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Ashwagandha Evolution: Shoden and the Rise of Glycoside-Enhanced Extracts
In a supplement industry dominated by synthetic compounds and artificial ingredients, one ancient herb continues to captivate both researchers and consumers alike: Ashwagandha. This adaptogenic powerhouse from Ayurvedic tradition has seen an unprecedented surge in popularity, with scientific research validating what traditional medicine has known for millennia.[1]
But as more consumers turn to this traditional […]
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PRAX Gummies: Paraxanthine-Powered Energy Without Caffeine’s Downsides
When PRAX co-founders Olivia and Nate set out to create their energy supplement company, they didn’t just want another caffeine product – they wanted something better. Like many of us, they loved the initial boost that caffeine provided, but grew tired of the crashes, jitters, and disrupted sleep that often followed.
After exploring numerous […]
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New Preclinical Study Shows Paraxanthine Enhances Memory and Brain Function Better Than Caffeine
If you’ve been following supplement industry research lately, you’re likely familiar with paraxanthine, caffeine’s primary metabolite that’s been making waves in the energy and focus category. A major new study has just been published in 2024, demonstrating that paraxanthine may actually provide better cognitive benefits than caffeine itself.[1]
The research, published in a […]
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BodyTech Elite Paraxanthine: Standalone enfinity Capsules at The Vitamin Shoppe
One of the biggest undercurrents in the supplement industry in recent years has been caffeine alternatives. While Americans love caffeine, it has its drawbacks, provoking jitteriness, anxiety, and disrupting sleep. Though it provides a boost before a workout, caffeine may not be worth it if it interferes with recovery.
So far, the biggest contender […]
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DUAL FUEL: Combining Ketones and Carbs for Rocket Performance
For decades, carbohydrates have been the go-to fuel for athletes, especially in endurance sports. The rationale is simple: carbohydrates, stored in the body as glycogen, are a readily accessible source of energy during high-intensity exercise. However, the body’s glycogen reserves are finite, and once depleted, performance can suffer dramatically.[1-3]
This has led to the development […]
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Entering the Flow State with L-BHB: Your Next Generation Nootropic
Flow State: Being “In the Zone”
Over the past couple of decades, the dietary supplement industry has seen massive growth in the area of nootropics — ingredients that increase focus, cognition, memory, and/or overall mental energy and well-being. It’s a fascinating category with some incredible, science-backed ingredients, and we write about — and use — […]
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Peak ATP + enfinity: Synergizing Stimulant and Stimulant-Free Ingredients
At PricePlow, we’ve been covering Peak ATP for years, discovering that it does more than just provide energy. Peak ATP supports blood flow, enhances muscular excitability, and aids in post-exercise cognition. Its benefits extend beyond traditional stimulant-free energy supplements, making it a staple for athletes and fitness enthusiasts.
enfinity paraxanthine, on the other hand, is […]
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Research Study: Cognizin® Citicoline Improves Memory in Older Adults
If you’re a regular reader of the PricePlow Blog, then you know that we’re huge fans of Cognizin®, a patented and trademarked form of citicoline developed by Kyowa Hakko.
We wrote a deep-dive on Cognizin in the article linked above, so you can read that if you want the full story. Today, however, we’re […]
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Nootropic Study: PEAK ATP Improves Cognitive Performance After Intense Exercise
A new double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study published in Frontiers in Nutrition has shown that two weeks of PEAK ATP supplementation can prevent cognitive decline after high-intensity exercise.[1] This article explains the new findings:
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is arguably the most important molecule in your body. It’s the form of energy actually used by your cells. […]
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Formulator’s Corner #07: Armada Nutrition’s Arnold Sports Festival Nootropic
Over the past several months, we’ve created some unique hypothetical world-class supplements in our Formulator’s Corner series. However, today’s formulation actually came to life for a limited amount of time.
About those bottles floating around the 2022 Arnold Sports Festival…If you weren’t at the 2022 Arnold Sports Festival, you really missed out – Armada […]
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