Revive MD Lipid: A Complete Lipid Management Supplement

The majority of sports supplement companies put a large emphasis on producing products to optimize your performance and recovery. They may have a few health-based products, but it’s never their main priority. This is why Matt Jansen, bodybuilder and elite physique coach, and Dr. Domenic Iacovone decided to partner up and start Revive MD, in a successful effort to close the gap between health and performance in this market.

Revive MD Lipid Graphic

Revive MD Lipid has a complete formula to support healthy triglyceride and cholesterol levels!

Anyone investigating their supplements quickly realizes that Revive MD stands out. They make incredible single-ingredient supplements like their ultra-pure Omega 3, but where they really stand out are on multi-ingredient efforts such as Glucose RX and Turmeric+.

When the brand hits something, they hit it hard. This time, Revive MD is focused on improving your cardiovascular health with the launch of Revive MD Lipid.

Revive MD Lipid Supports Your Cardiovascular System

On top of Omega 3, Revive already has a few supplements geared towards heart and cardiovascular health, such as Blood Pressure RX and Bergamot. But Lipid is more of a comprehensive lipid management formula. It has several ingredients backed by research to support healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

We cannot stress the importance of health enough, and that’s why we’re glad that companies like Revive MD are here to provide such high quality health-based supplements. In this post, we’re going to give you all the details on their newest addition, Revive MD Lipid. But before we do, make sure to sign up for PricePlow’s Revive MD news and deal alerts and check out our PRICEPLOW powered coupon!

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Revive MD Lipid: Seven Capsules Per Day!

Revive MD Lipid Ingredients

Revive MD Lipid features six ingredients backed by research to boost your cardiovascular health!

Revive MD Lipid is extremely well-dosed with multiple high quality ingredients, so don’t be surprised when you see that they recommend taking seven capsules per day. Like we said, when they hit something, they hit it hard.

So each bottle of Revive MD Lipid contains 210 veggie capsules, which means you’re getting a full 30-day supply!

A primer on cardiovascular risk: can we have our (low-fat high-carb) cake and eat it too?

Before we dive into the science behind this product’s formula, let’s first provide a little background information on cholesterol and triglycerides.

The long story short here is that we want to optimize lipid profiles for Revive MD’s athletes who often have aggressive (inflammatory) training styles and diets, so as to allow for “skeletal muscle inflammation” with as little cardiovascular inflammation as possible!

  • Cholesterol: HDL vs LDL

    Revive MD Lipid was formulated to help support healthy cholesterol and lipid profiles. There are two types of cholesterol present in the body and it’s important to understand the difference between the two. The first is called low density lipoprotein (LDL), and it’s controversially known as being the “bad” cholesterol, since excessive amounts are associated with arterial plaque buildup when combined with inflammation. LDL is mainly responsible for transporting cholesterol to various tissues throughout the body – many consider it a “boat” or even the “ambulance” in certain situations.

    Revive MD Thor

    The strongest man in the world trusts Revive MD to keep him running strong!

    While LDL’s causal role in heart disease is hotly debated, the benefit of having high HDL is not. This other type of cholesterol is called high density lipoprotein (HDL), and is universally considered to be “good” cholesterol, because having higher levels of HDL is associated with fewer cardiovascular conditions – especially when triglycerides are low (trigs are covered next).

    HDL removes excess cholesterol out of the bloodstream and into the liver, which converts it to bile. Both HDL and LDL are lipoproteins, meaning they are composed of both a lipid and protein molecule. These lipoproteins just serve as transport vesicles for cholesterol to move about the body. While you get some cholesterol from food, 80% of it is generated by your own cells. So no matter what, you will always have both types of cholesterol, and the goal is to have a healthy balance between the two in a low-inflammation state.

    • The Importance of Cholesterol

      It’s also important to note that the body needs cholesterol in order to function properly. In general, cholesterol is a sterol or type of fat that’s used for various things, such as hormone production, serves as a key component of cell membranes, and is essential for the production of vitamin D. Cholesterol can either be synthesized by the liver endogenously, or obtained from various foods, primarily animal sources.

      Now that you know a bit about cholesterol, let’s discuss triglycerides and how the two are often connected.

  • Triglycerides

    On the most basic level, triglycerides are fats present in your blood. They are made up of glycerol backbone and three fatty acid molecules. Triglycerides mainly provide the body with energy by being broken down via various metabolic pathways. However if you have an excessive amount in circulation, then the triglycerides will be stored within the body for the future use as fat.

    Revive MD Omega 3 Graphic

    Revive MD has an incredible line of products and one of their best sellers is Omega 3.

    Triglycerides come from both the fats present in your diet as well as synthesis in the liver. The body breaks down dietary fat into smaller particles called fatty acids. This process allows them to be properly absorbed by the small intestine. After uptaking the fatty acids, specialized cells called enterocytes will take the fatty acids, combine them with glycerol and create triglycerides.

    Furthermore, with the addition of cholesterol and proteins, the triglycerides will be turned into large particles known as chylomicrons. These molecules can transport the triglycerides throughout the body to either the liver or adipose tissue. The liver can use triglycerides to synthesize very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDLs).

    Eventually, both the VLDLs and chylomicrons will give up some of their lipids for either storage or energy, which can result in them transforming into cholesterol-rich molecules, such as LDL.

    • Back to LDL and its harmful oxidation

      In the previous section, we already discussed how LDL is necessary for various things, but pairing an excessive amount with an inflammatory state can lead to oxidation. Oxidized LDL is known as OxLDL and is one of the better predictors of early-stage cardiovascular disease,[1,2] which can eventually cause heart disease, stroke, arteriosclerosis, heart attack, and high blood pressure.

  • The Triglyceride to HDL ratio: the real trouble

    As much as LDL gets attacked by mainstream media, it alone is not the cause of heart disease. In four different major non-drugged observational studies, it was shown that subjects who had a trifecta of High HDL, High LDL, and Low Triglycerides were at lower risk of heart disease![3-6] LDL matters if it’s getting oxidized, but it’s less significant than triglycerides and HDL – especially when in low-inflammation states.

    Revive MD Male Athlete Graphic One

    Nothing like a fresh bottle of Revive MD

    The above research shows that the Triglyceride to HDL ratio is a far more powerful indicator of heart disease risk, which is confirmed by several other studies.[7-10]

    • When building muscle, we want some inflammation… just not in the arteries

      The trouble is that Revive MD’s consumers are often going for “inflammation” — they are bodybuilders who are chasing muscle growth and size, which demands a level of inflammation!

      Ironically, one solution of an ultra low-carb, high-fat diet will actually reduce plasma triglycerides[11] (theoretically due to more of them being used) and improve those risk ratios, but these diets aren’t much good for muscle gains, as most low-carb / low-insulin dieters can attest to.

  • The solution for carb-loaders: monitor the fat for triglycerides and keep LDL at bay

    So in the case of avoiding cardiovascular risk while going for size, it’s best to pick a side — low-fat or low-carb — while keeping LDL at bay so that there’s less of it to get oxidized! Given most bodybuilders’ propensity for carbs, they’re likely to choose the former and not the latter.

    Revive MD Blood Pressure Rx Graphic

    Revive MD Blood Pressure RX is stacked with several ingredients to support healthy blood pressure levels.

    Now what can you do to help keep your triglyceride and cholesterol levels in check? Of course, maintaining a healthy body weight and body fat %, exercising regularly, and having a nutrient rich diet are some of the major things that you should focus on.

    But if you’re looking for a little more help, then that’s where supplementation comes into play! Without proper diet and exercise, then don’t expect a supplement to fix your problems. However if everything else is in check, it can give you an extra boost!

    If you do have any concerns about your cholesterol or triglyceride levels, we highly recommend speaking to a qualified healthcare professional before taking any supplements. With that out of the way, let’s see what Revive MD Lipid has to offer!

Revive MD Lipid Ingredients

Here’s what’s included in one serving (4.8g) (seven capsules) of Revive MD Lipid:

  • Beta-Sitosterol – 2g

    The first ingredient in Revive MD Lipid is classified as a plant sterol (phytosterol) called beta-sitosterol. Its chemical structure closely resembles cholesterol found in the body. You can find phytosterols in various plants, however they’re also commonly used for supplementation to help treat several medical conditions.[12,13]

    Revive MD Lipid Front

    Another well dosed and formulated product from Revive MD!

    Since the phytosterols, such as beta-sitosterol, have such a similar structure as cholesterol, they’ve been shown to lower intestinal absorption of dietary cholesterol.[12,13] Furthermore, studies show phytosterol consumption is inversely correlated with levels of both total and LDL cholesterol.[12,13] Meaning, the lower amount of phytosterols you ingest, the high amount your cholesterol levels tend to be.

    Research shows when phytosterol intake is between 2-3g per day, there can be up to a 10-15% decrease in LDL levels.[13] Beta-sitosterol has been shown to reduce cholesterol synthesis by inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase gene expression.[14]

    In addition to that, phytosterols don’t seem to impact HDL in any way, which is neither good nor bad.[12] Like we mentioned earlier, HDL is considered to be your “good” cholesterol, so you definitely don’t want that to be lowered. Due to their ability to decrease LDL levels, phytosterols may be a preventative treatment for conditions such as atherosclerosis.[12]

    This is the first time we’ve covered this ingredient, however there’s some solid evidence backing its use and of course Revive MD is giving you a solid dose for optimal results!

  • Citrus Bergamot Extract 10:1 (Citrus Bergamia) (fruit) – 1.5g

    You can tell Revive MD is a big fan of bergamot, because they also offer it as a stand alone product (see our Revive MD Bergamot page)!

    Bergamot is a type of fruit, also known as Citrus Bergamia, that’s traditionally been used to improve immune function and cardiovascular health.[15] In general, citrus fruits contain a high amount of flavonoids and phytochemicals,[15] which are often attributed to their health benefits.

    Revive MD Chris Bumstead Bergamot

    Revive MD Bergamot supports your cardiovascular system!

    Bergamot, in particular, is rich in glucosides, melitidin, neoeriocitrin, neohesperidin, rutin, brutieridin, and naringin.[15] It’s been shown to express anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and cholesterol lowering properties.[15] Bergamot has traditionally been used for various medical conditions, such as fever, sore throat, and infections.[15]

    Studies show that due to bergamot’s high flavonoid content, it’s able to inhibit the oxidation of LDL molecules, reduce levels of LDL and total cholesterol, and increase levels of HDL.[15] Furthermore, preliminary studies suggest that bergamot’s mechanism of action is through the activation of the AMPK and inhibition of pancreatic cholesterol ester hydrolase (pCEH).[16] However, further studies are needed in order to determine exactly how bergamot carries out its effects.

    Based on the literature, bergamot is another solid ingredient that possesses several health benefits, and you’re getting a great dose!

  • Pantethine – 500mg

    You may have heard of pantothenic acid before, which is also called vitamin B5, and that’s what the body utilizes to synthesize pantethine. Foods rich in pantothenic acid include eggs, poultry, dairy, meats, sweet potatoes, and other plants. Vitamin B5 is used for several physiological functions, however if your goal is to have a positive effect on cholesterol levels, then the body must convert it to pantethine.[17]

    Revive MD Male Athlete Graphic Two

    If your health is suffering then so will your performance. And Revive MD is here to prevent that from happening!

    Pantethine is often referred to as a hypolipidemic agent, since it may be able to reduce triglyceride levels, total serum cholesterol, apolipoprotein, and LDL cholesterol.[17] It is proposed that pantethine expresses its positive effects by altering lipoprotein metabolism and triglyceride via the inhibition of acetyl-coenzyme carboxylase and 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase.[17]

    Although more research is still needed to completely understand pantethine’s mechanism of action, its benefits are well supported by the literature. A study done in 2014, found that when subjects at low-moderate risk of cardiovascular disease supplemented with pantethine, resulted in a significant decrease in LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol compared to the placebo.[17]

    So far, Revive MD Lipid has quite the formula, and we still have three ingredients to cover!

  • Artichoke Extract (Cynara Scoylmus) (leaf) – 500mg

    Artichoke extract, also known as cynara scoylmus, is not just a plant you use to make a dip with or roast in the oven. It actually has several health benefits that make it worthy of supplementation. Artichokes are packed with nutrients, fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, polyphenols, and flavonoids.

    Revive MD Lipid Front Back

    Revive MD continues to fill the gap between health and sports performance!

    In particular, artichokes have high amounts of luteolin and chlorogenic acid, two powerful antioxidants that are linked to reduced cholesterol levels.[18,19] Artichoke’s pharmacological properties include: lipid-lowering, antioxidant, choleretic, hepatoprotective, and bile-enhancing effects.[18-20] Several studies have shown that artichoke leaf supplementation can positively affect cholesterol levels.[18-20]

    For example, a study published in 2013, recruited 92 participants and randomly assigned them into two groups.[18] One group served as the placebo, while the others were instructed to take a total of 500mg of artichoke leaf extract (ALE) split into two does (250mg each).[18] After 8 weeks, researchers found that the ALE group had significantly increased levels of HDL cholesterol, while also having reduced levels of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol.[18]

    As you can see from the previous sections, the majority of the ingredients we discussed are able to reduce LDL levels, however few can increase HDL, which is also important for overall health. In addition to lowering cholesterol levels, a meta-analysis conducted in 2018, found that artichoke leaf extract supplementation was also able to decrease triglyceride levels.[20]

    Artichoke Extract Benefits

    Artichoke Extract has worked across several studies – these benefits are very real and impressive![20]

  • Resveratrol (Polygonum Cuspidatum) (std. to 20% Trans-Resveratrol) – 200mg

    Resveratrol, also known as polygonum cuspidatum, is a polyphenol that’s present in over 70 different types of plant species, but it’s particularly found in grapes, red wine, and seeds.[21] It is classified as a phytoalexin and helps combat against bacteria, fungi, and pathogens.[21]

    Revive MD Immune Multi Graphic

    Looking for an excellent multivitamin to pair with Lipid, then Immune Multi is the perfect choice!

    Resveratrol has been shown to have antioxidant, antitumoral, and anticancer properties.[21] Furthermore, its primary bioactive effects consist of cardioprotective, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, neuroprotective, vasorelaxant, and phytoestrogenic[21] It’s very clear that resveratrol is just a powerhouse of an ingredient.

    As you can see from the label, Revive MD ensures that the extract is standardized to contain at least 20% trans-resveratrol, which is important for maximum effects. There are two isoforms of resveratrol that exist, cis- and trans-, however, trans seems to be the more metabolically active form and yields the greatest amount of health benefits.[21]

    Although we highlighted several of resveratrol’s positive effects, we’re going to mainly focus on the cardiovascular system, since that’s what Revive MD Lipid is all about. Studies show that resveratrol offers cardioprotective effects by reducing inflammation, inducing vasodilation, and improving overall myocardial function through affecting multiple physiological mechanisms.[21]

    In addition, research also suggests that resveratrol can positively affect cholesterol by increasing HDL cholesterol and decreasing LDL cholesterol levels.[21] Furthermore, it can reduce the activity of hepatic HMG-CoA reductase activity, which is the first enzyme in the biosynthesis cholesterol pathway.[21]

  • Bilberry Fruit Extract – 100mg

    Revive MD Lipid is rounding out the formula with 100mg of bilberry fruit extract!

    Bilberry fruit, also referred to as Vaccinium myrtillus L., looks very similar to blueberries and you can find them growing in Northern Europe, Asia, and North America.[22] Bilberry is known for being one of the richest sources of anthocyanins,[22] which is a polyphenol component that gives them their dark blue color, but also is linked to its potent health benefits. Bilberry consumption has been reported to improve vision and decrease oxidative stress, blood glucose levels, lipid levels, and inflammation.[22]

    Revive MD Daily Green Graphic

    No matter what, always make sure to get in your Daily Greens!

    Therefore, the literature suggests that bilberry may be an effective treatment for chronic inflammation, dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and other medical conditions.[22] Just like with resveratrol, although we could write a full-blown blog post on the health benefits of bilberry, for this post we are sticking to the cardiovascular system!

    Studies show bilberry expresses cardioprotective effects due to its high concentration of anthocyanins. Since atherosclerosis, an primary underlying factor of cardiovascular disease, can lead to excessive amounts of inflammation and oxidative stress, the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties may be able to reduce the severity of both components.[22]

    In addition, studies show that bilberry consumption can increase HDL cholesterol, reduce LDL cholesterol, and positively affect blood pressure.[22] Furthermore, bilberry can decrease the risk for platelet aggregation, improve endothelial function, and may even inhibit smooth muscle contraction.[22] In summary, bilberry is an amazing ingredient to end the formula with and its health benefits go far beyond improving your cholesterol or lipid levels!

    Now that’s a Lipid supplement!

This is Revive MD to a tee

Revive MD sponsors some of the top bodybuilders, powerlifters, physique competitors, and athletes from all over the world. Fans rave about their products, and yet, you won’t find a single pre workout, amino acid formula, or protein powder on Revive MD’s website. So what makes them so special? They are one of the few supplement companies that create products specifically designed to optimize your hormones and internal organ health.

Revive MD Lipid Label

An incredible formula to help you manage your triglyceride and cholesterol levels!

Several top athletes count on using Revive’s products to keep them healthy when pushing their bodies to extreme levels (see our recent article with Chris Bumstead). While others may have medical conditions that require specific supplementation. Or maybe you just want to do anything you can to reduce your risk of developing various diseases. No matter who you are, Revive MD has something for you and as they expand their line, it just keeps getting better.

Revive MD Continues To Fill The Gap

Whenever we cover one of Matt and Domenic’s products, they always over-impress us, and Revive MD Lipid is no different. Since there are not many companies out there strictly focused on health, we don’t get to cover the ingredients Revive MD uses very often. However, we always learn a lot about overall health and wellness in the process, including how supplements can fit into the picture.

Revive MD Matt Jansen Quote

Owner of Revive MD, Matt Jansen, is on a mission to provide you with supplements that will take your training and health to the next level.

As we mentioned in the beginning, becoming healthier has to start with a sufficient nutrition and exercise regimen. But you also need to focus on managing stress, getting enough sleep, and staying hydrated. There’s plenty for you to worry about, so let Revive MD take some weight off your shoulders by handling the supplements for you. There’s a lot of low-quality products sold with outlandish marketing claims. And more often than not, you can’t even be sure what’s on the label is in the bottle.

PricePlow stands behind the quality, effectiveness, and purity of Revive MD’s supplements, and they are a brand we trust. Revive MD wants to ensure you that they do whatever it takes to create the highest quality product on the market, no matter what category they decide to take on. Revive MD Lipid is a great addition to their line, and we fully expect them to keep launching new innovative supplements in the near future. Revive MD continues to bridge the gap between health and performance, so make sure to subscribe down below to follow along with their journey and get access to exclusive news, reviews, interviews, and deals!

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Disclosure: PricePlow relies on pricing from stores with which we have a business relationship. We work hard to keep pricing current, but you may find a better offer.

Posts are sponsored in part by the retailers and/or brands listed on this page.

About the Author: Mike Roberto

Mike Roberto

Mike Roberto is a research scientist and water sports athlete who founded PricePlow. He is an n=1 diet experimenter with extensive experience in supplementation and dietary modification, whose personal expertise stems from several experiments done on himself while sharing lab tests.

Mike's goal is to bridge the gap between nutritional research scientists and non-academics who seek to better their health in a system that has catastrophically failed the public. Mike is currently experimenting with a low Vitamin A diet.

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