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Animal JUICED Aminos Revamped: Now with Electrolytes
For decades, Animal Pak has been supporting athletes worldwide, with a massive “pak” of vitamins, minerals, and more meant for serious training. Over time, Universal Nutrition has expanded their Animal lineup, disclosing more and more of their formulas.
On the training side, some of our recent favorites include Animal Pump Pro, Animal Primal, […]
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Mamba vs. Karma: Which Klout Pre-Workout is For You?
Last week, we were excited to introduce readers to the onslaught of new supplements coming in early 2023 from Klout, the young brand dubbed our “Brand to Watch for 2023“. We then covered the labels of their new PWR Burn (fat burner), Aminos, and PWR Off (sleep aid) formulas.
Today, we get […]
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Kaged MINDSET Nootropic: Smart Supplement with Cereboost
The long awaited nootropic supplement from Kaged is here to close down an epic year — one that they started with a bang thanks to their incredible Pre-Kaged Elite pre-workout. This is a nootropic done the Kaged way: with innovation, transparency, third-party testing, and options.
Kaged Mindset is here with two new ingredientsKaged […]
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Universal TORRENT: Old-School Post-Workout Supplement Still Dominates
We love Universal Nutrition because their approach to formulating supplements is inspired by old school bodybuilding – the overwhelming majority of ingredients Universal uses are backed by hardcore research, every once in a while they give a wink and a nod to the finest bodybuilding traditions.
When PricePlow was founded in 2008, one of the […]
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Storm Revive: A Recovery Supplement as Strong as Your Workout
Even if you’re not a fan of protein shakes, you’ve no doubt know about the importance of properly refueling your body after a hard workout. Fail to do this and, the bottom line is, you’re leaving precious gains on the table.
Recovery is arguably the most important phase of the workout cycle since it’s where […]
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AstroFlav Full Tank: Never Run on Empty Again
AstroFlav was founded in 2019 by a team of supplement retail veterans. During their years of direct, boots-on-the-ground contact with supplement consumers, the AstroFlav gang realized that many of their needs were not being met by the supplement industry as it stood at that time.
Chief among these needs was a customer desire for a […]
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5% Nutrition DRINK SLEEP GROW: Never Sleep Catabolic
You spend a third of your life sleeping.
Don’t you want to get the most out of it?
Legendary bodybuilder Rich Piana definitely would want you to.
His life was all about helping exceptional people achieve their goals, and become the best versions of themselves that they possibly could.
In his view, only about 5% […]
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Merica Labz SUPRIMOS: The Supreme Amino Supplement
What a couple of years it’s been for Merica Labz, who kicked off their “restoration” with the fantastic rebranding of their BOOM Energy Drink and epic upgrade of Red, White, & Boom pre-workout supplement. Followed by other great hits like a new and improved Patriot’s Whey, the new Super Sized mass gainer, and […]
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BEAM Recovery Aminos: Stop the Soreness!
BEAM Recovery Aminos are a full-spectrum essential amino acid (EAA) formula designed to improve recovery with added ingredients like tart cherry and Aquamin!
You can Be Amazing, but it’s a bit more of a challenge if you’re sore and cranky for the majority of your athletic life! This is why Michael Yewdell and his […]
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