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aXivite Phenylcapsaicin: Performance-Enhancing Spice with Less Burn

aXivite Phenylcapsaicin

Spicy food.

It’s one of those things that you either love or hate. As any serious student of global gastronomy can tell you, most cultures love it – and even within cultures that don’t, it’s easy to find individuals who do.

But why are human beings so fascinated by spicy food? After all, […]
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WAT to BAT: A High-Metabolism Guide to Brown and White Fat

WAT to BAT: Using NNB Nutrition's MitoBurn and CaloriBurn to Boost Thermogenic Brown Adipose Tissue

Nearly everyone wants a faster metabolism, right? The million-dollar question is, “How do you get one?”

Is it the result of eating certain foods and doing certain exercises? Is it genetically predetermined? Debate over these questions has raged for years – and probably won’t stop any time soon.

Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT) or “Brown Fat”[…]
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Anandamide: The Body’s Blissful Endocannabinoid Molecule


Most of us – hopefully – have experienced the runner’s high that comes from a great workout. It’s this healthy, euphoric feeling that motivates gym goers the world over to hit it hard day after day after day.

It’s tempting to write this sensation off as a spiritual experience, in that it’s a transient and […]
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