Author Archives: Mike Roberto

About Mike Roberto

Mike Roberto: The Researcher Who Founded PricePlow

n=1 Diet Researcher Scientist and Experimenter. Father. Husband. Entrepreneur. Water Animal. Heavy Metal Connoisseur. Patriot.

Mike Roberto 2019

Mike Roberto 2019

As the founder and CEO of PricePlow, Mike wears an extraordinary number of professional hats, but none is more important than father. PricePlow began as a deals website for nutritional supplements and vitamins, but has evolved into so much more as Mike's journey towards optimized healthspan opened the doors to several discoveries.

A "Biohacktivist" Armed with Data

Stealing a term coined by Shawn Wells, RDH, Mike is a "biohacktivist", stemming from the words "biohacker" and "activist". Through thousands of dollars spent on blood tests, specialized foods, and supplements, Mike has learned that conventional 'establishment' nutritional guidelines have failed him and his family. He has made it his mission to help bring awareness to those who seek a similar awakening.

Through PricePlow, Mike is backed up by a team of doctors, researchers, professional athletes, dieticians, and medical school students in an effort to bring source-cited truth to his followers. With their help, he utilizes certain dietary tools such as a low-carb diet with an emphasis on healthy meat to maintain optimal cognitive and physical health.

Mike celebrating after a successful paddle race

Mike combines his background in competitive sports, computer programming, and is known for his role as a biomedical scientist on television.[1] This experience combined, he has created one of the most helpful nutrition tools on the web -- with, of course, the help of his incredibly talented research and programming team.

Competitive Swimmer

In the sporting world, Mike comes from a swimming background where he began competing at the age of five. He played water polo at the Ohio State University and is now a competitive sand volleyball player and Master's swimmer, specializing in endurance ocean swims as well as freestyle butterfly sprints. Mike participates in US Masters Swim races in Central Texas. He is 6'0 and weighs in at 185lbs as of December 2018..

But it's not all water -- when he's not spending ridiculous hours developing PricePlow and poking holes at the latest diet research, he can be found training at home.

Family and home life: "Know Your Child"

At home, Mike is married to his wonderful wife Jill, and together they raise their delightfully precious daughter, who was born in the fall of 2017. Mike and Jill have taken an extremely active "know your child" stance, educating her as much as possible as early as possible.

Mike lives outside of Austin, TX near the Hill Country, and is always happy to jump in on a triathlon relay as your swimming leg.

You can see Mike regularly on the PricePlow YouTube Channel.

Follow Mike Roberto on Social Media

Mike spends nearly all of his social media time on the @PricePlow accounts, but there are some personal accounts too:

Magnum After Burner – Nighttime Fat Shredding

Magnum After Burner

There’s comes a point in nearly everyone’s life when it’s time to start dieting and embrace a hard cut. For most lifters, that time is right about now, a few months before it’s beach season.

Most people will use a combination of reduced calories and a few stimulant based fat burners to help shed the […]
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Oh Yeah! ONE Bar Almond Bliss: The Best Yet?!

OhYeah! ONE Bar Almond Bliss

Here at PricePlow, we’re committed to bringing you the lowest prices around for the best products on the market. But, we also like to bring awareness to some of the best tasting products on the market as well.

We’ve covered Oh Yeah! ONE Bars before on the blog, but it’s been awhile since we’ve talked […]
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BSN Amino-X Ingredients Questioned: Canadian Label Exposed

BSN Amino-X Ingredients

When reading a label, you have to be extremely careful, as you’re going to see today.

Usually on the PricePlow blog we cover the newest products, interesting studies, or fun reviews. Today, we turn our attention to the Canadian and European side of the industry, where supplement labels are more open and help educate the […]
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Coffee Beats Caffeine Pre Workout New Study Finds

Cup of Coffee

Before energy drinks, caffeine pills, or pre workouts, Americans got their energy kick from their daily cup (or carafe) of coffee. We’re not talking about the fancy triple-mocha double-foam latte you pay $6 for at the mega-chain coffee purveyors. We’re talking about the deep, dark, delicious cup of fresh brewed coffee from your local […]
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CVS Lawsuit! CVS Whey Protein Accused of “Amino Spiking”

Updated March 16, 2016: This case was dismissed and then re-filed. A judge has dismissed CVS’ motion to dismiss the refiled case, and the case will move forward. Click here to skip to the 2016 update and read the judge’s decision.

Although most of our fans have never bought CVS’ Whey Protein, there are […]
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Can Sucralose / Splenda Cause Cancer or Leukemia?

Sucralose Cancer

A new research study was published in the International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health titled “Sucralose administered in feed, beginning prenatally through lifespan, induces hematopoietic neoplasias in male swiss mice”.[1]

In short, male mice in certain sucralose groups had significantly higher leukemia rates.

This set off all kinds of alarms, and half-baked […]
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Cyclosome: New Age Liposome + Cyclodextrin Delivery System


Disclaimer: This article is written from the mindset of enhancing the absorption of anabolic hormonal supplement ingredients and drugs, but can be applied to nearly any type of ingredient that’s difficult for the body to utilize.

For most supplements, simply mixing them with water in a shaker bottle with water or juice is sufficient. […]
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Isolicious – Cereal-Flavored Protein by CTD Sports!

Isolicious Review

Very rarely does a new protein powder grab our attention quite like today’s product from CTD Sports. More or less all protein powders are the same, minus small differences in flavoring. But, for the most part one protein is almost identical in nature to another.

Until today.

Isolicious is a 100% whey isolate formula […]
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Magnum Carne Diem – Seize the Fat Loss!

Magnum Carne Diem

When looking for a quality fat burner, we often see the stimulant-overload options that simply cram more and more caffeine. Sure, some is good, but too much really isn’t for most people.

This eventually leads most to look into the non-stim fat burner market. However, this is a harrowing road to navigate, as it’s filled […]
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Blue Star Nutraceuticals Blade – Fat Burning with an Edge!

Blue Star Blade

With the Arnold just days away, the flood of new products entering the market is astounding. The sheer number of entries into the fat burner, pre workout, and protein categories is enough to make anyone’s head spin.

However, anytime that Blue Star Nutraceuticals releases a product, our ears always perk up! Blue Star isn’t releasing […]
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