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Supplement Ingredients

Higenamine: Appetite Suppressant Stimulant Also Named Norcoclaurine


Note: This article is out of date, and must be updated with the latest regulatory guidelines. The FDA does not accept it as a dietary supplement ingredient, as it was not sold as one before 1994 and has never had an acknowledged NDIN (New Dietary Ingredient Notification) per DSHEA 1994.

Our society is consistently focused […]
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Cordyceps Crackdown: Hit-or-Miss in Supplements.. Until Now!


This article was originally published August 28, 2016. It has been updated to reflect new research published in 2018.

Can a mushroom extract really improve mood, general health, and even athletic performance? Those who have been selling cordyceps, a complex mushroom used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, have claimed these benefits (and more) for […]
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Thaumatin (Katemfe Fruit Extract): Natural Low-Calorie Sweetener


When purchasing supplements, the leading factor in consumer’s decision should be ingredient effectiveness. If a pre-workout doesn’t have the right ingreedients to help you get a great workout, then why buy it?

However, what really separates good products from great products is, of course, taste! If it doesn’t taste great, then drinking your daily […]
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Betaine Supplementation Reduces Fat Mass in Women

Betaine Women

New betaine research is in, Ladies and Gentlemen, and no longer does the evidence support supplementation in men only. The results of a recent study indicate women can expect reductions in fat mass when supplementing with betaine as well as an increased work volume tolerance when paired with resistance training.[1]

Also known as Trimethylglycine or […]
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Nitrosigine: The Nitric Oxide Booster That Enhances Brain Function


Nitrosigine, a patented blend of arginine and inositol, is one of the more innovative ingredients in the “nitric oxide” corner of the supplement industry. In this article we’ll discuss the major benefits and any potential downsides associated with one of one of the most interesting new ingredients to make its way into pre […]
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Velositol: Enhancing Muscle Protein Synthesis with Science

Velositol What is Velositol?

Velositol is a unique chromium / amylopectin complex that increases muscle protein synthesis (MPS) when combined with protein and exercise. It is GRAS affirmed[1] (generally recognized as safe) at the recommended serving of 2 grams per day in protein drinks (including ready-to-drink and powder), meal replacement bars, energy and protein bars, […]
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CreaClear Creatine Monohydrate (Kaged Muscle Product Discontinued)

Kaged Muscle CreaClear

When Kris Gethin started Kaged Muscle, he had the opportunity to take years of nutrition and training experience and apply it to a product line that worked best for him. With tons of lab testing (on both himself and the supplements) combined with the expertise of genius formulator Brian Rand, the Kaged Muscle product […]
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Dr. Benjamin Bikman Research: Ketones Boost Muscle Health | Episode #015

Benjamin Bikman

Last year, I was fortunate enough to see Dr. Benjamin Bikman at KetoCon, and it was one of the best presentations I’d ever seen. I began following him on Twitter, and was excited to see that his team had published some new research.

He agreed to schedule some time to come onto the PricePlow channel, […]
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Glutathione Enhances Gains from L-Citrulline?! Not so fast, Setria..

Setria Glutathione Citrulline

Glutathione is an important and powerful antioxidant used to prevent oxidative stress and damage to cells in everything from winemaking to skincare products. Too much oxidative stress, caused by free radicals in the bloodstream, is linked to heart disease, Alzheimer’s Disease,[1] Parkinson’s Disease,[2] chronic fatigue, depression, and more. Since exercise can also temporarily increase oxidative […]
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EAS Supplements No More: A Myoplex Post-Mortem

EAS has closed

Consider the following: you recently ran out of protein powder and you need a quick fix. You walk to the CVS at the corner; in the supplement aisle, a familiar purple case blesses your eye. For a fair price, you walk out with a decent-enough protein powder from EAS.

Reliable and time-proven, EAS was once[…]
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