Arginine (Tag Archives)
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C4 Project Alpha: Deuterium Technology Propels Nutrabolt’s New Pre-Workout Innovation
The brains behind the Cellucor / C4 franchise — Nutrabolt — have unveiled their next major innovation, and this one is truly unlike anything we’ve ever seen.
After revolutionizing the pre-workout space with their 5th Generation C4 launch in 2024, Nutrabolt shows no signs of slowing down. While 2024 saw them introduce novel ingredients like […]
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Spoken Aminos + ATP: High-Dose EAAs Enhanced with Peak ATP
The sports nutrition industry has seen countless intra-workout formulas, but rarely does a new brand emerge with the caliber of expertise behind Spoken Nutrition. Founded by an impressive roster of strength coaches, sports scientists, and performance experts, Spoken brings together decades of elite athletic experience to create science-backed supplements for serious athletes.
Leading their […]
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Basic Supplements Basic Pre: Just the Basics For Focus, Energy, and Pump
When new brands hit the scene, there’s typically a big push to come out of the gate by going extreme. New kids need to differentiate themselves from the crowd, after all, or they get lost in it. Every brand needs an edge – a unique selling point that makes a splash. Typically, this means […]
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C4 Sport Upgraded in 2024: NSF Sport Certified at Target with Ripped and Strength Versions
Back in February, we announced that Nutrabolt was launching its 5th generation of the C4 pre-workout product line.
The C4 line has a decades-long legacy in sports nutrition, but make no mistake, Nutrabolt is bringing some real innovation to this redesign. For example, just last week we covered how the line’s biggest formula, C4 Ultimate […]
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C4 Ultimate Strength: Dual Peptides Make for the Best C4 Formula Yet
There’s currently one really hot buzzword in the supplement and pharmaceutical industries alike. That word is peptides.
Thanks to breakthroughs in computing power and statistical analysis, science has now identified thousands of amino acid chains that have outsized effects on important aspects of human physiology.
Last year we wrote a lot about PeptiStrong, […]
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Amino Acids Made in the USA: Kyowa Quality’s Citrulline, Glutamine, and Arginine
Amino acids have become ubiquitous in the supplement industry. As the constituents of proteins, amino acids are critical for optimal functioning.
Amino Acid Supplements: From EAAs to BCAAs and Back AgainThe trend in the sports and active nutrition part of the supplement industry began with early research on essential amino acids in 1999,[1,2] then […]
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Performix Supercharged Pump: Flavored Nitrosigine Nitric Oxide Capsules!
It’s been quite some time since we’ve heard from Performix, a brand that took GNC by storm in the 2010s with some popular (albeit expensive) pre-workout supplements and fat burners.
We spoke to them recently, and they’re back with a new attitude — to reclaim their throne in the capsule space. And they’re doing […]
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Kyowa Quality: Trusted Supplement Ingredients Made in the USA
“Made in the USA!”
When it comes to the dietary supplement industry, the above statement is quite the bold claim. After all, a product that’s bottled or “manufactured” in the USA is still not necessarily made in the USA.
That’s because, as many of us are well aware, most component parts (ingredients, tubs, lids, and […]
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Glaxon Plasm Surge: Non-Stim Pre Workout Now with Nitrosigine (2023 V3)
Any time Glaxon announces a new product launch, the industry pays attention – and nobody watches more closely than the PricePlow content crew.
The reason for this is that Glaxon always comes up with something new. While many other supplement formulators are content to mix and match time-tested standby ingredients, seemingly every Glaxon product either […]
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Animal JUICED Aminos Revamped: Now with Electrolytes
For decades, Animal Pak has been supporting athletes worldwide, with a massive “pak” of vitamins, minerals, and more meant for serious training. Over time, Universal Nutrition has expanded their Animal lineup, disclosing more and more of their formulas.
On the training side, some of our recent favorites include Animal Pump Pro, Animal Primal, […]
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