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Ashwagandha Evolution: Shoden and the Rise of Glycoside-Enhanced Extracts

In a supplement industry dominated by synthetic compounds and artificial ingredients, one ancient herb continues to captivate both researchers and consumers alike: Ashwagandha. This adaptogenic powerhouse from Ayurvedic tradition has seen an unprecedented surge in popularity, with scientific research validating what traditional medicine has known for millennia.[1]
But as more consumers turn to this traditional […]
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Elan Sudberg – Alkemist Labs Tests Botanicals, Mushrooms, & Drugs | Episode #086

In early March of 2023, we hosted Elan Sudberg of Alkemist Labs on the PricePlow Podcast. Alkemist Labs is the place you go to get testing done on botanicals and mushrooms — they are even federally licensed to test psychoactive substances. They can be considered “plant and fungus cops”.
In this episode, Elan […]
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Mahmoud ElSohly & Ikhlas Khan’s Geranium DMAA ‘Pay for Play’ Ethics Violations
This is part two of a six page series researching whether DMAA (1,3 dimethylamylamine) is a natural constituent of geranium flowers. All six parts are linked from our main DMAA in Nature / Geranium page.
In our previous article, we covered the three studies that found DMAA in geranium oils or plant material, but […]
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Ping, Li, and Fleming: The First Three Studies Where DMAA Was Found in Geranium
This is part one of a six page series researching whether DMAA (1,3 dimethylamylamine) is a natural constituent of geranium flowers. All six parts are linked from our main DMAA in Nature / Geranium page.
Note from Mike, Founder of PricePlow
Thanks for joining us. A tremendous amount of research went into these articles, […]
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Laxogenin: Can a Plant Sterol Safely Boost Strength?
5-Alpha-Hydroxy-Laxogenin (Laxogenin) is a natural anabolic supplement derived from plants that’s been sold for years with mixed success by supplement companies, yet only recently by any that we trust with third-party lab tests. Despite the incredible potential, Laxogenin hasn’t gained popularity for reasons we’ll address and try to solve later in this […]
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