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10 Grams of Citrulline?! Why Pre-Kaged Elite Goes Big and Competitors Go Home
Regular readers of the PricePlow Blog are well aware that Kaged is one of the world’s most formidable supplement brands. After removing the word “Muscle” from their brand name, the company has been attacking the wellness space, but their pre-workout supplements are still the heart of the arsenal.
In early 2022, Kaged released the potent […]
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nooLVL: A Next-Generation Nootropic Focus Ingredient
nooLVL is a dietary supplement ingredient from Nutrition21 that has a clinical study supporting its use on gamers — who were playing modern games in the research trial!
Our world is one with an ever-shifting limelight – various things come and go, each capturing facets of attention for small periods of time.
We’ve seen a […]
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Storm Revive: A Recovery Supplement as Strong as Your Workout
Even if you’re not a fan of protein shakes, you’ve no doubt know about the importance of properly refueling your body after a hard workout. Fail to do this and, the bottom line is, you’re leaving precious gains on the table.
Recovery is arguably the most important phase of the workout cycle since it’s where […]
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STORM Pre Workout: A Scoop for Thrill-Seekers
2021 has been a quiet year for new supplement brands, but one brand that’s chosen to disrupt the norm is Storm Lifestyle, whose smart no-nonsense formulations come packaged with a cool 90s-era underground surfer-skater vibe. While the last two years have sent new supplement brands running scared, this team has headed into the fire […]
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Alpha Supps PUMP: Top Off Your Pre Workout with More
In an industry where companies often copy-and-paste their competitors’ work or attempt to innovate just for the sake of saying they did something different, the results can be questionable. That’s why we appreciate Alpha Supps Pump, a simple formula based on a no-nonsense, back-to-basics approach to build a stackable pre workout capsule to include […]
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How Citrulline and Arginine Work TOGETHER for an Animal Pump
There’s a lot to digest in Universal Nutrition’s Animal Pump line of pre workout supplements (including Animal Pump packs and the Animal Pump Pro powder), and Universal has come up with a couple of great formulas to suit different needs. However, if you compare those products’ ingredient labels, you’ll see one common denominator: a […]
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Glaxon Xeno Amino V3: The Next Generation of Hydrating Amino Acids
Another month, another great Glaxon supplement improvement. Just after the recent release of Glaxon Collagen, the “goons” have decided to once again improve their Xeno Amino intra workout and recovery amino acid supplement.
Xeno Amino V3: New and Improved with More Recovery and HydrationXeno Amino is famous for its Myo-Seq sequenced amino acid […]
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