Nutrex Outlift Natural: All-Natural Pre-Workout Powerhouse

Nutrex Research is no foreign name in the supplement industry. The powerhouse brand has been around since the advent of the business, and remains one of the leaders as it’s grown. Putting out quality, well-formulated product series like Outlift, Lipo-6, and IsoFit will help keep you relevant, sure. But being able to innovate continuously is what separates a brand from the rest of the pack.

Nutrex Outlift Natural

Nutrex Outlift Natural is here, and it’s the same great Outlift formula, only stevia-sweetened!

The fitness community has been shifting to more a more natural diet, only consuming things that are found in nature. That means avoiding highly-processed foods, artificial sweeteners, and artificial colors. The smart supplement companies have responded to that shift.

Case in point is the Nutrex Natural Series, which is a line of Nutrex supplements formulated with an all-natural, plant-based approach. The first two products, Nutrex Plant Protein and Lipo-6 Natural went beyond just “vegan” since they were completely plant-based. In sacrificing all the artificial stuff, they have not left behind the effectiveness and standards they’ve previously set – this new stuff still packs the same punch!

We now have the next release – Outlift Natural! As the name implies, its an all-natural version of the loaded pre-workout Outlift. This one is just as solid, too – in fact, it even has the SAME formula!

We’re about to dive into this comprehensive pre-workout, and show you how it can empower you to hit new PRs and enhance your training. Before we get into that, make sure you check out PricePlow for all the supplement deals, news, reviews, interviews, and dietary research you could possibly want!

Nutrex Outlift Natural – Deals and Price Drop Alerts

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Outlift Natural Ingredients

Nutrex Natural Series Tub Preview

Team @NutrexResearch shared these images on Instagram on June 9, 2019. We had a feeling what this one would be!

When it comes to pre-workouts, most tend to fall under two umbrellas – energy-based or pump-based. That being said, there are some products out there that shoot for a more comprehensive experience, giving you a little bit of everything. The “one scoop wonders”! Outlift is a perfect example of these all-encompassing pre-workouts, and is easily one of our favorites. We were so excited to see an all-natural version released, and became even more ecstatic when we realized the labels were the same!

Alright, let’s get to it – here’s what you’re getting in each 25.1g scoop of Outlift Natural!

  • Citrulline Malate 2:1 – 8g

    Citrulline malate is, as the name suggests, pure citrulline combined with malic acid. This is done to help with the delivery at the nutrient (as well as improve taste), and comes at a 2:1 ratio. Because of that, Outlift Natural packs a little over 5.3g of the nitric oxide-producing citrulline.

    Nutrex Outlift Natural Ingredients

    Same as the OG Outlift, but with Stevia instead!

    Citrulline is perhaps the best, most efficient pump-inducing ingredient out there. It elevates nitric oxide production in boosting arginine levels within the body.[1] In fact, research has shown that its actually better at raising arginine levels than arginine itself![1] Citrulline is more bioavailable, and is thus a much more popular inclusion!

    Once ingested, citrulline provides quite a few benefits in regards to exercise. The most important, and somewhat obvious effect, is increased nitric oxide levels.[2] This increases blood flow, which when exercising, helps get more blood to working muscles. In turn, this degree of vasodilation actually increases time to exhaustion, fighting fatigue levels by supplying more oxygenated blood.[3] This effect is pretty drastic too, with a study from 2010 finding that subjects who received citrulline increased their number of training repetitions by 52.92%![3] Considering that this same study also saw less muscle damage and soreness in those using citrulline,[3] this pump product is actually much more than just a vasodilator. It allows you to train harder, train longer, and accumulate more volume – that sounds like something that can help you outlift your past capabilities!


    The pathway we’re going for starts at the top right and goes down to the bottom right!

    At ~5.3g of yielded citrulline, we’re well beyond the sweet spot of the clinical dose range. There’s no research behind the malic acid side, but many postulate that citrulline malate helps with endurance as malic acid enters the Krebs cycle and ensures that there’s one less bottleneck in producing ATP – your body’s energy currency. Knowing this, Nutrex packs 8g of the combined form to give you a training aid that you’ll definitely appreciate!

  • Beta-Alanine (as CarnoSynⓇ) – 3.2g

    Although we just talked about some endurance gains, that conversation would be incomplete without bringing up beta alanine. When it comes to increasing muscular endurance, there’s not much better. You’ve no doubt seen it before – it’s in virtually every pre-workout label out there! If you’ve ever wondered why that is, sit tight, we’re about to explain!

    A meta-analysis published in 2012 analyzed numerous studies focused on beta alanine and its effects on training capacity. They reported that the amino acid improves muscular endurance by almost 3% in exercises lasting between 60 and 240 seconds.[4] Although that sounds small, it’s actually pretty significant, and can really help you squeeze out those last few reps.

    2018 study on power!

    Beta Alanine Boosts Exercise Performance

    Beta Alanine Boosts Exercise Performance when taken 3.2g per day (but that was split amongst four separate doses)

    That’s not all, however. In theory, it would make sense that if your muscles are less tired, they’d have more energy, which would allow them to exert more force. Well, a study from 2018 actually supports this claim! Boxers from the Korean National Boxing team were either given beta alanine or a placebo, daily for 10 weeks. At the end of that time period, their physical fitness and lactate levels were assessed, and compared with their results upon beginning the study. They found that the beta alanine group had increased lower body peak power and upper body power output.[5]

    Less exhaustion and more power? Sign us up! Beta alanine is incredibly effective, especially at the 3.2g clinical dose seen here. Although beta alanine supplementation brings about the ever-divisive acute paresthesia,[6] also known as “the tingles”, the benefits are well-worth it. If your goal is to elevate your workouts, you need beta alanine in your pre-workout, full stop!

  • Creatine Monohydrate (100% pure CreapureⓇ) – 3g

    Creatine is arguably the most researched sports supplement ingredient out there. Despite the safety of this compound being forever debated on the Internet, don’t get it twisted – this stuff is extremely safe, and extremely effective. When it comes to building muscle, its an essential tool you’ll want to have at your disposal!

    Nutrex Plant Protein

    Gourmet Taste in a Plant Protein is here! Nutrex Plant Protein launches in three flavors, uses four types of protein, and has no stevia but uses monk fruit instead!!

    A meta-analysis from as far back as 2003 took 22 studies and reviewed them in order to summarize the potential of creatine as a sports supplement. They found some incredibly conclusive results – creatine can increase muscle strength, maximal training strength, and training performance.[7] Additional studies have seen similar effects, such as increases in anaerobic power and decreases in fatigue.[8,9] We could go on all day about the research out there on creatine, as almost all of it supports these benefits!

    Is 3g enough? What about a “loading phase”?

    The clinical dose for creatine monohydrate, the most basic form of the muscle-builder, is between 3 to 5g, putting Outlift Natural on the lower end of the clinically-dosed spectrum. However, that’s perfectly fine! When it comes to taking creatine, it’s all about saturating your muscles with the ingredient over time. In other words, it builds up in your muscles, so taking 3g in a pre-workout is just fine.

    There’s a lot of noise out there about a loading phase inherent with taking creatine. While taking massive hits of creatine in a short amount of time (such as for one week, for example) can saturate your muscles faster, it’s by no means necessary. Both methods work, and it’s worth mentioning that taking so much creatine in a short time can cause cramps. Whether you take 3g per day for a month, or 20g per day for 5 days followed by 3g daily, all that matters is you’re taking the creatine. The same goes for timing as well – it doesn’t matter whether creatine is ingested pre-workout or post-workout, just make sure you’re getting it in!

    Pre-workout formulas these days have been straying away from tossing creatine into the mix, likely due to companies wanting people to buy their post-workout formula, in addition to their pre. Nutrex doesn’t care about that – they want to deliver maximum results in each of their supplements. Outlift Natural is in line with that methodology, as the inclusion of good, old-fashioned creatine here shows!

  • L-Leucine – 3g

    Essential Amino Acids

    Amongst these primary amino acids, the essential amino acids are in red. Leucine, Valine, and Isoleucine are the three Branched-Chain Amino Acids.

    Leaving no stone unturned, Nutrex even includes the BCAAs in Outlift Natural, notably at the clinical 2:1:1 ratio! While the BCAAs aren’t quite as anabolic as a full EAA formula, they’re still incredibly important when it comes to building muscle and performance.

    While all the EAAs are needed for maximum effect, leucine is the most powerful of all of them! That’s good news, considering we have 3g here, which will prove highly important when it comes to getting the most out of your training!

    Leucine directly stimulates the mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway,[10] which is home to the mTORC1 sub-pathway, one of the key factors in building muscle tissue.[11] This amino acid is imperative for triggering muscle protein synthesis (MPS), allowing your muscles to rebuild, stronger and larger, after exercise. Without leucine, making gains and recovering would be extremely difficult!

    Essentially, leucine is the key that unlocks the door to MPS. Most people like to take their aminos either intra or post-workout, however, there’s definitely something to be said for consuming them before training. Doing so begins to turn those muscle-building wheels, warming them up so that you’re more anabolic before training. Also, if you’re someone who works out fasted, having a bit of leucine in your system while training is definitely a good thing!

  • Taurine – 2g

    Taurine is not an essential amino acid – rather, it’s “conditionally essential”, which means your body is able to produce it to some degree on its own. That being said, it can’t effectively provide a full day’s worth of the amino, and getting it through food or supplementation extremely helpful – especially if you’re an athlete. Taurine is mostly found within the brain, eyes, heart, and muscles, and plays an integral role in various bodily processes.[12] In terms of exercise, though, taurine have proven extremely useful, specifically in endurance.

    Fatigue fighter

    Taurine Benefits

    Taurine’s Benefits (endurance-wise) can be seen after a single use!

    Like we mentioned with beta alanine, taurine is one the top fatigue-reducing compounds you can find. It involves itself once it senses your muscles are growing tired, interacting to rid of waste compounds that tend to make us tired.

    In research published in 2003, scientists were able to use mice to understand the effects of taurine within the body. Mice receiving taurine saw a decrease in lactic acid build-up, compared to placebo.[13] When it comes to fatigue, the onset of lactic acid is often to blame, so being able to fend it off is absolutely desirable.

    Another study from 2003 saw results more directly associated with exercise. Giving 11 male cyclists taurine, scientists assessed the state of their bodies post-workout. They found that taurine was responsible for increases in VO2 max, exercise time to exhaustion, and maximal workload.[14] Pushing your muscles further only enhances your training, leading to better results!

    Less muscle soreness

    Where taurine acts like other amino acids, however, is in the role it plays in muscle damage. Research has shown that taurine increases strength levels, decreases muscle soreness, and decreases oxidative damage in men following weightlifting training.[15] Recovering faster allows you to increase training volume, again a desirable outcome!

    Outlift Natural delivers a solid 2g of this fatigue-fighting, muscle-repairing amino. 2g is what’s typically used in the majority of research out there, especially the ones that conclude outcomes similar to what we’ve noted. It’s yet another clinical dosage, something we’ve come to expect with Nutrex.

  • L-Isoleucine – 1.5g

    Nutrex Research Outlift Gummy Bear

    Alternatively, you can still go with the sucralose-sweetened Outlift original, now in Gummy Bear as well!

    Isoleucine is the second of the BCAAs, and mainly plays backup to leucine. It also helps active MPS, but to a much lesser degree than its eponymous partner. Where the two differ is in recovery – isoleucine is influential in increasing glucose uptake post-exercise.[16] More glucose being absorbed by the muscles enhances recovery, and allows you to rebuild more efficiently!

  • L-Valine – 1.5g

    While the other two BCAAs take the spotlight, valine serves a more behind-the-scenes role. Despite the nature of its role, it’s actually pretty important – the other two wouldn’t be able to do what they do without the help of valine!

    Research has found that valine helps facilitate glycogen synthesis,[17] making it a crucial player in the game of recovery! You can definitely see the relation this amino has to the others – in this case, valine helps make the glycogen, while isoleucine helps absorb it!

    The 2:1:1 ratio is the most commonly used BCAA ratio on the market. That’s no accident – the reason we see a 2:1:1 split so often is because it works! Having the BCAAs in your system while training helps offset catabolism, promotes endurance, and is a perfect complement in a product to power you through your workout, maintaining peak performance the whole way through!

  • Caffeine Anhydrous – 350mg

    If Outlift is really going to power you up for an awesome training session, despite everything else on the label, it’s still going to need a little kick. Well, that jolt is coming from our trusted friend, caffeine! Caffeine anhydrous is the fastest-hitting form of supplemental caffeine out there, and with its proven energy-boosting,[18] performance-enhancing effects,[19] it’s more than earned its inclusion here!

    Caffeine D2 / D3 Receptor

    Awaken thyself! This graphic shows caffeine’s effects on wakefulness.

    But don’t get us wrong, here – 350mg is a serious dose. It’s definitely the amount of the stimulant that we see in the more aggressive pre-workouts out there. However, those formulas have additional exotic stimulants, whereas Outlift Natural really only has caffeine.

    With this much caffeine, Outlift Natural shouldn’t be considered a “beginner” pre-workout. It also shouldn’t be considered a “stim-junkie” product, either. This much caffeine is perfect for someone who’s outgrown the typical 200mg but doesn’t want to mess around with the more aggressive stuff. As always, though, make sure you know where your stimulant tolerances lie!

  • N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine – 150mg

    Tyrosine is an amino acid used by the body to produce various neurotransmitters within the brain. It’s first broken down into levodopa, a precursor to dopamine, commonly known as the “feel-good” neurotransmitter. This increase in dopamine production induces elevated levels of noradrenaline and adrenaline, thus earning tyrosine the title of a catecholamine producer![20]

    In addition to promoting a slightly euphoric feeling, tyrosine is actually a perfect complement to caffeine, as the two work together to further increase the production of catecholamines.[21] It’s also shown potential as a cognitive booster, especially in stressful situations, including training![22]

    The 150mg here isn’t anything to write home about, as the clinical dosage sits at a higher 500mg. However, given everything else we have here, we’ll surely take a little bit of euphoria any way we can get it!

  • Black Pepper Extract (as BioPerineⓇ) – 5mg

    What good is taking all of these effective ingredients if you’re not ensuring that your body is fully absorbing them? Nutrex never wants to risk this in any of their products, and they’re always sure to toss in an absorption agent into their formulas.


    Bioperine is the trusted, trademarked form of black pepper extract that promises 95% or greater piperine, the part of black pepper with all the activity!

    Outlift Natural uses black pepper extract, specifically, a patented form of the ingredient called BioPerineⓇ. Black pepper extract has been proven to help enhance the bioavailability of supplemented ingredients,[23] making it a worthy adversary in priming your body to absorb everything here.

    The 5mg dose here is all you need to induce those effects, and although something like this may go unnoticed on a label, it’s by far one of the most undervalued ingredients out there!

All-Natural = no artificial colors or sweeteners

These days, it seems like artificial ingredients are all over the place. Whether you look at the labels of the food in your pantry, things in your fridge, or even your pre-workout supplement, there’s a good chance you’ll see things like sucralose or acesulfame potassium (ace-K). Not only that, but the bright colors of products, which definitely helps it appeal to consumers, also use artificial coloring. While still we’re not yet conclusive on the long-term safety of all of this stuff, and many people react differently to these things. With so much exposure, though, isn’t it refreshing to take a step away from it when you can?

The supplement industry is moving towards creating more natural products, free of all of the aforementioned artificial ingredients – especially when they can make it taste good. Nutrex is at the forefront of this charge, with their new Natural Series as their main weapon. In Outlift Natural specifically, they’ve done something truly incredible – they’re using the same formula, but without any artificial coloring or sweeteners! Here you have stevia extract (as opposed to the Plant Protein above, which is using the more costly monk fruit extract).

Nutrex Lipo-6 Natural

Lipo-6 is an award-winning fat burner, and now it comes in a Natural and Plant-Based version!

Vegan-Friendly, but not 100% “plant based”

It’s worth noting though, that unlike Nutrex Plant Protein and Lipo-6 Natural, that this isn’t entirely plant-based. Ingredients like citrulline malate, beta alanine, and creatine monohydrate aren’t animal-sourced, but they are likely synthetically created. This works for vegans, but those looking for a plant-based pre workout are going to have an impossible time finding one even close to this powerful.

Flavoring – no difference here, either!

With the exclusion of things like sucralose, you’d probably expect Outlift Natural to use a different flavoring system, with the supplement being sold in flavors that are relatively easy to make. Wrong! Nutrex is also carrying over the same, great-tasting, refreshing flavors that made the original formula so popular! So if you were a little skeptical about sacrificing that awesome new Outlift Gummy Bear flavor for a more natural supplement, there’s no need to worry. Outlift Natural can be had in a couple of different flavors:

    And of course, if you’re here just reading for fun, but are still fine with artificial sweeteners, you can always look at our main Nutrex Outlift page and watch our video on which Outlift is for you:

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    Conclusion – naturally Outlift the competition!

    Nutrex Naturals Logo

    The Nutrex Naturals Logo. Bring the stevia leaf!

    Loaded, proven, and comprehensive formulas like Outlift Natural don’t come around that often. Providing an all-around fantastic workout experience isn’t all that easy, as both fitting ingredients into a formula and flavoring can be quite tricky. Nutrex has never backed down from a challenge, however!

    In Outlift Natural, Nutrex delivers a naturally-colored and naturally-sweetened version of their top-selling Outlift pre-workout. It’s got the ingredients you’ve come to know and love, yet none of the artificial stuff its predecessor contains. When it comes to picking between the two, you really can’t go wrong! However, if avoiding artificial ingredients is something you;re into, you honestly can’t find something as effective as Outlift Natural!

    Nutrex continues to kill it with their Natural Series, and we can’t say we’re surprised. These guys continue to pace the industry, and continue to set new standards in the industry. We can’t wait to see what’s next in this all-natural series!

    Nutrex Outlift Natural – Deals and Price Drop Alerts

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    The full Outlift Natural Label (gummy bear flavor)

    About the Author: Mike Roberto

    Mike Roberto

    Mike Roberto is a research scientist and water sports athlete who founded PricePlow. He is an n=1 diet experimenter with extensive experience in supplementation and dietary modification, whose personal expertise stems from several experiments done on himself while sharing lab tests.

    Mike's goal is to bridge the gap between nutritional research scientists and non-academics who seek to better their health in a system that has catastrophically failed the public. Mike is currently experimenting with a low Vitamin A diet.

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    1. Morita, Masahiko, et al; “Oral Supplementation with a Combination of L-Citrulline and L-Arginine Rapidly Increases Plasma L-Arginine Concentration and Enhances NO Bioavailability.”; Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications; U.S. National Library of Medicine; 7 Nov. 2014;
    2. Ochiai, Masayuki, et al; “Short-Term Effects of L-Citrulline Supplementation on Arterial Stiffness in Middle-Aged Men.”; International Journal of Cardiology; U.S. National Library of Medicine; 8 Mar. 2012;
    3. Pérez-Guisado, Joaquín, and Philip M Jakeman; “Citrulline Malate Enhances Athletic Anaerobic Performance and Relieves Muscle Soreness.”; Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research; U.S. National Library of Medicine; May 2010;
    4. Hobson, R M et al; “Effects of β-alanine supplementation on exercise performance: a meta-analysis.”; Amino acids; vol. 43,1; 2012; 25-37;
    5. Kim, Kwang-Jun et al; “The effects of 10 weeks of β-alanine supplementation on peak power, power drop, and lactate response in Korean national team boxers.”; Journal of exercise rehabilitation; vol. 14,6; 985-992; 27 Dec. 2018;
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    7. Rawson, Eric S, and Jeff S Volek; “Effects of Creatine Supplementation and Resistance Training on Muscle Strength and Weightlifting Performance.”; Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research; U.S. National Library of Medicine; Nov. 2003;
    8. Law, Yu Li Lydia, et al; “Effects of Two and Five Days of Creatine Loading on Muscular Strength and Anaerobic Power in Trained Athletes.” Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research; U.S. National Library of Medicine; May 2009;
    9. Anomasiri, Wilai, et al; “Low Dose Creatine Supplementation Enhances Sprint Phase of 400 Meters Swimming Performance.”; Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet Thangphaet; U.S. National Library of Medicine; Sept. 2004;
    10. Lynch, and Christopher J; “Role of Leucine in the Regulation of MTOR by Amino Acids: Revelations from Structure–Activity Studies.”; OUP Academic; Oxford University Press; 1 Apr. 2001;
    11. Laplante, Mathieu, and David M. Sabatini; “MTOR Signaling at a Glance.”; Journal of Cell Science; The Company of Biologists Ltd; 15 Oct. 2009;
    12. Beyranvand, M R, et al; “Effect of Taurine Supplementation on Exercise Capacity of Patients with Heart Failure.”; Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports; U.S. National Library of Medicine; May 2011;
    13. Manabe, S, et al; “Decreased Blood Levels of Lactic Acid and Urinary Excretion of 3-Methylhistidine after Exercise by Chronic Taurine Treatment in Rats.”; Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports; U.S. National Library of Medicine; Dec. 2003;
    14. Zhang, M, et al; “Role of Taurine Supplementation to Prevent Exercise-Induced Oxidative Stress in Healthy Young Men.”; Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports; U.S. National Library of Medicine; Mar. 2004;
    15. Silva, L, et al: “Effects of taurine supplementation following eccentric exercise in young adults”; Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism; 2014; 39(1); 101-104;
    16. Doi, Masako, et al; “Isoleucine, a Potent Plasma Glucose-Lowering Amino Acid, Stimulates Glucose Uptake in C2C12 Myotubes.”; Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications; U.S. National Library of Medicine; 26 Dec. 2003;
    17. FONES WS, SOBER HA, WHITE J; “The conversion of D-valine to glycogen in the rat.”; Arch Biochem Biophys; 1951
    18. Childs, Emma, and Harriet de Wit; “Subjective, Behavioral, and Physiological Effects of Acute Caffeine in Light, Nondependent Caffeine Users.”; Psychopharmacology; U.S. National Library of Medicine; May 2006;
    19. Paton, Carl D, et al; “Caffeinated Chewing Gum Increases Repeated Sprint Performance and Augments Increases in Testosterone in Competitive Cyclists.”; European Journal of Applied Physiology; U.S. National Library of Medicine; Dec. 2010;
    20. Nakashima, A, et al; “Role of N-Terminus of Tyrosine Hydroxylase in the Biosynthesis of Catecholamines.”; Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports; U.S. National Library of Medicine; Nov. 2009;
    21. Belza, A, et al; “The Effect of Caffeine, Green Tea and Tyrosine on Thermogenesis and Energy Intake.”; Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports; U.S. National Library of Medicine; Jan. 2009;
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    23. Research; BioPerine;

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