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Insulin Sensitivity

Core LONGEVITY Introduces Mitochondria-Boosting Puremidine

CORE Longevity

Don’t you wanna live forever?

OK, well, we’re not there quite yet… but we’re getting closer!

A wave of exciting research has come out in the last 5-10 years highlighting NAD+, an important metabolic coenzyme that’s implicated in ATP production, and autophagy, the body’s process of cellular self-renewal.

NAD+ and autophagy appear […]
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Arms Race Stabilize HERS: More Than Just “Estrogen Balance”

Arms Race Stabilize Hers

Arms Race Nutrition’s growing female demographic wanted something made for them – an all-in-one female support supplement. They got that, and it’s one of the most impressive women’s health supplements we’ve seen, if not the best.

Arms Race Stabilize Hers: More than just “estrogen control”

Arms Race Stabilize Hers is a full-spectrum female support […]
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Chromax and Hunger Regulation: The Chromium / Appetite Connection

Chromium Appetite

As the obesity epidemic rages on with no end in sight, it’s forced many concerned dieters to take a step back and ask a simple question:

“Why am I always so hungry?”

As is often the case with broad questions, there are numerous valid answers with merit and application. The most compelling answers to this […]
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TRANSFER Into a Better Body with Cutler Nutrition’s GlucoVantage-Powered GDA

Cutler Nutrition Transfer

Jay Cutler is a figure in the bodybuilding world who needs no introduction. Since his overall win at the 1993 Iron Bodies Invitational contest, Jay went on to multiple first place finishes at both the Arnold Classic and the world-famous Mr. Olympia competition. For years, Cutler has been developing his own line of nutritional supplements, […]
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Glaxon Xerion Promotes Longevity and Blood Sugar Support

Glaxon Xerion

By now, most of us who are into health and fitness understand how important it is to keep glucose under control. If you routinely subject your body to huge blood glucose spikes, you will eventually damage your tissues through hyperglycemia.[1] Your pancreas will have to work overtime to bring those high blood sugar levels down, […]
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Dihydroberberine: A Better Berberine


One of the most popular dietary supplement ingredients on the planet — especially in terms of metabolic health — is berberine. Today we discuss a new ingredient that actually makes berberine obsolete.

Berberine is a powerful plant alkaloid that improves the body’s insulin response, with large amounts of scientific research showing significant improvements […]
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The Evolution of Nutrition21’s Sports Nutrition Ingredients

Nutrition21 Sports Ingredients

Over the years, we’ve covered ingredients developed by Nutrition21, a leading developer and supplier of nutritional supplement ingredients. This article serves to differentiate Nutrition21’s sports nutrition ingredient profile, explaining their differences, use cases, and research studies.

Nutrition21 is an American company that creates novel, patented ingredients designed to improve and maximize human health and […]
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New NMN Study: Improved Muscle Insulin Sensitivity in Women

NMN Insulin Sensitivity Research

We recently covered a new dietary supplement ingredient known as NMN, short for Nicotinamide Mononucleotide. NMN is an oral precursor to NAD+, a critical component to cellular health and energy. A new study published in Science has shown that NMN improved muscle insulin sensitivity in overweight women.[1]

This publication begins to confirm in […]
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Formulator’s Corner #02: An NNB Nutrition Powered Fat Burner

NNB Nutrition Fat Burner

In our first edition of Formulator’s Corner, we proposed a brain-boosting nootropic coffee creamer that used multiple ingredients to increase the mental power of a cup of coffee. Today we’re back with another idea. This time, we turn our attention to fat-burning.

While nootropics have seen rapid growth in the supplement industry over […]
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Jacked Factory GDA-XT: Chromium-Powered Carb Driver

Jacked Factory GDA-XT

We’ve been following Jacked Factory for quite a while now, taking note when they stunned the Amazon market with their Altius Pre Workout six years ago. It may not seem like a huge deal now, but at the time of its launch, there were practically no efficaciously-dosed non-proprietary pre workout supplements, and the few […]
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