Citicoline (Tag Archives)
Citicoline, also known as CDP-Choline, is one of the best forms of choline on the market! Read about it in greater detail in our mega Choline post!
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Alpha Prime Supps LEGACY Series Pre-Workout and Pump
This is how a legacy begins.
Alpha Prime Supps may be a relatively new supplement brand, but they’re a serious one. Their energy and drive was put on display earlier in February of 2021, when Ben Kane of PricePlow flew down to Florida to see the promising young team in search of a new frontier […]
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STORM Focus: A Nootropic that Disrupts the Norm
A Storm’s a brewin…
A hot new brand has hit the supplement scene, and in 2021, in a time with few new brands coming to market, that’s a big deal. Their name is Storm, and smashed with an edgy surfer/skater vibe and color scheme that looks like it was pulled from the golden days […]
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Phatlab Phyre Pre Workout: Cleveland’s Most Intense Workout
There’s a man in Northeast Ohio who wants you to get the most out of your workout. And if you’re local, you should go visit him. His name is Shawn Sprafka, and he’s the owner of premium supps retailer NutriFit in Madison, 40 miles northeast of downtown Cleveland.
Prepare to set your workouts on[…]Continue Reading →
DVST8 GLOBAL: A Premium 3D PUMP Pre Workout Worldwide
Since 2014, Inspired Nutraceuticals has been formulating some of the most innovative products on the market. They’ve gained fans from all around the world, but quickly learned that some countries had strict ingredient regulations. As a response, they launched DVST Worldwidewide in late 2019, with massive fanfare. But knowing Chris Waldrum and his team, that […]
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Glaxon Specimen G.F.Y: A Pre Workout Strong Enough for Wild Retailers
Since late 2019, Glaxon has been the hottest young supplement brand on the sports nutrition market. Aside from their incredibly strong formulas and unique branding, some of their success has been attributed to their excellent relationships with local retailers, who love having something new to show customers that actually works.
One of Glaxon’s best-selling […]
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Revive MD Brain+: A Whole Brain Health Nootropic Supplement
Run by Dr. Domenic Iacovone and elite fitness trainer Matt Jansen, Revive MD has shaken up the sports supplement industry with issue-specific health formulas that bring incredible clinical dosages. Some prime examples are Revive MD Lipid, Heart, and Prostate. The line is targeted towards high-end athletes, and early on in their career, most other brands […]
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Formulator’s Corner #01: A Better Nootropic Coffee Creamer
Allow us to introduce a new series on the PricePlow blog — Formulator’s Corner. Have you ever looked at a formula and thought, “This looks good, but adding ‘X’ or swapping ‘Y’ for ‘Z’ could make it better?” We certainly have, and in Formulator’s Corner, we discuss unique ingredient combinations that we think will […]
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Glaxon Specimen V2 (Discontinued, Get it While You Can)
Glaxon entered the supplement industry in November 2019. Despite just one year of incredible success, the “Goons” decided to do a complete rebrand — or what […]
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Core Zone: An Advanced Nootropic for the Creative Mind
Core Nutritionals was founded in 2005 by drug-free pro bodybuilder, Doug Miller, and his wife, drug-free pro figure competitor Stephanie Miller. After years of taking dietary supplements that didn’t live up to the Millers’ standards, Doug and Stephanie set out to create a brand they could be proud of. Core Nutritionals’ first product was a […]
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Ghost Gamer: For a Legendary Gaming Experience
The world of video games has evolved drastically over the years, especially with all of the major advancements in technology. Gaming used to be just something you did with your friends on the weekend, but now with the rise of competitive esports, it’s on another level – with next-level prizes and stakes along with it.[…]
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