Author Archives: Mike Roberto

About Mike Roberto

Mike Roberto: The Researcher Who Founded PricePlow

n=1 Diet Researcher Scientist and Experimenter. Father. Husband. Entrepreneur. Water Animal. Heavy Metal Connoisseur. Patriot.

Mike Roberto 2019

Mike Roberto 2019

As the founder and CEO of PricePlow, Mike wears an extraordinary number of professional hats, but none is more important than father. PricePlow began as a deals website for nutritional supplements and vitamins, but has evolved into so much more as Mike's journey towards optimized healthspan opened the doors to several discoveries.

A "Biohacktivist" Armed with Data

Stealing a term coined by Shawn Wells, RDH, Mike is a "biohacktivist", stemming from the words "biohacker" and "activist". Through thousands of dollars spent on blood tests, specialized foods, and supplements, Mike has learned that conventional 'establishment' nutritional guidelines have failed him and his family. He has made it his mission to help bring awareness to those who seek a similar awakening.

Through PricePlow, Mike is backed up by a team of doctors, researchers, professional athletes, dieticians, and medical school students in an effort to bring source-cited truth to his followers. With their help, he utilizes certain dietary tools such as a low-carb diet with an emphasis on healthy meat to maintain optimal cognitive and physical health.

Mike celebrating after a successful paddle race

Mike combines his background in competitive sports, computer programming, and is known for his role as a biomedical scientist on television.[1] This experience combined, he has created one of the most helpful nutrition tools on the web -- with, of course, the help of his incredibly talented research and programming team.

Competitive Swimmer

In the sporting world, Mike comes from a swimming background where he began competing at the age of five. He played water polo at the Ohio State University and is now a competitive sand volleyball player and Master's swimmer, specializing in endurance ocean swims as well as freestyle butterfly sprints. Mike participates in US Masters Swim races in Central Texas. He is 6'0 and weighs in at 185lbs as of December 2018..

But it's not all water -- when he's not spending ridiculous hours developing PricePlow and poking holes at the latest diet research, he can be found training at home.

Family and home life: "Know Your Child"

At home, Mike is married to his wonderful wife Jill, and together they raise their delightfully precious daughter, who was born in the fall of 2017. Mike and Jill have taken an extremely active "know your child" stance, educating her as much as possible as early as possible.

Mike lives outside of Austin, TX near the Hill Country, and is always happy to jump in on a triathlon relay as your swimming leg.

You can see Mike regularly on the PricePlow YouTube Channel.

Follow Mike Roberto on Social Media

Mike spends nearly all of his social media time on the @PricePlow accounts, but there are some personal accounts too:

Isomaltooligosaccharide (IMO Fiber): A Fraudulent “Fiber”?


Update Summer 2018: After taking petitions, the FDA has denied approval for Isomaltooligosaccharide as a dietary fiber! See the video below for more details.

Video on the FDA’s Denial over Isomaltooligosaccharide as a Fiber:

Who doesn’t love a tasty protein bar?!

It’s high in protein, moderate in carbs and fats, and provides a healthy, satisfying […]
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Nitrocut Attempts to Censor Negative Ingredient Analysis on

Nitrocut is heralded as the place to go for high quality, in-depth, brutally honest supplement reviews.

While nearly all of the reviews and analyses on the site is provided by the users, the “SR” staff often gets into the mix – especially when they see something extremely offensive or dishonest. That’s where we find ourselves […]
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Hi-Tech: Will Take DMAA Case to Supreme Court if Necessary

DMAA is NOT Illegal

On April 5, 2017, Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals will issue the following press release regarding the latest updates to their DMAA lawsuit against the FDA (the final paragraph is by far the most interesting, so hang in there):

Hi-Tech’s CEO, Jared Wheat, said he is “going to continue to fight for DMAA until Hell freezes over, and […]
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Scivation Acquired by Nutrabolt (the Cellucor Company): An Industry-Shifting Move

Scivation Acquired by Nutrabolt

Yes, you read the title correctly!

In an industry-shifting maneuver, Nutrabolt announced it has purchased Scivation, the undisputed leader of BCAA supplements. As many of you know, Nutrabolt is the parent company of supplement powerhouse Cellucor as well as the protein bar upstart FitJoy.

Adding Scivation to the collection of companies under Nutrabolt’s umbrella […]
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Ostrim – An Ostrich (or Elk) Spin on Beef Jerky!

Ostrim Teriyaki

Think back to the glory days of the World Wrestling Federation (WWF or WWE nowadays) and you know doubt remember those 90s commercials of Macho Man Randy Savage busting through walls touting Slim-Jim — a meat stick (made from beef… get your mind out of the gutter!)

High protein, “functional” foods have come a […]
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SNS Alpha-Yohimbine: The Fat Burning Energy Booster

SNS Alpha Yohimbine

Yohimbine is one of the most beloved (and likewise despised) stimulants on the market. Fans of the ingredient note improved energy, better mood, and enhanced fat burning. Naysayers of the ingredient cite adverse effects such as nervousness, irritability, anxiety, sweating, and headaches.

How can one ingredient garner such vastly different reactions?

It all comes down […]
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NutraBio Now Discloses 3rd Party Lab Tests!

NutraBio Protein Lab Test

There was a time (LONG ago) when buzzwords like “ultra concentrated” or “proprietary matrix” were embraced by the supplement industry. Those days are long gone now that consumers are more educated and demanding to know exactly what and how much of something goes into the supplements they purchase.

NutraBio has long been established as the […]
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MaxQ Nutrition’s Pre-Training Pre Workout is Maxed Out!

MaxQ Nutrition Pre Workout

Note: This product is now titled “Pre-Training” instead of Maxed Out, but the same formula remains!

The glory days of the ultra-concentrate micro scoop pre workout are long over. Today, there is an arms race among supplement companies to make the biggest, baddest, most all-encompassing pre workout there is.

MaxQ Nutrition is a newer supplement […]
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EVL RecoverMode – Enhanced Recovery

EVL RecoverMode

Since the end of 2016, EVL Nutrition has been a brand on a mission, releasing a steady stream of new supplements to beef up their already diverse line of products. Now in 2017, EVL hasn’t shown any signs of stopping — and their newest product here packs some goods.

RecoverMode is a comprehensive post workout […]
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Ecklonia Cava: The Sugar-Shuttling Seaweed Supplement

Ecklonia Cava

Seaweed is one of Earth’s most interesting dietary wonders. Packed with nutrient-rich polyphenols, scientists are continually finding great new compounds inside.

It’s often postulated that some of these compounds, along with higher fish consumption, can be attributed to coastal populations having better overall health.

Looking to replicate the benefits of a marine-based diet for landlocked […]
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