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Performax Labs EAminoMax: EAA Performance Sports Drink (2021 Upgrades)
EAminoMax from Performax Labs is an incredible intra-workout supplement designed to help stimulate muscle synthesis with a carefully formulated blend of amino acids, mixed in the precise ratios for optimizing hypertrophy and recovery.
The main selling point of EAminoMax is that it contains more than just the “branched-chain amino acids” (BCAAs) that are typically sold […]
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STORM Focus: A Nootropic that Disrupts the Norm
A Storm’s a brewin…
A hot new brand has hit the supplement scene, and in 2021, in a time with few new brands coming to market, that’s a big deal. Their name is Storm, and smashed with an edgy surfer/skater vibe and color scheme that looks like it was pulled from the golden days […]
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Formulator’s Corner #05: Mitochondria-Enhancing Pre-Workout Supplement
Over the years of running PricePlow, we’ve seen several generations of pre-workout supplements, ranging from insane energy boosters to well-rounded pump supplements to niche-specific muscle-building or fat-burning pre-workouts. We’ve run the gamut, and somewhere along the line, supplements in this category all began to look the same.
However, when NNB Nutrition entered the scene […]
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Phatlab Phyre Pre Workout: Cleveland’s Most Intense Workout
There’s a man in Northeast Ohio who wants you to get the most out of your workout. And if you’re local, you should go visit him. His name is Shawn Sprafka, and he’s the owner of premium supps retailer NutriFit in Madison, 40 miles northeast of downtown Cleveland.
Prepare to set your workouts on[…]Continue Reading →
NutraBio TUDCA: A Liver Supplement You MUST Get Lab Tests On
While nobody should ever accept mediocrity, there are certain times where trust and perfection are of absolute critical importance. One of those times is with liver health, especially in the bodybuilding community. On top of doctor-directed lab testing and care, dietary supplements can play a major role in hepatoprotection.
When it comes to […]
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Performax Labs VasoMax: Inciting the 2021 PUMPDEMIC
In 2021, Performax Labs announced a rebrand, and hasn’t disappointed this far. While many brands weaken their formulas due to cost or “mainstreamization”, Performax Lbas decided to stay true to their brand, by keeping it aggressive.
They blew the doors down with an all new version of their stim-based pre workout, HyperMax Extreme, […]
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Glaxon Xeno Amino V3: The Next Generation of Hydrating Amino Acids
Another month, another great Glaxon supplement improvement. Just after the recent release of Glaxon Collagen, the “goons” have decided to once again improve their Xeno Amino intra workout and recovery amino acid supplement.
Xeno Amino V3: New and Improved with More Recovery and HydrationXeno Amino is famous for its Myo-Seq sequenced amino acid […]
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5% Nutriton’s ALL DAY YOU MAY: Rich Piana’s LEGENDARY Amino Supplement
Over six years ago, we published our original article on one of the industry’s most innovative amino acid supplements: Rich Piana’s ALL DAY YOU MAY. This well-rounded amino acid formula took an entirely new spin on the category in multiple ways:
First, “ADYM” embraced the gym culture phenomenon of filling a milk jug with […]
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Bucked Up Pre Workout: Come for the Deer Antler Velvet, Stay for the Senactiv
One of the better-selling supplement brands at the Vitamin Shoppe goes by the name of DAS Labs, but you may know them better for their “Bucked Up” line of products. Today, we explore the Bucked Up Pre Workout, which will bring a bit of intrigue to PricePlow Nation:
Deer Antler Velvet in a[…]Continue Reading →
Christian Guzman is Back: Ghost Legend CG V4 – No Tingles, No Alpha-Yo!
Now that the new Ghost Legend V2 is out and shredding sales records, it’s time for its Athlete Collab season to follow. And there’s no better way to do that than with Legendary […]
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