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Milk Proteins, Peptides, and SOUL: Matt Karich Returns | Episode #135

Matt Karich of Soul Performance Nutrition on PricePlow Podcast Episode #135

Quite a bit has happened since Episode #068 with Matt Karich, the enterprising founder of Soul Performance Nutrition. He’s gotten deeper into ultra-endurance sports, and has dropped a few incredible new supplements.

So we brought Matt back on to talk about his latest endeavors, getting the official catch-up from over two years of […]
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Soul Performance Nutrition Nova Immune Renewal for Immunity!

Soul Performance Nutrition Nova Immune Renewal

You’ve probably heard that, on average, breast-fed babies are healthier, and even smarter, than babies who aren’t breast-fed.[1]

But do you know why?

There are lots of reasons – but one of the big ones is colostrum, the so-called “first milk” that is produced by the mother for a few days after giving […]
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Bio-Gro Review – This Time, With BLOOD TESTS!

Bio-Gro Review


For well over three years, iSatori’s Bio-Gro (bioactive peptides extracted from colostrum) have been the center of all kinds of internet controversy.

Do they work? Is it bioavailable? Is it better than raw colostrum? Why not just take more whey protein? Is it banned? Will I lose my natty card?

When marketed as an […]
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iSatori 100% Bio-Active Whey: Bio-Gro (Over-Priced Colostrum) Inside

iSatori 100% Bio-Active Whey

Just like us, many supplement companies take it easy around the holidays, enjoying the fruits of the previous year’s hard work.

iSatori is have none of that!

They’ve got a slew of new products in development and have slowly been releasing them during this otherwise quiet time of year around the industry.

We’ll slowly be […]
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Bio-Gro “Banned” by USADA / WADA… As Predicted by PricePlow

Bio-Gro Banned (image courtesy

Today’s talk of the town is about the recent update on the US Anti-Doping Agency’s (USADA) “High Risk List” over at[1], which placed iSatori’s Bio-Gro supplement on their “high-risk” / “quasi-banned” list.

Since a few of our Facebook fans asked what we thought, it’s time we chimed in:

We predicted this over a year[…]
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