, all having very similar roles in the body, as they are necessary for the conversion of carbohydrates into energy. For all except folate, you are getting well above the RDA, but since they are water soluble, your body will use what it can and get rid of the rest, so no need to worry about toxicity concerns.
Vitamin A (7,500IU)
Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin naturally present in many foods and plays an important role in the health of your heart, lungs, kidneys, vision, and immune system. We’re getting 150% of our RDA of Vitamin A here.
Vitamin C (300mg)
A water soluble vitamin, Vitamin C is necessary for protein metabolism, and the production of L-Carnitine and neurotransmitters. Vitamin C is commonly known for its antioxidant properties as well. 500% of RDA is included.
Vitamin D (1,600IU)
Another fat soluble vitamin, Vitamin D is naturally produced by the body when exposed to sunlight, but if you aren’t getting enough sunlight normally, like during the winter months, it is good to supplement with it. Vitamin D’s main benefit is that it promotes calcium absorption, especially important for developing kids or in the prevention of osteoporosis.
One thing we always like to point out that Vitamin D isn’t really a vitamin — it’s more of a hormone that’s synthesized by the skin. While we love supplementing anywhere from 2000-5000IU per day total (adding Glory MV to your fish oil and any other supplements should easily get you into that range), getting sunlight is still the best way to increase your vitamin D status, bar none. Don’t be a hermit!
Vitamin E (30IU)
Vitamin E is a collection of fat soluble compounds that act as powerful antioxidants, eliminating free radicals from the body.
Vitamin K (80mcg)
Another collection of compounds, Vitamin K refers to a group of fat soluble vitamins that are important for the synthesis of proteins for blood clotting.
Calcium (150mg)
Calcium is an important mineral for bone health and is necessary to initiate muscle contractions as well. While most of us dairy-eating individuals are good on this one, the next two we’re often not:
Iron (9mg)
Iron is a mineral that is found in hemoglobin, making it necessary for the movement of oxygen throughout the body, and it also used for hormone synthesis.
Iron deficiency is a serious problem, and the absurd recent fear of eating meat has exacerbated it. Most Primeval Labs customers won’t fear red meat, and shouldn’t, so we’re less concerned with readers here.
Either way, log your diet stats for a few days in a service like MyFitnessPal to see where your iron is landing. There’s a good chance it’s a bit low and this ingredient alone may make you feel far better. Same goes for the next one:
Iodine (150mcg)
Far too many of us are deficient in iodine, so we’re glad to see the 100% RDA here. Iodine is important for proper functioning of the thyroid, which is a key player in your metabolism.
Given the brutal combination of fluoridated water, fear of iodized salt (due everyone’s switching to sea salt), brominated bread, and lack of anyone eating seaweed / kelp / small fish, there’s a good chance that much of America suffers from low-level iodine deficiency. This is an extremely easy and simple way to get it, thus restoring thyroid function and overall energy levels.
Magnesium (100mg)
Another mineral far too many are deficient in, magnesium is a cofactor for hundreds of enzyme systems, including protein synthesis, blood pressure stabilization, blood glucose regulation, and nerve signaling.
With magnesium deficiency comes insulin resistance, anxiety, and awful sleep. Figure out a way to get the proper amount of magnesium in. We have 25% of DV here, and you may actually need more (magnesium often takes up a lot of space in these multivitamins). Note that this one is coming from magnesium oxide, which is a lower bioavailable form but takes up less space. We’ll take it as a starter but are typically going to supplement more (magnesium citrate or ZMA before bed seems to do great things).
Zinc (7.5mg)
The data is nearly universal: lower zinc and infertility go hand in hand. Don’t take this easy one to chance.
Zinc is vital to our immune system for proper functioning, and is also required for protein and DNA synthesis. The same red meat rant we had above with iron applies here as well. If you don’t have enough zinc, good luck making testosterone.
Copper (1mcg)
Copper is a necessary mineral for enzymes required for the proper use of iron in the body.
Manganese (2mg)
Manganese is another essential mineral needed for connective tissue, sex hormones, and proper brain function.
Chromium (120mcg)
Chromium is necessary for metabolism of carbs, fats, and proteins, and also improves insulin sensitivity.
Molybdenum (75mcg)
Our last ingredient, Molybdenum is an important mineral for the removal of deadly toxins and sulfites from the body.
Primeval Labs Glory MV
e, and you may actually need more (magnesium often takes up a lot of space in these multivitamins). Note that this one is coming from magnesium oxide, which is a lower bioavailable form but takes up less space. We’ll take it as a starter but are typically going to supplement more (magnesium citrate or ZMA before bed seems to do great things).
TRAACS chelated minerals
With only two capsules, no pain swallowing this multivitamin! Featured: Primeval Labs athlete @alyssapolisano
In the above ingredients, Iron, Copper, Manganese, Chromium, and Molybdenum are all using TRAACS chelated minerals from Albion. You’ll notice on the label that they’re bound to glycinate or bisglycinate. This means Albion has attached the amino acid glycine to these minerals.
Why would you want that? Because the small intestine is notoriously poor at absorbing raw minerals on their own. However, it’s excellent at absorbing amino acids like glycine. The solution? Attach some glycine to the mineral, and you effectively “trojan horse” those minerals right into your bloodstream.
This method generally improves mineral absorption across the board.
So while the vitamin portion of Glory MV is fairly common, the mineral half is where you get the most value.
We love a lot of the stuff Primeval puts out, but all of the training in the world isn’t going to make you feel better if you’re deficient in some of these critical vitamins and minerals. This is a relatively general, low-cost multivitamin and multimineral with no major bells or whistles. The bells or whistles you do get are in the form of the minerals, as discussed with the TRAACS chelation above.
With a comprehensive ingredient list, this is an easy go-to to be sure you fill in any of the vitamin or mineral holes that you may be missing in your diet, without any risk of toxicity or absurd amounts of waste in the toilet.
We recommend multivitamins and multiminerals for those whose diets are not well constructed with high-quality meats and vegetables, so definitely consider Glory MV next time you’re looking for a supplement for your daily vitamin and health needs.
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