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Formulator’s Corner #10: A Nitrosigine-Powered Stimulant-Free Pre-Workout Supplement
At PricePlow, we love tracking trends, making sure we stay on top of the latest and greatest innovations and consumer demands in the dietary supplement industry. Two trends we’ve enjoyed watching are the growth in branded, clinically-verified ingredients, and the movement towards lower-stimulant and stimulant-free pre-workout supplements.
As caffeine consumption has risen, […]
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C4 Ultimate Strength: Dual Peptides Make for the Best C4 Formula Yet
There’s currently one really hot buzzword in the supplement and pharmaceutical industries alike. That word is peptides.
Thanks to breakthroughs in computing power and statistical analysis, science has now identified thousands of amino acid chains that have outsized effects on important aspects of human physiology.
Last year we wrote a lot about PeptiStrong, […]
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InnovaPharm MVPre 365 Every Day Performance Pre-Workout
You don’t want to just get by – you want to excel. And actually, you don’t just want to excel – you want to be the best. You want to be the MVP of any room you walk into.
In order to achieve such a lofty goal, you’ll need a pre-workout to match. […]
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Mutant MIND FK: Nootropic Powered MIND FREAK Pre-Workout Supplement
There are a few really good trends in the supplement industry right now, and one of our favorites is the increasing use of clinically-validated nootropic ingredients in pre-workout formulas. Consumers and formulators alike are getting hip to the fact that one’s state of mind matters a lot for both exercise performance and finding the motivation […]
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Inspired Nutraceuticals DVST8 DARK Pre-Workouts Deliver the Darkness
You might want to make the world a better place, a safer place, a place where goodness reigns supreme, but…
As famed psychologist and cultural critic Jordan Peterson points out, a good man is not a harmless man. Rather, a good man is a dangerous man who has his dangerous side under voluntary control.
This […]
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Bucked Up BABE: A Skin-Supporting Pre-Workout Powered by 100mg enfinity
Although Bucked Up is not exactly a new brand, their products have been everywhere lately.
This company grew out of founder Ryan Gardner’s DAS Labs business selling deer antler spray, which made national news in 2013 when NFL linebacker Ray Lewis was accused of using it to heal from a tricep injury.[1] Headline golfer […]
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Update Energy Drink: Focus-Fueled Cans Featuring enfinity Paraxanthine
Does the market really need another energy drink? Before late 2022, we would have said no… until we learned about enfinity paraxanthine, introduced to the world in Episode #072 of the PricePlow Podcast. Shortly after its introduction, the naturally-sweetened UPDATE energy drink formula was released containing the novel caffeine replacement ingredient.
This is a […]
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Inspired Nutraceuticals DVST8 Dark RTD: Monster Pre-Workout Drink with Nitrates!
Back in July, we covered Inspired Nutraceuticals’ DVST8 DARK Pre-Workout – a formula for anyone who wants to hone their edge. Or in Jungian terms, integrate their shadow. It’s an impressive formula in many ways, featuring some novel ingredients and generous doses of familiar ones.
DVST8 Dark Now in RTD FormWell, now […]
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Inspired Nutraceuticals Endless RTD: For Endless Youth and Hydration
A long time ago (2017), in an industry far, far away, an upstart supplement brand named Inspired Nutraceuticals formulated a supplement named Endless. With a subtitle of “Carbohydrate Sports Drink” and a now-discontinued formula loaded with carbs, vitamins, minerals, ergogenics like creatine and betaine, BCAAs, and even a VO2 blend, the product was probably […]
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Ghost CG Focus: Christian Guzman’s Stim-Free Nootropic Returns for 2023
GHOST and Christian Guzman, athlete entrepreneur of social media fame, have a long history of collaboration. To date, they’ve worked together four times to bring us some truly awesome flavors and formulas. Most recently in 2021, the duo released V4 of their series, which included three different supplements — one of which included Ghost Focus […]
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