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Supplements Take on DC: Natural Products Association Fly-In Day 2024 | Episode #139

NPA Fly-In Day 2024 on the PricePlow Podcast (Episode 139)

The crew is back in Washington DC for the 2024 NPA Fly-In Day, held on May 22, 2024! This podcast was filmed the night before, featuring a star-studded cast that includes:

Jim Emme, CEO of NOW Foods Kyle Turk, Natural Products Association Rick Collins, the one and only Mike DiMaggio, Chief[…]
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Who is STRIPED? Meet The Harvard Organization Taking On Supplements


The dietary supplement industry is under a massive, well-organized attack, and this time, it’s not just coming from heavy-handed Senate bills. It comes from a Harvard organization named STRIPED, who’s using a unique attack vector: adolescent eating disorders.

The industry needs to take note, because this group is well-funded and they are seizing power […]
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Dick Durbin is Up to No Good in the Dietary Supplement Industry Again

Dick Durbin, Tianeptine, and Mandatory Product Listing

On March 18, 2024, United States Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois sent a letter to four dietary supplement industry trade associations demanding action against the inclusion of dangerous and illegal ingredients in products marketed as supplements.[1-5]

The letter focuses specifically on tianeptine, a compound sold as an antidepressant in several European countries that has […]
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NPA Fly-In Day Tips and Lessons Learned: How to Come Prepared for a “Lobby Day”

NPA Fly-In Day Tips and Lessons Learned

The Natural Products Association’s annual Washington D.C. Fly-In Day will be held on Wednesday, May 22, 2024. We’re inviting everyone with a stake in the dietary supplement industry to get involved, join the organization, and come hang with us on Capitol Hill for a “Lobby Day” experience you will never forget.

With an increasing number […]
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NOW Foods Tests and Fails 30 of 33 of Berberine Supplements from Amazon

NOW Foods Berberine Testing

It’s no secret that the mainstream media has a low opinion of the dietary supplement industry. They often claim that the industry is “unregulated”, which isn’t the truth, as explained in Episode #100 of the PricePlow Podcast with Dan Fabricant of the Natural Products Association, who listed the 4 legal pillars of dietary supplement regulation:[…]
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NMN, FDA, and the Supplement Industry’s Fight Against Pharma (Updated 1/23/24)

FDA NMN Background: A battle is brewing between the dietary supplement industry and the FDA. It’s over the legal status of an ingredient known as NMN, a natural vitamin with powerful anti-aging potential. After a company followed the guidelines to get NMN acknowledged as a legal dietary ingredient, the FDA has gone back on its word,[…]
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Diana Morgan – What’s Up With Supps (Industry Social Events) | Episode #115

Diana Morgan: What's Up with Supps

Almost everyone working within the dietary supplement industry knows Diana Morgan, the VP of Global Regulatory and Government Affairs at Nutrabolt. But it’s not just all that C4 that makes Diana an industry rock star — it’s the social events she puts on as well!

In 2020, when industry trade shows abruptly shut […]
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Bruce Kneller Returns with His New Nootropic Ingredient | Episode #104

Bruce Kneller PricePlow Podcast 104 Nootropic


Five years in the making, it’s the return of Bruce Kneller to the PricePlow Podcast! We last saw him in in 2018 in Episode #009 where he dosed us with his new Bruce-class nootropic.

Well, he’s finally back with a real update, and with some good news – the nootropic should be ready at […]
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FTC Expert Lawyer Explains the 700 Warning Letters: Michael Goodman of Hudson Cook LLP | Episode #103

Michael Goodman: FTC Legal Expert / Lawyer at Hudson Cook LLP Explains the FTC's 2023 Warning Letters to 700 Brands


In April of 2023, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) unexpectedly sent warning letters[1,2] to about 700 drug companies and dietary supplement brands[3] regarding substantiation of their product claims. Their letters stated that there was no active investigation, and that “The fact that a company is on this list is NOT an indication that […]
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Lief Labs: Supplement Manufacturing 101 with Meg Ligot | Episode #101

Supplement Manufacturing 101 with Lief Labs: PricePlow Podcast Episode #101 with Meg Ligot


Over the years, PricePlow has continually become more interested in supplement manufacturing, as it is the cornerstone basis of the entire industry. Good manufacturing quality and testing leads to safe, high-quality products for end consumer.

In Episode #068, we interviewed Matt Karich of Soul Performance Nutrition, who took us through his exhaustive […]
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