Author Archives: Mike Roberto

About Mike Roberto

Mike Roberto: The Researcher Who Founded PricePlow

n=1 Diet Researcher Scientist and Experimenter. Father. Husband. Entrepreneur. Water Animal. Heavy Metal Connoisseur. Patriot.

Mike Roberto 2019

Mike Roberto 2019

As the founder and CEO of PricePlow, Mike wears an extraordinary number of professional hats, but none is more important than father. PricePlow began as a deals website for nutritional supplements and vitamins, but has evolved into so much more as Mike's journey towards optimized healthspan opened the doors to several discoveries.

A "Biohacktivist" Armed with Data

Stealing a term coined by Shawn Wells, RDH, Mike is a "biohacktivist", stemming from the words "biohacker" and "activist". Through thousands of dollars spent on blood tests, specialized foods, and supplements, Mike has learned that conventional 'establishment' nutritional guidelines have failed him and his family. He has made it his mission to help bring awareness to those who seek a similar awakening.

Through PricePlow, Mike is backed up by a team of doctors, researchers, professional athletes, dieticians, and medical school students in an effort to bring source-cited truth to his followers. With their help, he utilizes certain dietary tools such as a low-carb diet with an emphasis on healthy meat to maintain optimal cognitive and physical health.

Mike celebrating after a successful paddle race

Mike combines his background in competitive sports, computer programming, and is known for his role as a biomedical scientist on television.[1] This experience combined, he has created one of the most helpful nutrition tools on the web -- with, of course, the help of his incredibly talented research and programming team.

Competitive Swimmer

In the sporting world, Mike comes from a swimming background where he began competing at the age of five. He played water polo at the Ohio State University and is now a competitive sand volleyball player and Master's swimmer, specializing in endurance ocean swims as well as freestyle butterfly sprints. Mike participates in US Masters Swim races in Central Texas. He is 6'0 and weighs in at 185lbs as of December 2018..

But it's not all water -- when he's not spending ridiculous hours developing PricePlow and poking holes at the latest diet research, he can be found training at home.

Family and home life: "Know Your Child"

At home, Mike is married to his wonderful wife Jill, and together they raise their delightfully precious daughter, who was born in the fall of 2017. Mike and Jill have taken an extremely active "know your child" stance, educating her as much as possible as early as possible.

Mike lives outside of Austin, TX near the Hill Country, and is always happy to jump in on a triathlon relay as your swimming leg.

You can see Mike regularly on the PricePlow YouTube Channel.

Follow Mike Roberto on Social Media

Mike spends nearly all of his social media time on the @PricePlow accounts, but there are some personal accounts too:

NutraKey Supplements: Committed to Making a Better YOU

NutraKey Logo

Health and Vitality are two words that are thrown around the supplement industry quite frequently. Most companies like to bandy the words on all of their supplement ads or worse, on their actual products.

It’s somehow become easy for supplement companies to forget these two words when developing their mission statements, but that’s sadly become […]
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Cellucor Alpha Amino: New 2016 Formula Unveiled

Cellucor Alpha Amino G4

A while back, Cellucor initiated a massive overhaul of their best selling supplements when they unveiled the G4 Series. In the past 18 months, we’ve seen Cellucor’s best sellers get a facelift, and some newer “Xtreme” version of previous fan favorites added to the growing lineup. This of course also includes the new version of […]
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Grains of Paradise: Fat Fighting Spice of the Goddesses

Grains of Paradise

Grains of Paradise is a spice routinely used in many styles of cooking to deliver a bit of “pop” to a dish. So why are we seeing it in fat burning supplements lately? Put simply: because it works – and there’s now legitimate weight loss studies performed on actual humans to verify those claims.

Also […]
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InnovaPharm Supplements: Introducing The People’s Brand

InnovaPharm Logo

Part of our jobs in the supplement industry here at PricePlow is to keep our eyes out for hot and interesting new companies. There are tons of new companies to write about, but many times they’re just copying the same thing over and over. Not this one.

InnovaPharm is an up and coming company that […]
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RedCon1 Mental Trigger Brings the BRAIN Gains

RedCon1 Mental Trigger

The past couple of years, there has been a marked increase in the number of productivity supplements hitting the market over the past year. It’s common to strive for gains in the gym, but isn’t as conventional to try to make brain gains.

Yet the brain is the most powerful “muscle” in the body […]
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Higenamine BANNED by WADA Starting in 2017!

Higenamine Banned

Drug tested athletes pay attention! Today’s blog post is especially for you!

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) recently updated its list of prohibited ingredients for 2017 in The World Anti-Doping Agency International Standard and they’ve added an extremely common popular stimulant to the list: Higenamine (a.k.a. Norcoclaurine).[1] It’s also sometimes labeled as Nelumbo Nucifera […]
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Prime Nutrition Shares Acquired by Jared Wheat

Prime Nutrition Controlling Shares Acquired by Jared Wheat

It’s been an extremely dramatic few months for Prime Nutrition, but that’s all about to come to a smooth landing and happy ending thanks to supplement industry baron Jared Wheat, owner of the Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals empire.

Today, it was announced that Jared Wheat has bought controlling shares of Prime Nutrition, the supplement company […]
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Meet the Man Who REALLY Formulated Pre-JYM

Pre-JYM Formulator

In any industry, there are largely two kinds of people: those who interface with the consumers and media, and those who quietly get things done behind the scenes, wanting no fame and no glory.

But sometimes, when dirty laundry gets aired out, some of the clean clothing gets mixed up in the filth.

Such is […]
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Divided Labs PREVIDE: Serious Pre-Workout.. but at 2 Scoops

Divided Labs Previde

We’re incredibly fortunate here at PricePlow to have an extremely tuned in fanbase that regularly engages with us both here on the blog and on our various social media outlets. One of our regular readers (shout-out to Miguel!) told us about this powerful new pre workout he’d been using with great success.

Being the stim […]
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The 2016 FDA NDI Draft Guidance Document: How To Destroy The ENTIRE Dietary Supplement Industry in 102 Pages

FDA NDI Draft Guidance 2016

Disclaimer: This article was co-authored by Bruce Kneller and Mike.

On August 12th 2016, the FDA published a new Draft Guidance Document for NDIs (New Dietary Ingredients), in the Federal Register. Since this document is 102 pages long, there is much to discuss.


The FDA’s proposal is nothing short of a multi-pronged attack […]
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