Post Workout Supplements (Tag Archives)
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Eddie Hall Joins MyProtein for The ALL-IN-ONE Protein
In November of 2021, Myprotein teamed up with world-class strongman Eddie Hall to bring some world-class full-strength supplements. They’ve launched with two supplements, the first being the Eddie Hall version of Myprotein’s The Pre Workout (which you can compare against the original The Pre Workout) and Eddie Hall’s The All-in-One Protein.
All-in-One Protein:[…]Continue Reading →
Core POST Adds Cinnamon French Toast to the Menu
Hot off of recently-published data showing that Velositol Increases Performance when combined with protein, it’s time to update everyone on a new flavor of one of our favorite Velositol-infused products: Core POST, PricePlow’s 2020 Protein of the Year!
Made by Core Nutritionals, “Core POST” is a post workout supplement that combines whey […]
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What are Nucleotides and How do they Affect Performance and Immunity?
We often think of the body as a system that runs on caloric energy obtained through the carbohydrates, proteins, and fats that make up our diets. This is true to a degree, as each of these macronutrients uniquely impact our health and energy expenditure. That being said, the process of producing energy and using it […]
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PEScience VersaCARB: A Versatile Carbohydrate Powder
There are three macronutrients that the body needs in large quantities in order to function properly — protein, fats, and carbohydrates. Technically speaking, the body could survive off of just proteins and fats since there are no “essential” carbohydrates, but there are essential fatty acids and amino acids that must be supplied by diet […]
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Axe & Sledge Farm Fed Salted Caramel: Sweet, Salty, and Packed With Protein
Axe & Sledge Farm Fed is a 100% grass-fed whey protein isolate with a comprehensive digestive enzyme blend known as DigeSEB Plus. Seth Feroce, co-founder of Axe & Sledge, has a very sensitive stomach and couldn’t find a protein powder that didn’t cause him gastrointestinal distress. So he created his own. That’s how Farm Fed […]
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Core POST: A Post-Workout Recovery Matrix Enhanced with Velositol
Last time Core Nutritionals was featured on PricePlow, we covered Core Zone, an advanced nootropic that helps you develop the crush-it mentality. As Core Nutritionals set out to rebrand their entire line, the team also has been busy revamping old supplements and launching new ones. This year, Core Zone was one of the most […]
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Raw Nutrition Protein: 100% Grass Fed Whey Isolate and Naturally Sweetened!
RAW Nutrition is one of the newest companies to join the supplement industry in 2020. But one thing that makes them stand out from the competition is that they launched with an extremely impressive lineup, including a non-stim pre-workout, RAW Pump, which we previously featured on the PricePlow Blog. RAW Nutrition has a lot […]
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Kaged Muscle Re-Kaged Gets Even Sweeter With Iced Lemon Cake!
If there’s anyone that could pack a delicious cake flavor with 28g of anabolic protein per serving, it’s Kris Gethin and Brian Rand from Kaged Muscle! The second half of the year has been jam packed with new products and flavors for Kaged and it’s just what the fans wanted! At the start of […]
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Kaged Muscle Re-Kaged Now Available In Refreshing Fruit Punch!
Kaged Muscle, founded by natural pro bodybuilder Kris Gethin, is one of the most well-respected brands in the sports supplement industry. They’re known for producing top quality products that are third-party tested, free from artificial flavors or colors, and made with several patented ingredients. Not to mention, Kaged Muscle’s supplements are also Informed […]
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John “The Mountain Dog” Meadows’ Supplement Stack!
John Meadows needs no introduction — he’s one of the most well-respected guys in the fitness and supplement industry. This is demonstrated incredibly well with the superb formulas he creates with his brand, Granite Supplements (including our recent coverage of Granite Supplements Protein). However, in case you haven’t heard of him yet, let us […]
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