Salidroside (Tag Archives)
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Unbound UNLOAD Pre Workout: Prepare to Unload on the Weights
In May of 2021, a mysterious brand named Unbound got the supplement industry rumbling with excitement. Various stores and industry figures received a literal wrench in their mailbox, with a message that it’d be used in the near future. Sure enough, the recipients put that wrench to use a week later, using it to open […]
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Formulator’s Corner #01: A Better Nootropic Coffee Creamer
Allow us to introduce a new series on the PricePlow blog — Formulator’s Corner. Have you ever looked at a formula and thought, “This looks good, but adding ‘X’ or swapping ‘Y’ for ‘Z’ could make it better?” We certainly have, and in Formulator’s Corner, we discuss unique ingredient combinations that we think will […]
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Beast’s Neuro Beast Nootropic: Guerrilla Chemist Does it Again!

Back in March of 2019, Beast announced that they would be partnering up with The GuerrillaChemist (TGC), to formulate a new line of supplements. Based on the reputation of both parties, this team-up had some massive potential.
Beast and TGC first hit us with Super Test Maximum, a loaded iteration and update of their […]
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