Glucose Disposal Agents (Tag Archives)
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Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA): The Cognitive-Boosting Antioxidant
Come find out if alpha lipoic acid has a role in your anti-aging stack. If you need appetite control and neuroprotection, look no further.
The PremiseAlpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA) is an organosulfur compound produced from the medium-chain triglyceride caprylic acid (denoted as “C8” on MCT Oil labels). It’s essential for proper functioning of aerobic […]
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HD Muscle: Newcomers with Integrity!
The time is here, the Canadian-based company HD Muscle has finally arrived and they’re really making some noise by launching with 7 stacked products. Although HD Muscle is a new company, it’s run by industry veterans who know exactly what supplements will get you the best results. They’ve already received a tremendous amount of […]
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Berberine: The Best Glucose Disposal Ingredient Just Got Better
The most appealing beauty of the supplement industry is its ability to innovate. While most formulas are not groundbreaking revelations, every once in awhile, we’re hit with something that completely redefines the industry.
Berberine, a unique plant alkaloid that has been shown to improve the body’s response to insulin — to the point […]
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GlucoVantage: Dihydroberberine for Superior Insulin Sensitivity
We recently covered the premier glucose disposal ingredient, berberine. This article focuses on a more powerful, patented form of berberine known as dihydroberberine, which is also marketed as GlucoVantage from NNB Nutrition ( |
When assessing one’s health and physique goals, diet and exercise always come first. But there’s another factor […]
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Revive MD Glucose: The ‘Mic Drop’ of Glucose Disposal Agents
Physique-coach-elite Matt Jansen and hormone expert Dr. Domenic Iacovone recently rocked our worlds with Revive MD Turmeric+, and end-all be-all to protect from joint pain and gut inflammation. Can they make lightning strike twice with their glucose disposal agent, Glucose? The answer is a resounding yes.
Carbohydrates make for quite the conundrum […]
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PEScience Mass-NP: Bulking Season’s High-Carb Nutrient Partitioner
Discontinuation Notice: This product has been marked as discontinued in 2022. We’re leaving this article live because the formula is unique and there’s some good information to learn inside.
PEScience quietly released a “nutrient partitioner” for high-carb bulkers named Mass-NP. If you like heavy amounts of carbs, you’re going to *love* this supplement. Below […]
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PEScience LipoVate: Shift Into Fat Burning Mode Faster
PEScience has dropped a new stimulant-free and caffeine-free fat burner after Amazon unfortunately slew Shift in cold blood. Is LipoVate a worthy successor for the caffeine-free crowd?
The Premise on PEScience LipoVate: The Future of Fat Loss Lies in Controlling InsulinThere are several caffeine-free fat burners out there, but PEScience always keeps a very[…]
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SNS GlycoPhase Turns Carbs into Gym-Smashing Pumps
Glucose Disposal Agents (GDAs) were originally brought to market to help us control our blood glucose, right? They’re simple enough as general health supplements to understand. However, SNS (Serious Nutrition Solutions) flipped convention on its head with the re-launch of GlycoPhase, a GDA designed for optimal carb-driven pumps when lifting! Does this new formula […]
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Outbreak Nutrition ADAPT: Carb-Load For The Zombie Slaughter
Carbohydrates may be one of the most ergogenic things in our nutritional arsenal… if our body uses them correctly! Over the last few years, the we’ve explored supplements that help maximize the human body’s use of glucose for exercise performance with mixed results… until now!
What the Hell is a “GDA”?Our dedicated readers already […]
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