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Nella: FitBiomics’ Sleep-Supporting Probiotic Gets Major Clinical Validation
In the world of human performance and recovery, sleep quality is often considered the ultimate force multiplier. While FitBiomics gained attention for their endurance-focused probiotic, VNella, which works by metabolizing lactic acid, the company’s other major innovation — Nella — has now received significant clinical validation demonstrating powerful sleep-supporting effects.
New Study Published on[…]Continue Reading →
IMMUSE: Cutting Edge Immunity Supplement from Kyowa Hakko for More Healthy Days
By now, we’ve all heard that the gut microbiome is incredibly important for human health.
Typically, conversations about the microbiome (or gut flora) emphasize the importance of probiotic bacterial strains for digestive health, and this makes intuitive sense – if your gut has friendly bacteria working to digest and assimilate food, then your gastrointestinal […]
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What is VNella? The Endurance Probiotic That Metabolizes Lactic Acid!
This article is about V•Nella, a groundbreaking probiotic supplement from Fitbiomics designed to enhance athletic performance by metabolizing lactic acid. V•Nella contains Veillonella atypica FB0054, a unique bacterium isolated from elite athletes’ microbiomes, which converts exercise-induced lactate into propionate — a beneficial short-chain fatty acid that can improve energy production and reduce […]
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5% Nutrition Probio-75: 75 Billion Bacterial Legionnaires
5% Nutrition, founded by legendary bodybuilder Rich Piana, has its foundations in real, time-proven supplements. Whether you’re looking to bulk up with their enhanced creatine formula Crea-TEN, or just get an insane pump at the gym with their Kill It RELOADED pre-workout powder, 5% Nutrition knows the exact right supplementation buttons to […]
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Revive MD Probiotic: Boost Your Healthy Gut Flora
One of the most exciting frontiers in nutritional research is gut flora – the community of bacterial species that reside in the human digestive tract.
A lot has been made in popular media of the role that a person’s gut flora plays in the so-called “gut-brain axis”. Researchers are increasingly finding composition of gut flora […]
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5% Nutrition Digestive Defender: A 2-in-1 Gut Health Supplement Kit
If you’re gunning to be anywhere near the size of legendary bodybuilder and modern renaissance man Rich Piana, then you’re going to need to eat a lot of food. An absurd amount – and have a training regimen to follow.
However, your body can’t utilize what it can’t absorb. Regardless of the Kill […]
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Core GUT: Prebiotic, Probiotic, and POSTbiotics from Core Nutritionals
On October 4, 2021, Core Nutritionals announced the Core Lifeline Series, a new lineup of health-minded supplements that attack individual issues and organ systems. The first product released was Core GUT, a comprehensive gut microbiome support supplement covered here today:
Core GUT: Support Your Gut with Pre-, Pro-, and Post-BioticsThis five-capsule beast […]
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Kaged Muscle Pro-Biotic: A Performance-Based Probiotic
When we think about probiotics, we too often only think about gut health and digestion. Those effects may be the primary benefits of probiotics, but athletes need to know that they’re not the only ones.
Kaged Muscle, a supplement company with a massive following in the sports nutrition space, has a new probiotic […]
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Inspired Nutra Greens: Built for Great Feels, Focus, and FLAVOR
When looking at hot trends, it’s always interesting to go back in time to when that trend began to see who was behind it all. When you do that in the sports supplement industry, you’ll often see some familiar faces time and time again.
One massive trend seen in the supplement industry since 2020 is […]
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Arms Race Immunity Greens: Potent Immune System Protection
It’s been a few months since we covered Arms Race Clarity, a nootropic that’s focused on zen-like mood. Furthering the incredibly unique lineup of fitness influencer Julian Smith, the team at Arms Race Nutrition has launched their take on an immune system boosting greens supplement, the aptly-named Arms Race Immunity Greens.
Arms[…]Continue Reading →