Paraxanthine (Tag Archives)
Paraxanthine is caffeine’s primary metabolite, marketed as enfinity and touted as caffeine’s replacement since using it side-steps caffeine’s other side-effect-driving metabolites.
This page lists all PricePlow articles mentioning paraxanthine, but for a full analysis, see our article titled Paraxanthine: Caffeine’s Major Metabolite for Laser-Targeted Energy.
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XPO NRG: An Industry-First Collaborative Energy Drink at SupplySide West 2024 Completes with Major Success
Update: SupplySide West 2024 has finished, and XPO NRG was a major success! Watch the video below and then see the original press release beneath that.
View this post on Instagram XPO NRG Official Press Release:“Competition happens at the bottom, collaboration happens at the top.”
— Ben Kane, […]
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Formulator’s Corner #13: A Restorative Nootropic with enfinity Paraxanthine
Stimulants have their advantages. When you really need to buckle down and get work done – whether in the gym or while trying to meet a professional deadline – the default solution is typically some variation of caffeine.
The issue with caffeine (and other, more aggressive ingredients) is that while they can make you feel […]
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Peak ATP + enfinity: Synergizing Stimulant and Stimulant-Free Ingredients
At PricePlow, we’ve been covering Peak ATP for years, discovering that it does more than just provide energy. Peak ATP supports blood flow, enhances muscular excitability, and aids in post-exercise cognition. Its benefits extend beyond traditional stimulant-free energy supplements, making it a staple for athletes and fitness enthusiasts.
enfinity paraxanthine, on the other hand, is […]
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Paraxanthine Outperforms Caffeine in Post-10k Cognitive Tests
A new research study has been published on paraxanthine, showing better cognitive performance from paraxanthine than caffeine and placebo after a 10km run.[1]
If you’ve been following the dietary supplement space the past couple of years, you’ve doubtless heard of enfinity paraxanthine, sometimes dubbed as caffeine 2.0.
Paraxanthine, a primary metabolite of […]
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Paraxanthine Increases Energy Expenditure, Reduces Heart Rate and Hunger in 2024 Study
New research data has been published on paraxanthine, showing increased energy expenditure compared to placebo (100 calories in 3 hours) — yet it decreased appetite and heart rate![1]
In the past year, there’s been a ton of talk about enfinity paraxanthine, a caffeine metabolite that’s poised to replace caffeine in countless dietary supplement applications.[…]
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A Better Afternoon Pre-Workout Supplement: MuscleTech EuphoriQ
The pre-workout category is one of the most popular product segments on the market, and for good reason. Pre-workout supplements can provide a huge boost in the gym, and help you go harder and for longer so you can book those gains through increased volume and intensity.
The problem is that most pre-workouts have pretty […]
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Natural Stacks Focus Bites: enfinity for Focus in a Chewable Tablet!
For the longest time, stimulant-based energy formulas have been driven by the ubiquitous king of legal stimulants: caffeine. Since time immemorial, cultures and civilizations have been built on the back of coffee, tea, and other sources of the wonder-stim.
There are some issues with caffeine, though: It affects everybody differently, and some people have […]
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MuscleTech Alpha Test Thermo XTR: Upgraded Fat Burning Testosterone Booster
MuscleTech is an industry leader, especially when it comes to designing hybrid supplement formulas (where one or more product categories are combined). The art of designing a hybrid product is not only selecting individual ingredients that go well together, but also choosing categories that complement the entire package. Ultimately, this adds maximum value for the […]
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Bucked Up BUCK NAKED: Mood-Boosting Fat Burner Made with enfinity
Bucked Up is no stranger to trying new things, and even a healthy dose of controversy. Ryan Gardner from DAS Labs launched the company in 2016 aftering pioneering the use of deer antler spray to heal injuries in the top echelons of athletics. The concoction was notably used by NFL linebacker Ray Lewis and golfer […]
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