Burn Fat AND Boost Performance with aXivite: Elias Chiatalas of SEE Nutrition | Episode #148

On Episode #148 of the PricePlow Podcast, Mike and Ben welcome Elias Chiatalas, CEO of SEE Nutrition, to discuss aXivite, a supplement ingredient known for fat loss and sports performance benefits.

Learn about aXivite with Elias Chiatalas of SEE Nutrition on the PricePlow Podcast Episode #148

Learn about aXivite with Elias Chiatalas of SEE Nutrition on the PricePlow Podcast Episode #148

Elias shares his journey, starting as an athlete and pursuing a degree in physical therapy, before moving into strength and conditioning. His passion for nutrition was reignited while working with professional athletes, leading him to establish SEE Nutrition.

aXivite: A Weight Loss Ingredient That Also Improves Performance

aXivite is a dietary supplement ingredient consisting of phenylcapsaicin, which is manufactured by a company named Axichem. Phenylcapsaicin is used for several purposes, but SEE Nutrition is the partner who sells it into the North American dietary supplement market as aXivite.

In this podcast, we learn of some of the many uses of aXivite, which goes beyond weight loss: the ingredient also has incredible performance and gut health potential. Through this, we learn of some of phenylcapsaicin’s other uses, such as protecting the gut health of chickens through its use in chicken feed!

At the end of the conversation, we go through some general diet discussion, and Elias provides a few very useful tips that can be used, especially with clients who like to drink too much soda!

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Video: Burn Fat and Increase Performance with aXivite

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  • 0:00 – Introductions

    Elias explains how his background in medical device sales and relationships in the raw material distribution industry, particularly with Berg Nutrition, helped him launch his company. The discussion touches on the business of starting a distribution company and the potential benefits of aXivite beyond fat loss, including its anti-inflammatory properties.

  • 7:30 – aXivite

    aXivite Phenylcapsaicin

    Capsaicinoids are well-known for their metabolic benefits, but there’s far more under the hood. aXivite phenylcapsaicin enhances performance with less burn. Discover SEE Nutrition’s innovative solution for both dieters and athletes.

    Elias explains how SEE Nutrition partnered with Axichem, a manufacturer specializing in animal feed, to introduce aXivite, a phenylcapsaicin compound. Axichem aimed to enter the U.S. market by leveraging Elias’ connections, and aXivite’s unique structure enhances capsaicin’s bioavailability by binding a phenyl group to capsaicin.

    This stabilizes the molecule and reduces pungency, making it easier to consume while delivering the same fat-loss and metabolism-boosting benefits as traditional capsaicin. aXivite has also shown promise in sports performance at lower doses compared to standard capsaicin, offering an alternative for athletes and consumers.

  • 16:58 – The studies behind aXivite

    Elias discusses the studies conducted on aXivite, focusing on its effects on anaerobic and aerobic performance. One study involved athletes performing multiple sets of squats at 70% of their one-rep max,[1] where aXivite users showed improved bar velocity, less perceived fatigue (around 15% lower), and reduced muscle damage, as indicated by lower AST levels.[2] This suggests that aXivite helps athletes perform more powerfully, recover faster, and experience less fatigue during workouts.

    aXivite Phenylcapsaicin Squat Velocity

    The researchers observed that aXivite caused a statistically significant increase in mean velocity during the 3×8 squat repetitions at 70% 1RM (Mean-V). They also saw that subjects under the aXivite conditions (LD and HD) didn’t lose as much velocity as the placebo condition (MaxLoss-V).[1]

    Elias also touches on capsaicin’s impact on neurons related to fatigue, explaining how aXivite can help athletes maintain high performance during extended periods of exertion, particularly in sports like football where speed and power are crucial.

  • 22:51 – aXivite’s mechanisms

    Ben and Elias discuss the potential mechanisms behind aXivite’s effects on athletes, particularly how it might reduce the perception of fatigue rather than directly boosting energy or strength. Elias suggests that the exact mechanism is not fully understood and further research is needed, but the observed effects are undeniable. They explore how aXivite could benefit both athletes aiming for personal records and regular gym-goers by enabling them to push harder during workouts. Mike brings up interesting research showing lower heart rates and increased fat oxidation,[3] suggesting aXivite could make workouts feel easier.

    aXivite Boosted Metabolism

    aXivite phenylcapsaicin can boost not just metabolism, but performance too.

    They also delve into how to formulate supplements with aXivite, emphasizing its benefits for both anaerobic and endurance athletes, and the importance of pairing it with other ingredients like cognitive enhancers or blood flow boosters depending on the athlete’s needs. The conversation takes a turn towards track events, with Elias sharing insights on how nitric oxide boosters may or may not be beneficial for different types of races like the 400m and 800m.

  • 32:30 – Formulation with aXivite

    Mike and Elias discuss the potential of aXivite in various product formulations, particularly its stability in drinks and gummies. Elias explains that while aXivite does have some heat, it can be managed with proper dilution and flavoring. They reference MuscleTech’s Burn iQ Powder as an example of a product that successfully incorporates spicy ingredients in a pre-workout thermogenic, adding an enjoyable heat sensation.

    For immediate sports benefits, users report feeling stronger during strength or high-intensity interval training (HIIT) sessions.[4] They also discuss potential supplement combinations, suggesting pairing aXivite with cognitive enhancers and ATP-boosting ingredients like PeakATP for optimal performance.

  • 36:45 – Synergy with other ingredients

    MuscleTech Burn iQ Powder

    MuscleTech Burn iQ Themogenic Powder also contains enfinity paraxanthine alongside aXivite

    The trio discuss the synergistic effects of aXivite in supplement formulations. Ben highlights how aXivite combines focus, energy, and reduced perception of fatigue, empowering users to push harder during workouts. Mike suggests adding dextrose or fast-acting carbohydrates to enhance performance, and Elias agrees, suggesting glucose-shuttling ingredients to further optimize energy delivery.

    The conversation briefly touches on the use of caffeine, with Elias confirming that aXivite works well in caffeinated beverages without adding heat. Elias also teases additional benefits of aXivite, hinting at future discussions.

  • 40:30 – aXivite in animal feed?

    Mike asks Elias about aXivite’s use in animal feed, which seems counterintuitive given its fat-loss properties. Elias explains that Axichem found aXivite beneficial for gut health in birds, particularly for preventing pathogenic bacteria like salmonella by disrupting quorum sensing—a process bacteria use to communicate and form biofilms. By inhibiting this mechanism, aXivite helps protect the birds from infections without acting as an antibacterial.

    Axichem Logo

    Axichem is the creator of aXivite, and they also use phenylcapsaicin for other uses!

    This discovery has led to its use in commercial poultry feed, improving gut health and preventing outbreaks. While the same molecule used in humans is applied to animal feed, regulatory restrictions on making certain health claims for animals versus humans are discussed.

  • 44:30 – Gut health benefits

    Elias and the hosts discuss the versatility of aXivite, emphasizing its potential for both gut health and sports performance. Elias explains how aXivite acts as a gut modulator, reducing harmful bacteria and supporting overall gut health without interfering with probiotics or prebiotics. They touch on fiber’s importance in formulations and explore the growing innovation in the gut-brain and gut-performance axes.

    aXivite Phenylcapsaicin: Improving Gut Health

    In future articles, we’ll need to explore the benefits of phenylcapsaicin on gut health!

    The conversation also highlights how aXivite fits into a broader ecosystem of ingredients, working synergistically in blends rather than competing with other supplements. Elias underscores the importance of educating consumers on aXivite’s benefits, from fat loss to performance enhancement, depending on its dosage and application.

  • 51:29 – Weight Loss and Diet Tips

    Elias shares his balanced approach to weight loss, emphasizing that the best method is the one that helps individuals keep the weight off long-term. He advocates for behavioral changes over strict adherence to specific diets, noting that calorie deficit remains key but must be tailored to individual lifestyles and needs. Elias and the hosts discuss the difficulty of maintaining weight loss, with Ben Kane emphasizing the importance of teaching people how to eat nutrient-dense foods rather than just restricting calories.

    Mike stresses the need to avoid liquid calories, which many people struggle to cut. Elias introduces a simple method for clients to track their beverage consumption using aluminum can tabs to visualize the calories they drink. This leads to a broader discussion on diet choices, sweeteners, and making personal bets on certain ingredients for health.

  • 1:00:30 – Wrap up

    Elias touches on his experience as a speed coach and how aXivite can be useful for athletes, particularly during high-intensity sprint training, by helping reduce fatigue and maintain better form.

    Mike and Ben express enthusiasm for incorporating aXivite into their own fitness routines, noting its versatility. The conversation ends with Elias providing information on how to follow and contact him or his company, shown below.

How to Follow Elias and SEE Nutrition

You can follow SEE Nutrition in the links below:

SEE Nutrition Logo

aXivite is sold and distributed in North America by SEE Nutrition

Thank you to Elias for coming on and telling your story – aXivite is an incredible ingredient we’ve definitely enjoyed using.

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About the Author: Mike Roberto

Mike Roberto

Mike Roberto is a research scientist and water sports athlete who founded PricePlow. He is an n=1 diet experimenter with extensive experience in supplementation and dietary modification, whose personal expertise stems from several experiments done on himself while sharing lab tests.

Mike's goal is to bridge the gap between nutritional research scientists and non-academics who seek to better their health in a system that has catastrophically failed the public. Mike is currently experimenting with a low Vitamin A diet.

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  1. Jiménez-Martínez, Pablo et al. “Effects of different phenylcapsaicin doses on resistance training performance, muscle damage, protein breakdown, metabolic response, ratings of perceived exertion, and recovery: a randomized, triple-blinded, placebo-controlled, crossover trial.” Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition vol. 20,1 (2023): 2204083. doi:10.1080/15502783.2023.2204083. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10124973/
  2. Rodríguez-Rosell, David, et al. “Relationship between Velocity Loss and Repetitions in Reserve in the Bench Press and Back Squat Exercises.” Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, vol. 34, no. 9, Apr. 2019, p. 1, doi:10.1519/jsc.0000000000002881. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31045753/
  3. Jiménez-Martínez, Pablo et al. “Effects of phenylcapsaicin on aerobic capacity and physiological parameters in active young males: a randomized, triple-blinded, placebo-controlled, crossover trial.” Frontiers in physiology vol. 14 1190345. 9 May. 2023, doi:10.3389/fphys.2023.1190345. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10203624/
  4. de Freitas, Marcelo Conrado et al. “Acute Capsaicin Supplementation Improved Resistance Exercise Performance Performed After a High-Intensity Intermittent Running in Resistance-Trained Men.” Journal of strength and conditioning research vol. 36,1 (2022): 130-134. doi:10.1519/JSC.0000000000003431. https://journals.lww.com/nsca-jscr/abstract/2022/01000/acute_capsaicin_supplementation_improved.18.aspx