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Venetron: A Synergistic Extract for Mood, Stress, and Sleep
If there’s one thing that supplement scientists have gotten great at, it’s identifying pearls of truth in the world’s traditional nutrition and folk medicine practices. We’ve written a lot of articles about botanical extracts, many with compelling research, but forgettable historical context.
It’s a different story with Rafuma (Apocynum venetum) — the more you read […]
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NOW Foods Tests and Fails 30 of 33 of Berberine Supplements from Amazon
It’s no secret that the mainstream media has a low opinion of the dietary supplement industry. They often claim that the industry is “unregulated”, which isn’t the truth, as explained in Episode #100 of the PricePlow Podcast with Dan Fabricant of the Natural Products Association, who listed the 4 legal pillars of dietary supplement regulation:[…]
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Exploring Ergothioneine as a Skin Care Ingredient
Back in May 2023 we covered NNB Nutrition’s MitoPrime, a high-quality, lab-tested L-ergothioneine dietary supplement.
In case you haven’t read the above two articles, ergothioneine (EGT) is kind of a super-antioxidant. It seems so fundamental to human health that some researchers have proposed designating it a vitamin,[1,2] which would make sense since […]
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SNS Pepti-Plex and Core BOLIC: A Tale of Two PeptiStrong Supplements
It’s no secret that the PricePlow Blog is cranking out the research at breakneck speed, but even by our standards, our summer 2023 article PeptiStrong: Natural Anabolic Ingredient from Fava Beans is one of our clear favorites.
In case you missed it, PeptiStrong from Irish biotechnology firm Nuritas has a fascinating origin story: It’s a […]
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Nutrition21 nooLVL & Lustriva at SupplySide West 2023 with Katie Emerson | Episode #119
In October of 2023, we made our annual trip to the “mecca of ingredientology” – SuppySide West 2023 in Las Vegas, NV.
This is a major trade show that includes basically every component of the dietary supplement and nutrition industry’s supply chains, from ingredient developers to flavor houses to machine manufacturers to distribution experts. […]
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GlucoVantage Dihydroberberine Beats Berberine in Human Trial
Long-awaited human clinical data has been published on dihyodroberberine,[1] the superior form of berberine sold as GlucoVantage by NNB Nutrition!
Spend five minutes researching weight loss supplements, and you’re bound to read about berberine. This is a natural plant alkaloid that exerts powerful anti-diabetic effects[2,3] that have been repeatedly shown to lead to […]
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nooLVL Targets Brain Health Nootropics: Not Just for Gaming Supplements
We talk about nitric oxide (NO) all the time in the context of improving athletic performance, thanks to its ability to support blood flow and nutrient delivery.
But did you know that NO can benefit cognitive performance as well?
If that sounds weird, just think about it for a minute – your brain cells should, […]
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Spermidine for Hair Growth: Fighting Hair Loss with Polyamines
Hair loss (alopecia) is a prospect almost everybody dreads. Many people are willing to spend enormous amounts of money, and go to extreme lengths, to reverse it once it begins – or even just stop it from getting worse.
Still, in spite of the astronomically high demand for palatable hair loss solutions, they remain largely […]
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