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Paraxanthine Outperforms Caffeine in Post-10k Cognitive Tests

Paraxanthine Outforms Caffeine

A new research study has been published on paraxanthine, showing better cognitive performance from paraxanthine than caffeine and placebo after a 10km run.[1]

If you’ve been following the dietary supplement space the past couple of years, you’ve doubtless heard of enfinity paraxanthine, sometimes dubbed as caffeine 2.0.

Paraxanthine, a primary metabolite of […]
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aXivite Phenylcapsaicin: Performance-Enhancing Spice with Less Burn

aXivite Phenylcapsaicin

Spicy food.

It’s one of those things that you either love or hate. As any serious student of global gastronomy can tell you, most cultures love it – and even within cultures that don’t, it’s easy to find individuals who do.

But why are human beings so fascinated by spicy food? After all, […]
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Paraxanthine Increases Energy Expenditure, Reduces Heart Rate and Hunger in 2024 Study

enfinity Paraxanthine Energy Expenditure Study

New research data has been published on paraxanthine, showing increased energy expenditure compared to placebo (100 calories in 3 hours) — yet it decreased appetite and heart rate![1]

In the past year, there’s been a ton of talk about enfinity paraxanthine, a caffeine metabolite that’s poised to replace caffeine in countless dietary supplement applications.[…]
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Universal Animal Omega: The Essential Fatty Acid Powerhouse Pak (2024 Update)

Animal Omega 2024 New Formula

Animal Omega has been updated, now with fewer softgels, just like the recent updates to Animal Cuts and Animal Pak!

When it comes to our diets, we are far too often concerned about calories and total fat, while ignoring the importance of the quality of fat we eat. Today, we focus on Animal Omega[…]
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Is Berberine Nature’s Ozempic? A Look at GLP-1 Agonists

Berberine vs Ozempic

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve likely heard of Ozempic (semaglutide) by now.

This fat loss drug has taken the mass media by storm, thanks to testimonials (and speculated use) by a number of celebrities in film, television, and modeling. Proponents claim it’s the miracle weight loss pill the world has been waiting […]
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WAT to BAT: A High-Metabolism Guide to Brown and White Fat

WAT to BAT: Using NNB Nutrition's MitoBurn and CaloriBurn to Boost Thermogenic Brown Adipose Tissue

Nearly everyone wants a faster metabolism, right? The million-dollar question is, “How do you get one?”

Is it the result of eating certain foods and doing certain exercises? Is it genetically predetermined? Debate over these questions has raged for years – and probably won’t stop any time soon.

Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT) or “Brown Fat”[…]
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MCT Oil: The Dietary Fat Source Built for Efficient Energy


Lifestyle, training, and diet are the three overarching umbrellas that affect our health and fitness goals, and figuring out how to best balance them is unique from person to person. For instance, someone trying to lose body fat trains differently, eats differently, and goes about their day differently than a powerlifter on a strength cycle.[…]
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C8Vantage: C8 MCT Powder for Maximum Energy, Clarity, and Performance

NNB C8Vantage

Over the years, several diets have entered the mainstream geared towards people looking to improve their health, body composition, and performance. Many people have either tried, are currently doing, or have at least heard of such diets like ketogenic, vegan, vegetarian, paleo, or low-carb. Adopting one of these diets can lead to major health […]
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BMI Smart: Genius Weight Loss or Overpriced Pill Pack?

bmiSMART Stack

Update: Thankfully, this product has been discontinued.

Typically on the blog, we cover just one product per day whether it be a pre workout, protein powder, or fat burner. However, today you’re in luck because we’re feeling a little generous. We’re going to cover an entire system of products.

You may have seen ads […]
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