Protein (Tag Archives)
This is the PricePlow protein tag page, which links to any article we’ve written about protein.
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Eggnog Protein Ice Cream by Mrs. Cannon
So Christmas is over for another year, and you may have found yourself once again faced with the classic post-holiday dilemma … a bunch of unwanted eggnog and candy canes piled up. Don’t throw them out yet!
By combining them with some Vanilla Magnum Quattro, you can make a delicious protein-filled treat.
Granted, this […]
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Dylan’s Select Cinnadoodle Protein Bagels Recipe
Bagels are a nice inexpensive convenience breakfast when you’re on the run in the morning, but what you save in money you pay for in carbs. And unless you’re lifting insanely hard, they’re normally too many carbs, plus not enough protein… until now, anyway!
Our next recipe from Dylan shows you how to whip up […]
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MyoFeed: New Maple Pancake Protein Flavor for Your Oats!
How many times have you gone searching for a really uniquely flavored protein and been disappointed that it’s really just more of the same old chocolate or vanilla that you’ve been eating day after day, year after year? It can get tiresome trying new products all the time and leave you with protein powder burn […]
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Gingerbread Protein Cookies Recipe by Magnum’s Mrs. Cannon
Higher-protein gingerbread cookies? Is such a thing even possible?
Yes it is, with Mrs. Cannon ingenuity and a few scoops of Magnum Quattro!
Treat friends and family to a healthier body this year with these cookies. Just make sure you use the Vanilla flavor for best taste!
Pretty simple! Heidi obviously loves the […]
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Dylan’s Select Apple Cider Protein Donut Recipe
Today we’re starting a new protein recipe series brought to us by Dylan Madigan, who can be found on Instagram under the name @driven2lift. This series will also be featuring PEScience’s Select Protein line, one of our favorite whey supplements and a product line with flavors well-suited to baking up all manner of treats. […]
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Cookies and Cream Protein Whoopie Pies by Chef Bob
Remember, use coupon code CellucorNation when buying any products on, and stay tuned to PricePlow for more recipes using protein powder!!
We’ve had some innovative protein powder recipes on our site so far, but we’ve got to hand it to Chef Bob on this one. Did you ever think you’d see a […]
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Magnum Quattro Certified Spike-Free, Clean Protein!
We’ve talked numerous times here about the issue of amino acid spiking, and how it’s been rampant in the protein powder market the past few years, peaking in late 2014.
We’re happy to report today that a new protein powder has been found to be 100% accurate to its labeling by the testers at CBC […]
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Whey Smooth White Chocolate Peppermint Protein Truffles Recipe
The holiday season is just around the corner, and that means lots of cookies, candies, and treats for all! Even if you’re on someone’s naughty list.
What better way to kick off the festivities than with some scrumptious and healthy white chocolate peppermint truffles courtesy of Blue Star Nutraceuticals and their resident protein goodie guru, […]
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Berry Bomb Quattro Protein Muffins by Mrs. Cannon
There’s no better treat for a cold winter morning than a nice warmed-up muffin. Do it the healthy and protein-packed way with Mrs. Cannon’s Berry Bomb Muffins! Better for you than anything in the coffee shop case, and less expensive to boot!
You’ll want the Vanilla flavor of Magnum Quattro for the best flavor balance […]
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Overnight Protein Oatmeal Recipe by Chef Bob
Oatmeal is a great choice everytime you need a source of complex carbs. Nutritionally speaking, however, it lacks your protein and healthy fats. The healthy fats have always been easy to add, but protein is a little trickier. This concoction from Chef Bob not only makes protein oatmeal easy, but delicious to boot.
Support[…]Continue Reading →