Fadogia agrestis and tongkat ali.

Raw Nutrition Signal is an efficacious combo of longjack and fadogia, two popular testosterone-boosting herbs!
Ever since this simple, two-ingredient stack was recently mentioned as a potent testosterone booster on some high-profile podcast interviews, everybody’s been talking about it – particularly Fadogia.
Oddly enough, even though demand for botanical extracts of this androgenic shrub has been through the roof for months, the greater supplement industry supply chain and sports nutrition industry’s response is still lagging – it remains tough for American consumers to source really good Fadogia.
So, needless to say, it’s pretty awesome that a trusted brand like Raw Nutrition brought the stack to consumers for Black Friday 2023. This serves as an add-on for the existing Raw Nutrition Test product, which was released in 2021.
In this article, we cover Raw Nutrition Signal, a natural testosterone booster with these two ingredients, dosed at quite the standardization in a 3-capsule serving. First, let’s check prices and availability, then get into the science:
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Raw Nutrition Signal Ingredients
In a single 3-capsule serving of Raw Nutrition’s Signal, you get the following:
Fadogia agrestis Whole Herb Ext 10:1 – 1,200 mg
Fadogia agrestis is a shrub whose natural habitat stretches from western Africa all the way to South Sudan.[1] It’s rich in alkaloids and saponins, and also contains some flavonoids[2] – three classes of bioactive constituent we’ve covered many times before on The PricePlow Blog. Saponins, in particular, seem to frequently show up in testosterone–boosting ingredients.
The hullabaloo over Fadogia can be traced to the recent popularization of one study in rats from 2005.
In this study, animals were treated with Fadogia extract at varying doses proportional to body weight – 18 milligrams per kilogram of body weight, 50 mg/kg, and 100 mg/kg.[2] It’s important to note that the human equivalent doses would be 3, 8, and 17 mg/kg body weight, respectively. That means the 1,200 milligram dose in Raw Nutrition Signal Test Booster is well within the range of equivalence to the doses in the study.
For example, 1,200 milligrams is 15 mg/kg/bw for an 80 kilogram (176 pounds) person!
The reason we find this exciting is that animal studies typically use doses far greater than what’s economical or approved for use in humans. So, in most cases, it’s hard to confidently say that the results of an animal study will apply to humans. But as far as we can tell, Raw Nutrition used a dose that basically matches what the researchers used in their 2005 study.
So, what did the study find?
It actually focuses on Fadogia’s aphrodisiac effects, and found that rats treated with Fadogia showed a linearly dose-dependent improvement in sexual function. The effect sizes were huge. For example, the 100 mg/kg/bw group’s mount latency – the time elapsed between the addition of a new female to the male’s cage and his initiation of sexual activity with her – dropped by over 60%, from about 800 seconds to about 300 seconds on the first day of supplementation.[2] The effect got even bigger as the study went on, with a drop of nearly 90%, from 750 seconds to 100 seconds, observed on day 5.[2]
Ejaculatory latency, which basically means how long the rats lasted, also skyrocketed – it was up 325% on day 5, from 200 seconds to 650 seconds.[2]
Now, as cool as that is, the link between sex drive and androgens isn’t absolute. We frequently write about ingredients that boost libido but not testosterone. Maca is one great example of this. So, the researchers also measured the rats’ serum testosterone levels in order to get some idea about what could be behind Fadogia’s mechanism of action. And these findings were just as impressive as the others – a 400% rise in testosterone on day one, and almost a 600% increase on day 5.[2]
While more research still needs to be done on how Fadogia works, the researchers speculated that the saponins in this extract increased testosterone by upregulating luteinizing hormone (LH).[2]
Another study, conducted in 2007 using roughly the same three doses as the first study, found that Fadogia increased rats’ testicular weight by about 10-15%, depending on the dose used.[3] Although this study didn’t directly measure testosterone, it did find a higher level of testicular cholesterol after Fadogia treatment, which is important because cholesterol is a testosterone precursor.[3]
Longjack Root (Eurycoma longifolia) Extract – 400 mg
Longjack, commonly known as tongkat ali, has had a good testosterone-boosting reputation for over a decade. Historically recognized as an aphrodisiac in folk medicine traditions all over the world, its efficacy has been substantiated by recent peer-reviewed research studies.
Testosterone support
A study published in 2012 demonstrated that a daily dose of 300 milligrams of longjack, the same amount utilized in Raw Nutrition Signal Test Booster, led to a remarkable 44% improvement in sperm motility and a 14% increase in libido.[4]
A 2022 meta-analysis, spanning five randomized controlled trials, showed that longjack supplementation causes a significant rise in testosterone production for most men. Importantly, this effect was observed in both hypogonadal (low-testosterone) individuals and healthy men alike.[5]
Another study not covered in that meta-analysis, which was performed on a large number (32 men and 31 women in stressed state) showed an impressive 37% increase in salivary testosterone after 4 weeks:
One study measured cortisol also measured salivary testosterone in stressed individuals. Testosterone went up significantly in longjack users – 37%! (32 men, 31 women).[6]
The eurycomanone / pregnenolone / testosterone connection
Eurycomanone, longjack’s primary bioactive constituent, appears to help boost testosterone by facilitating the testes’ conversion of cholesterol into pregnenolone.[7] This is a mechanism of action we always like to see, since pregnenolone is the precursor to all steroid hormones, of which the androgen testosterone is only one.
The big advantage of upregulating pregnenolone is that excess pregnenolone is subject to all subsequent feedback mechanisms of the steroid synthesis pathway. So, it’s very unlikely to cause any hormonal imbalances or other problems associated with exogenous androgen use.
Pregnenolone is the precursor to all steroid hormone synthesis – including both androgens (like testosterone) and estrogens.
Eurycomanone also seems to upregulating luteinizing hormone (LH), just like Fadogia.[8]
Beyond its role as a testosterone booster, longjack is rich in potent antioxidants and has demonstrated anti-anxiety, anti-diabetic, and anti-proliferative effects.[9]
Dosage and Directions
Take 3 capsules daily with food. For maximum natural testosterone potential, you can stack with Raw Nutrition Test.
There’s definitely some compelling research on these two ingredients, but there’s not a ton of it. We’d say it’s still preliminary. So, if you’re curious about Fadogia and tongkat ali, see for yourself by giving Raw Nutrition Signal Test Booster a try.
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