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CORE Nutritionals VANILLA Greens: A Proper 2021Crushmas Kick-Off

CORE Greens Vanilla Bean

Most of us agree that eating fruits and vegetables is essential for optimal human health. Although all of the essential vitamins and minerals can be found in animal products, the phytochemicals unique to plant foods have considerable anti-inflammatory, pro-detoxification, and hormone-balancing effects, among many other benefits.

Greens powder? Yuck! Until now, that is…

The […]
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5% Nutrition Digestive Defender: A 2-in-1 Gut Health Supplement Kit

5% Nutrition Digestive Defender

If you’re gunning to be anywhere near the size of legendary bodybuilder and modern renaissance man Rich Piana, then you’re going to need to eat a lot of food. An absurd amount – and have a training regimen to follow.

However, your body can’t utilize what it can’t absorb. Regardless of the Kill […]
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Core GUT: Prebiotic, Probiotic, and POSTbiotics from Core Nutritionals

Core GUT PricePlow

On October 4, 2021, Core Nutritionals announced the Core Lifeline Series, a new lineup of health-minded supplements that attack individual issues and organ systems. The first product released was Core GUT, a comprehensive gut microbiome support supplement covered here today:

Core GUT: Support Your Gut with Pre-, Pro-, and Post-Biotics

This five-capsule beast […]
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Kaged Muscle Pro-Biotic: A Performance-Based Probiotic

Kaged Muscle Pro-Biotic

When we think about probiotics, we too often only think about gut health and digestion. Those effects may be the primary benefits of probiotics, but athletes need to know that they’re not the only ones.

Kaged Muscle, a supplement company with a massive following in the sports nutrition space, has a new probiotic […]
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Inspired Nutra Greens: Built for Great Feels, Focus, and FLAVOR

Inspired Nutraceuticals Greens

When looking at hot trends, it’s always interesting to go back in time to when that trend began to see who was behind it all. When you do that in the sports supplement industry, you’ll often see some familiar faces time and time again.

One massive trend seen in the supplement industry since 2020 is […]
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Arms Race Immunity Greens: Potent Immune System Protection

Arms Race Immunity Greens

It’s been a few months since we covered Arms Race Clarity, a nootropic that’s focused on zen-like mood. Furthering the incredibly unique lineup of fitness influencer Julian Smith, the team at Arms Race Nutrition has launched their take on an immune system boosting greens supplement, the aptly-named Arms Race Immunity Greens.

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NNB Nutrition NewBiome Delivers a Pure Form of Tributyrin

NNB NewBiome

Although the gut microbiome, which includes the trillions of bacteria, viruses, and microbes that reside in the gastrointestinal system, is incredibly complex, it’s also integral to the good of overall health. The importance of maintaining proper gut health is a popular area of research in the scientific community. In fact, what many studies are demonstrating […]
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Revive MD Daily Greens: A Nutrient Powerhouse

Revive MD Daily Greens PricePlow

Throughout 2020, Revive MD has dramatically expanded its supplement line with a variety of new products, including Citrus Scrub, Revive MD Lipid, Revive MD Prostate, and Revive MD Women’s Health. In addition, the company recruited multiple elite athletes to their team, including Icelandic former professional Strongman, Halfthor Bjornsson, and UFC heavyweight champion, Stipe Miocic[…]
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American Made Nutrition Supplements: It All Starts Here

AMN Female Athlete

Several brands come and go in the supplement industry, but very few thrive. What’s even more rare is when brand owners start and operate multiple supplement brands that each have their own unique attributes and become successful.

You may be wondering… what’s the point of starting different supplement brands? While some entrepreneurs decide to […]
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Glaxon ARC Immune: Defend Yourself From Foreign Invaders

Glaxon ARC Immune Capsules

The Glaxon “Goons” make an appearance on the blog each month, and we’re always pleasantly surprised by what they come up with. Last time, Glaxon released Serenity, an extremely unique cortisol-reducing supplement that’s capable of destroying excessive levels of physical and mental stress. And we all know that less stress results in more gains […]
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