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3DPump Breakthrough STUDY: 6g Takes on 8g L-Citrulline!
A new study has been published comparing the patented 3DPump-Breakthrough pre-workout supplement pump ingredient to L-citrulline.[1] This article provides a breakdown of the data.
We’ve written about 3DPump-Breakthrough several times before (a full list of articles is at the bottom of this page). It’s an extremely promising pre-workout pump ingredient sold by NutraShure that consists […]
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MitoPrime: L-Ergothioneine by NNB Nutrition for Immune, Skin Care, & Anti-Aging Supplements
With an impressive array of powerhouse-branded ingredients like MitoBurn and RhodioPrime 6X in their repertoire, NNB Nutrition is no stranger to providing the most potent versions of ingredients to consumers. With the buzz of anti-aging and antioxidants amongst myriad business moguls and Hollywood personalities, NNB’s research and development team offers an ingredient that capitalizes on […]
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HMB (β-hydroxy β-methylbutyrate): Performance-Driven Muscle Supplement
Anyone who’s been in the supplement game for a while has no doubt heard of, and probably taken, branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs).
BCAA supplementation is famously anti-catabolic, helping prevent the undue breakdown of muscle tissue during exercise. This is why, during the 2010s, many intermittent fasting OGs like Martin Berkhan of Leangains recommended training […]
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Fitnox: Nitric Oxide Faciliation That’s Fast-Acting and Long-Lasting
Nitric oxide (NO) is one of the most popular targets for supplementation. The vast majority of pre-workout formulas now include some kind of NO booster, and stimulant-free workouts focus primarily (and sometimes exclusively) on achieving the highly sought-after pump that comes with NO-mediated vasodilation.
Vasodilation can be a great thing. When your arteries expand […]
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Biozomal Caffeine: Lasting Liposomal Energy from Lief Raws
Caffeine is ubiquitous in modern American life. An incredible 85% of the U.S. population consumes at least one caffeCumulative Layout Shift inated beverage every day.[1]
It’s easy to assume that something so common can’t be improved, given how much time people spend thinking about fatigue-fighting ingredient. By now, all of the good ideas for making […]
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Polynol: Powerhouse Polyphenol Extract from Sugarcane
What if sugarcane is actually good for you?
We say sugarcane as opposed to sugar. Whereas sugar is an ultra-refined food derived from sugarcane, sugarcane itself is a plant, which contains much more than just sugar.
Sugarcane, like many plants, is full of health-promoting bioactive compounds. These include polyphenol antioxidants, which by […]
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Anandamide: The Body’s Blissful Endocannabinoid Molecule
Most of us – hopefully – have experienced the runner’s high that comes from a great workout. It’s this healthy, euphoric feeling that motivates gym goers the world over to hit it hard day after day after day.
It’s tempting to write this sensation off as a spiritual experience, in that it’s a transient and […]
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