Tryptophan (Tag Archives)
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Zinc Picolinate: A Highly Bioavailable Form of Zinc
As a mineral nutrient found throughout the body, it’s tough to dispute the importance of zinc in the diet. Extensively involved in the metabolism of proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, as well as proper gene transcription,[1] zinc plays a crucial role in optimal physical health.
Despite its importance, however, zinc can’t be synthesized by the body, […]
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Performax Labs EAminoMax: EAA Performance Sports Drink (2021 Upgrades)
EAminoMax from Performax Labs is an incredible intra-workout supplement designed to help stimulate muscle synthesis with a carefully formulated blend of amino acids, mixed in the precise ratios for optimizing hypertrophy and recovery.
The main selling point of EAminoMax is that it contains more than just the “branched-chain amino acids” (BCAAs) that are typically sold […]
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Primeval Labs EAA Sleep Gives You Anabolic Rest
Primeval Labs absolutely crushed the past year with a ton of well-dosed, effective supplements — headlined by their Ape Sh*t Untamed RTD, Ape Sh*t Cutz, and updated branding and logo. They’re re-energizing many of their popular supplements with new labels, and they look as good as they taste. This one is a great[…]
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Glaxon Xeno Amino V3: The Next Generation of Hydrating Amino Acids
Another month, another great Glaxon supplement improvement. Just after the recent release of Glaxon Collagen, the “goons” have decided to once again improve their Xeno Amino intra workout and recovery amino acid supplement.
Xeno Amino V3: New and Improved with More Recovery and HydrationXeno Amino is famous for its Myo-Seq sequenced amino acid […]
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Kaged Muscle Sleep SR: Sustained Release Sleep
For years, the team at Kaged Muscle has been waking you up with powerful, energy-driven supplements like Pre-Kaged and Hydra-Charge Amped. But now it’s time to bring you back down to earth, helping you rest, relax, and get a full night’s sleep — all so you can do it again tomorrow!
Say goodnight to[…]Continue Reading →
5% Nutriton’s ALL DAY YOU MAY: Rich Piana’s LEGENDARY Amino Supplement
Over six years ago, we published our original article on one of the industry’s most innovative amino acid supplements: Rich Piana’s ALL DAY YOU MAY. This well-rounded amino acid formula took an entirely new spin on the category in multiple ways:
First, “ADYM” embraced the gym culture phenomenon of filling a milk jug with […]
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LEG DAY! NutraBio Intra Workout Powerhouse Supplement is a Monster!
NutraBio brings in the MOAB (mother of all bombs) of an intra-workout supplement: LEG DAY!
The Leg Day BackstoryOn February 17, 2021, NutraBio CEO Mark Glazier teased an image of a “LEG DAY” tub on his personal instagram.[1] After posting the label, LEG DAY was released just 10 days later, and it’s available for […]
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NMN Supplements (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide): The NAD+ Energy Precursor
The human body is a fine-tuned machine, capable of performing quite efficiently when all of its internal mechanisms are firing correctly. Just like any machine, though, it relies on some sort of power to get the job done. Most motor vehicles, for example, rely on gasoline whereas computers require electric power, and humans run on […]
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Alpha Prime Supps EAA+Hydro: Get Serious About Your Recovery
To perform optimally and progress in any sport, you must adequately recover from training sessions. Besides eating well, getting enough sleep and rest, there are several supplements that can help boost recovery. These products are designed so you can get back in the gym sooner to attack another training session.
In this article, we’ll focus […]
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