Author Archives: Mike Roberto

About Mike Roberto

Mike Roberto: The Researcher Who Founded PricePlow

n=1 Diet Researcher Scientist and Experimenter. Father. Husband. Entrepreneur. Water Animal. Heavy Metal Connoisseur. Patriot.

Mike Roberto 2019

Mike Roberto 2019

As the founder and CEO of PricePlow, Mike wears an extraordinary number of professional hats, but none is more important than father. PricePlow began as a deals website for nutritional supplements and vitamins, but has evolved into so much more as Mike's journey towards optimized healthspan opened the doors to several discoveries.

A "Biohacktivist" Armed with Data

Stealing a term coined by Shawn Wells, RDH, Mike is a "biohacktivist", stemming from the words "biohacker" and "activist". Through thousands of dollars spent on blood tests, specialized foods, and supplements, Mike has learned that conventional 'establishment' nutritional guidelines have failed him and his family. He has made it his mission to help bring awareness to those who seek a similar awakening.

Through PricePlow, Mike is backed up by a team of doctors, researchers, professional athletes, dieticians, and medical school students in an effort to bring source-cited truth to his followers. With their help, he utilizes certain dietary tools such as a low-carb diet with an emphasis on healthy meat to maintain optimal cognitive and physical health.

Mike celebrating after a successful paddle race

Mike combines his background in competitive sports, computer programming, and is known for his role as a biomedical scientist on television.[1] This experience combined, he has created one of the most helpful nutrition tools on the web -- with, of course, the help of his incredibly talented research and programming team.

Competitive Swimmer

In the sporting world, Mike comes from a swimming background where he began competing at the age of five. He played water polo at the Ohio State University and is now a competitive sand volleyball player and Master's swimmer, specializing in endurance ocean swims as well as freestyle butterfly sprints. Mike participates in US Masters Swim races in Central Texas. He is 6'0 and weighs in at 185lbs as of December 2018..

But it's not all water -- when he's not spending ridiculous hours developing PricePlow and poking holes at the latest diet research, he can be found training at home.

Family and home life: "Know Your Child"

At home, Mike is married to his wonderful wife Jill, and together they raise their delightfully precious daughter, who was born in the fall of 2017. Mike and Jill have taken an extremely active "know your child" stance, educating her as much as possible as early as possible.

Mike lives outside of Austin, TX near the Hill Country, and is always happy to jump in on a triathlon relay as your swimming leg.

You can see Mike regularly on the PricePlow YouTube Channel.

Follow Mike Roberto on Social Media

Mike spends nearly all of his social media time on the @PricePlow accounts, but there are some personal accounts too:

Optimizing Brain Performance with Shawn Wells | Episode #002

Shawn Wells

Our second official podcast turned out to be one of the best we’ll ever have, where Shawn Wells came on to discuss optimizing brain performance, which of course also includes nootropics!

The Video: Optimizing Brain Performance with Shawn Wells

Listen to the Audio Version More about Shawn Wells

Shawn Wells, who also goes under his […]
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Transparent Labs ZMO: A Sleep Aid with Oyster Meat?!

Transparent Labs ZMO

It’s been quite some time since we covered Transparent Labs, a brand that has not only embraced fully-disclosed transparent labeling, but also uses no artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners in any of their products. Last time we covered the brand, we dissected their monstrous Mass Gainer that contained a massive 196g serving size! Meanwhile, […]
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Northbound’s All-Natural Blend: A Stevia-Sweetened Nootropic

Northbound Nutrition All-Natural Blend

Even before we started really getting into the world that is nootropics, we were keen to Northbound Nutrition and their clinically dosed Pinnacle Pre Workout. We’ve also previously covered the brand’s top-tier, brain-boosting supplement Northbound’s Blend.

We’re back today with a new and different version of Blend, that is all-natural!

But can they make […]
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Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Raided… Over RED YEAST RICE??

May 3, 2019 Update: Although Hi-Tech still can’t sell it due to the agreement discussed below, the US Government has been ordered to return the DMAA that was wrongfully confiscated in the below proceedings.

November 15, 2017 Update: Hi-Tech has filed a motion to amend the terms agreed to in this indictment (ie. they’re fighting […]
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RedCon1 BOOM STICK Brings Some Serious Wood!

RedCon1 Boom Stick

Not a month goes by that we don’t see a new supplement (or two) from RedCon1.

The brand is back again with another new product, and this one’s aimed to help you bring it in both the gym and in the bedroom! Boom Stick is an all-natural testosterone booster bringing some serious wood to […]
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Choline Supplements: What’s the Best Form for Focus?


Choline is an essential nutrient for the human body required for the optimal functioning of all cells. It’s also a common ingredient included in all kinds of supplements, including pre workouts, intra workouts, and nootropic focus formulas.

Sadly, most individuals are sorely lacking in choline due to a poor diet, especially vegans, since the foods […]
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iSatori Morph Xtreme Brings Energy & PUMPS to iSatori Pre Workouts!

iSatori Morph Xtreme

iSatori is a unique brand that went “all in” over the past few years on their bioactive peptide / colostrum supplement, Bio-Gro. While that was a hot seller, its inclusion in the now-defunct Pre-Gro and Pre-Gro Max didn’t generate as much buzz online, likely due to too heavy of proprietary blending.

In the meantime, we […]
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EVL ENGN: Start Your Workout Engine at $0.80/workout!


EVL Nutrition has had an incredibly busy 2017, steadily releasing new products as well as new flavors of existing products each month. So far, we’ve recently covered BCAA Lean Energy and PumpMode.

Today, we’re focusing on the supplement that got the brand noticed by many in the supplement community. Of course, we’re talking about their […]
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InnovaPharm Pump Dirt Capsules: Extreme Glucose-Powered Pumps!

InnovaPharm Pump Dirt Caps

When we last left InnovaPharm, we had just finished discussing the brands novel glucose utilization agent, Pump Dirt Powder, which has since been discontinued in lieu of this one.

Though the brand has seemed a bit quiet in recent months, they’ve been pounding the R&D pavement and true to form, they’ve uncovered […]
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“Welcome to PricePlow”: The History of PricePlow | Episode #001

The PricePlow Podcast is here!

On September 21, 2017, the team got together and filmed the first episode. Learn more about what we plan on doing with the podcast below:

Audio version: Notes

The cast has changed, but here’s what we said we’d like to cover:

Mike’s Interests Have a request?

Hit us up on our contact form or any […]
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