Gut Health (Tag Archives)
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Gut Supplements: The Ultimate Gut Health Guide and Stack
Over 2,000 years ago the ancient Greek physician, Hippocrates — namesake of the Hippocratic oath — wrote, “All disease begins in the gut.”
Probably radical for its time, especially considering that Hippocrates is considered to be the founding figure of medicine.
Modern ultra-processed foods are ruining our gut healthGiven the ultra-processed nature of the […]
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Revive MD Probiotic: Boost Your Healthy Gut Flora
One of the most exciting frontiers in nutritional research is gut flora – the community of bacterial species that reside in the human digestive tract.
A lot has been made in popular media of the role that a person’s gut flora plays in the so-called “gut-brain axis”. Researchers are increasingly finding composition of gut flora […]
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Revive MD Fiber: A Fiber Supplement with the Best of Both Worlds
We’ve come a long way these past few years in the sports nutrition corner of the supplement industry. Thanks to the two visioneers who run Revive MD — Dr. Domenic Iacovone and Matt Jansen — health support supplements have been made cool again. Not only that, they’ve been made efficacious, with massively packed formulas […]
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Revive MD Digest Aid: Digestive Enzymes to Beat the Bloat
Our gut – the stomach, small and large intestine, the entire digestive tract – is really the most direct interface that our bodies have with our environment. The nutrients we ingest as food are the building blocks for our bones, our organs, our tissues, and every strand of hair on our heads.
So obviously, it’s […]
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5% Nutrition Digestive Defender: A 2-in-1 Gut Health Supplement Kit
If you’re gunning to be anywhere near the size of legendary bodybuilder and modern renaissance man Rich Piana, then you’re going to need to eat a lot of food. An absurd amount – and have a training regimen to follow.
However, your body can’t utilize what it can’t absorb. Regardless of the Kill […]
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Core GUT: Prebiotic, Probiotic, and POSTbiotics from Core Nutritionals
On October 4, 2021, Core Nutritionals announced the Core Lifeline Series, a new lineup of health-minded supplements that attack individual issues and organ systems. The first product released was Core GUT, a comprehensive gut microbiome support supplement covered here today:
Core GUT: Support Your Gut with Pre-, Pro-, and Post-BioticsThis five-capsule beast […]
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CORE Nutritionals LIFELINE: Top-Tier Organ Health Supplements
Fans of CORE Nutritionals’ founder Doug Miller have long known that he’s a man who’s always put health in the forefront — for himself, for his customers, and for his family. In fact, as he explained to us in Episode #050 of the PricePlow Podcast, Core actually began with Core MRP because he couldn’t […]
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Revive MD Glutamine: Why Add to Your Gut Health Stack
A few months ago, we wrote an article announcing Revive MD GI+, a gut health supplement formulated by Dr. Domenic Iacovone and Matt Jansen at Revive MD that brought a few unique ingredients to the table. Most notably, it contained N-acetyl-glucosamine, which we explored for its ability to heal intestinal lining — as […]
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PEScience Regulate-GI: Psyllium Husk Fiber in Capsules
In June of 2018, the supplement industry pioneers PEScience released Symbiont-GI, a gut health supplement formulated to achieve symbiosis in your GI tract.
It was an incredible success, with many customers so excited that they emailed and DMd the @PEScience team with some very “TMI” messages. Those who’ve had gut problems understand, though. Improving […]
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