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Methylsynephrine FDA Warnings, Hi-Tech Not Reformulating

Methylsynephrine Banned

On March 31, 2016, the FDA issued seven warning letters to supplement companies regarding methylsynephrine: since it does not meet the definition of a dietary supplement, it cannot be sold as one.[1]

Methyl-synephrine is also known as oxilofrine, p-hydroxyephedrine, and 1-Hydroxypholedrine. It’s a known banned substance in most sports due to […]
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Blue Star Nutraceuticals Blade – Fat Burning with an Edge!

Blue Star Blade

With the Arnold just days away, the flood of new products entering the market is astounding. The sheer number of entries into the fat burner, pre workout, and protein categories is enough to make anyone’s head spin.

However, anytime that Blue Star Nutraceuticals releases a product, our ears always perk up! Blue Star isn’t releasing […]
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PreSeries BULK – $49 Pre Workout Has Industry Abuzz…

Transparent Labs PreSeries Bulk

Every once in awhile the supplement world is graced with a truly exceptional pre workout. One that contains proven ingredients in their efficacious doses proven in the lab. Today’s one of those lucky days, and the industry is a buzzin with this one!

Transparent Labs may be an unknown company to many of you, but […]
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Chaos & Pain Cannibal Ferox: The 2016 Formula

Chaos and Pain Cannibal Ferox

Now that the holiday season has come and gone it’s time to get back to business.

To kick off the new year with some new gains, we’ve got some pre workout upgrades to get you amped up to kick some serious ass in the gym. Chaos and Pain has recently reformulated their high-powered pre workout […]
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Labrada Super Charge: New 2015 Version!

Labrada Super Charge

Lee Labrada is as synonymous with bodybuilding and supplements as just about any figure in the game today. Last year they launched the disappointing PE-1, which we thought would replace their other extremely popular pre workout offering, Super Charge 4.0 Xtreme.

Apparently old Lee has some more tricks up his sleeve as Super Charge 4.0 […]
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Muscle Elements 212: Don’t Just Burn Fat.. BOIL It!!

Muscle Elements 212

In the wide ranging spectrum of nutritional supplements, perhaps no other category is more well-known, or heavily scrutinized, than fat burners. You have the effective ones that use ingredients shown to aid fat loss, and then the “others” that end up being nothing more than an over-priced bottle of caffeine.

Muscle Elements is one of […]
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Performix Ion – What’s All the Hype About?

Performix Ion

Skepticism isn’t a difficult responds to come by when taking a good look at the label for the new pre workout supplement, Performix Ion.

However the reception thus far tells us that maybe this book should not be judged by its cover.

In this post, we’ll first take a look at what makes this […]
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