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Glaxon Goon Energy: Unleash Your Inner Goon
On 11/11/2019, Glaxon was born, innovative new formulas based on unique ingredients chosen for maximum bioavailability and effectiveness. Since that launch, this team of radical mad scientists and all-around cool guys has developed a true cult following in an industry that had been stagnating from a scientific standpoint. With their underground guerrilla marketing aesthetic and[…]
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Glaxon Xeno Amino V3: The Next Generation of Hydrating Amino Acids
Another month, another great Glaxon supplement improvement. Just after the recent release of Glaxon Collagen, the “goons” have decided to once again improve their Xeno Amino intra workout and recovery amino acid supplement.
Xeno Amino V3: New and Improved with More Recovery and HydrationXeno Amino is famous for its Myo-Seq sequenced amino acid […]
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Glaxon Astrolyte: Hydrating Electrolytes That Do More
Based out of Houston, TX, Glaxon is an innovative supplement developer that’s seen some crazy weather. The brand is most known for their intensely potent Specimen pre workout supplement series (including the recently upgraded Specimen G.F.Y), but they’ve brought innovation to several supplement categories.
One ingredient that we’ve covered several times in previous Glaxon […]
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Glaxon Specimen G.F.Y: A Pre Workout Strong Enough for Wild Retailers
Since late 2019, Glaxon has been the hottest young supplement brand on the sports nutrition market. Aside from their incredibly strong formulas and unique branding, some of their success has been attributed to their excellent relationships with local retailers, who love having something new to show customers that actually works.
One of Glaxon’s best-selling […]
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Glaxon Tranquility: Rest, Relax, Recover
The last time Glaxon was featured on the PricePlow Blog, we covered Plasm Surge V2, its revamped, stimulant-free pump product that had all of the “Goons” talking! Shortly after, the company dropped another innovative product called Astrolyte, a jam-packed electrolyte formula with added gut-health promoting prebiotics.
Glaxon launched at the end of 2019 […]
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Glaxon Specimen V2 (Discontinued, Get it While You Can)
Glaxon entered the supplement industry in November 2019. Despite just one year of incredible success, the “Goons” decided to do a complete rebrand — or what […]
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Kaged Muscle Hydra-Charge Now Hydrates in Pink Lemonade
Whether you use it as a standalone hydration supplement, or a low-artificial-sweetener flavoring system for your unflavored supplements, the feedback is always the same: Hydra-Charge rules!
But now it rules even more, because Kris Gethin and the team behind Kaged Muscle have released their incredibly popular hydration supplement in the new Pink Lemonade flavor!
As […]
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Kaged Hydra-Charge: Hydration or Flavor System? How about BOTH!
Supercharge your training with Hydra-Charge, a versatile product from Kaged that provides electrolytes to keep you hydrated, antioxidants for overall health, and taurine for added performance. Fitting the mold of most Kaged products, it is naturally flavored, sweetened primarily with stevia, contains no artificial colors or flavors, and tastes amazing – especially that legendary […]
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Beast Super Test: Man’s Best Friend in Eight Capsules Per Day
Note: Beast has released an upgraded formula that requires fewer capsules — Beast Super Test MAX!
Natural test boosters are one of the most commonly bought supplements on the market. Almost every company on the market has their own version of a “natural” test booster.. What guy DOESN’T want heightened testosterone and the good […]
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