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Core ABC Patriot Pop: Boost Your Workout with a Bomb
In the hype of the refreshed ‘Merica Energy cans, we almost missed on an update from one of Doug Miller’s other brands. ‘Merica Energy no doubt got the spotlight for the 2021 4th of July, but Doug and team also have something for you flavor junkies out there who love his original brand, Core […]
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CORE Vegan: BCAA-Enhanced Vegan Protein (Now in Vanilla Créme)
When running through PricePlow’s 2020 Supplement Awards, we realized that CORE Nutritionals quietly had an incredible year, getting mentions in nearly every category. One product we missed, however, was Core VEGAN, their popular vegan protein powder that’s enhanced with additional BCAAs and digestive enzymes.
Today (May 10, 2021), the brand behind Doug Miller is […]
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Animal FURY: The Straight-Shooter’s Pre Workout
Note: This article has been updated in 2021 with new research since it was first published.
Every consumer has an opinion about what makes for a perfect pre workout supplement. Some want nothing other than a cup of coffee, others want a pre workout with 20+ clinically-dosed ingredients. There’s nothing wrong with complex formulas, […]
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LEG DAY! NutraBio Intra Workout Powerhouse Supplement is a Monster!
NutraBio brings in the MOAB (mother of all bombs) of an intra-workout supplement: LEG DAY!
The Leg Day BackstoryOn February 17, 2021, NutraBio CEO Mark Glazier teased an image of a “LEG DAY” tub on his personal instagram.[1] After posting the label, LEG DAY was released just 10 days later, and it’s available for […]
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Core INTRA Re-Launched with More Power by Core Nutritionals
Core Nutritionals launched INTRA last year, but after some issues with browning and clumping, CEO Doug Miller and the team took a look at the formula and redid it to make it even better! In this article, we take a look at the upgraded “Core INTRA”, the reason for the redo, and how the product […]
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ioWhey: A Superior Form of Whey Protein
Protein powder is one of the most popular supplements in sports nutrition. Customers like them because they’re convenient, versatile, and affordable. At the same time, good protein products are low in fats and carbohydrates. Finally, the body needs three macronutrients to survive, including protein (the others are carbohydrates and fats).
Unlike carbs and fats, protein […]
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Alpha Prime Supps EAA+Hydro: Get Serious About Your Recovery
To perform optimally and progress in any sport, you must adequately recover from training sessions. Besides eating well, getting enough sleep and rest, there are several supplements that can help boost recovery. These products are designed so you can get back in the gym sooner to attack another training session.
In this article, we’ll focus […]
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RAW Nutrition EAA: A Refreshing Way to Kick Start Recovery
RAW Nutrition is quickly gaining momentum in the sports nutrition industry and for a good reason. Co-founders, Matt Jansen and Domenic Iacovone, have done an incredible job formulating top-tier supplements that help optimize performance, recovery, and achieve fitness goals. Not to mention, all of RAW Nutrition’s supplements are certified drug free by the Banned Substance […]
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ioPea Protein: A Plant Protein With the Power of Whey
Vegans and vegetarians mainly get protein from legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. But since vegans and vegetarians consume anywhere from zero to a minimal amount of animal products, it can be extremely difficult for that population to intake enough high-quality protein. Therefore, many of them rely on plant-based protein powders.
Over the past few […]
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