Protein (Tag Archives)
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Primeval Labs IsoLIT: Chocolate Cookie Cheesecake Black Friday Special
With action-packed formulas like Ape Sh*t, Primeval Labs is a brand that’s comfortable in its own borderline-crazy skin.
That doesn’t mean they shy away from the basics, though. IsoLit, their premier whey protein isolate powder, sets itself above most proteins thanks to its purity, but really shines in another area, too: flavor.[…]
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Musclesport Black Friday Madness: Unleashing 2 Lean Whey Xmas Flavors + 6 Others
Musclesport has been on a tear in 2023, particularly when it comes to new flavors of their Lean Whey protein powder.
In September, they set the stage for fall with Pumpkin Spice, Caramel Macchiato, and Cafe Almond Mocha Bliss. Then, in October, we had the Yellowstone-inspired Huckleberry Cheesecake and Lemon Pound Cake. And that was[…]Continue Reading →
Froot Loops & Frosted Flakes Whey Protein Plus! Six Star & Kellogg’s Collab
Longtime readers of PricePlow will no doubt be familiar with MuscleTech, an innovative and pioneering brand that has put novel ingredients like paraxanthine on the map with formulas like EuphoriQ.
MuscleTech’s parent company, Iovate, also has control over the reins at SIXSTAR, a brand that shoots for exposure and widespread adoption via […]
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Lacprodan® ISO.WaterShake: A Better Clear Whey Isolate from Arla Foods Ingredients
One of the fastest-growing categories in the dietary supplement industry isn’t necessarily new, but it’s finally good enough for mainstream growth. That category? Clear protein shakes, specifically clear whey protein isolates.
Clear Whey Protein Isolates Poised for Major Growth in the 2020sThis subcategory of protein powders is unique in its ability […]
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Podium Nutrition HWPO Whey Isolate: Hard Work Pays Off with Velositol
In the last couple years — but particularly in 2023 — we’ve seen a lot of premium supplement manufacturers compete in an industry-wide reinvention of the protein supplement. A number of revolutionary high-tech designer ingredients with different synergistic effects on dietary protein are angling to dominate this staple category. Interestingly, it seems like each […]
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Primeval Labs IsoLIT Gets Upgraded in 2023: Now in 5lb Tubs!
Primeval Labs has come a long way since their IsoLIT protein powder arrived on the scene in 2018. Their Ape Sh*t line, in particular has been a smashing success: products like Ape Sh*t MAX and Ape Sh*t Pumps provide heavy-duty options for athletes looking to supercharge their performance.
IsoLIT 5 lb tubs are back!IsoLIT[…]
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Core MRP Banana Nut Bread is in the House
Who doesn’t love Banana Nut Bread?! It’s a common home-baked favorite, especially useful if you’ve bought too many bananas that are getting overripe. We’ve seen it used as a protein powder flavor system, but we think it’s best used like this — as a meal replacement flavor! And that’s exactly what we today with the […]
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What is PeptiStrong? Neil Foster on Nuritas’ Peptide Network | Episode #112
One of the most interesting ingredients we’ve covered this year is PeptiStrong, a pro-anabolic natural peptide network extracted from fava beans. Although technically a protein, PeptiStrong is not a dietary protein supplement like whey or casein – it’s actually a signaling network, meaning it delivers instructions to your cells that ultimately […]
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