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Northbound’s All-Natural Blend: A Stevia-Sweetened Nootropic

Northbound Nutrition All-Natural Blend

Even before we started really getting into the world that is nootropics, we were keen to Northbound Nutrition and their clinically dosed Pinnacle Pre Workout. We’ve also previously covered the brand’s top-tier, brain-boosting supplement Northbound’s Blend.

We’re back today with a new and different version of Blend, that is all-natural!

But can they make […]
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SNS Growth Factor XT — Sleep Better to Grow Bigger

SNS Growth Factor XT

The Serious Nutrition Solutions resurgence continues!

SNS has built a reputation as a leader in quality, effectiveness, and affordability. Whenever we come across one of their formulas, we know we’re in for something that’s both unique, and more important, effective as hell. This goes for their single-ingredient formulas, but especially their formulated supplements.

Today’s formula […]
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Blackstone Labs Glycolog – Putting Carbs in their Place

Blackstone Labs Glycolog

“Carbs are evil!”

“Carbs make you fat!”

The number of times we’ve heard that carbs are to blame for everything under the sun, including economic recessions, is simply mind boggling. In reality though, carbs are not the enemy, when consumed appropriately, they are a powerful ally in your war against the weights and can be […]
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MaxQ Nutrition Intra-Workout: Loaded Intra with 10g BCAA!

MaxQ Nutrition Intra Workout

A couple weeks ago, we introduced MaxQ Nutrition and their monstrous sized Maxed Out Pre Workout, which brought back the arginine for a massive mix of old-school and new.

Today we’re back with the brand’s next supplement release (for the time being) with the MaxQ Intra-Workout.

If you thought MaxQ’s pre workout was loaded […]
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MaxQ Nutrition’s Pre-Training Pre Workout is Maxed Out!

MaxQ Nutrition Pre Workout

Note: This product is now titled “Pre-Training” instead of Maxed Out, but the same formula remains!

The glory days of the ultra-concentrate micro scoop pre workout are long over. Today, there is an arms race among supplement companies to make the biggest, baddest, most all-encompassing pre workout there is.

MaxQ Nutrition is a newer supplement […]
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EVL RecoverMode – Enhanced Recovery

EVL RecoverMode

Since the end of 2016, EVL Nutrition has been a brand on a mission, releasing a steady stream of new supplements to beef up their already diverse line of products. Now in 2017, EVL hasn’t shown any signs of stopping — and their newest product here packs some goods.

RecoverMode is a comprehensive post workout […]
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Beldt Labs SKALD: Oxydynamic Fat Scorcher Heats Up Amazon

Beldt Labs Skald

Fat burners are a dime a dozen in this industry, we see new ones popping up all the time, and ignore the majority of them. For the most part, they’re all variations on the same theme — tons of stims and a dash of actual thermogenics.

However, every now and then, we graced with a […]
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Jim Stoppani Sued AGAIN. New Class Action Lawsuit

Jim Stoppan Pre-JYM Lawsuit

Update: This case was dismissed, but has already been re-filed. The PDF below shows the new complaint filed on November 26, 2016.

It’s impossible to cleverly sugarcoat this one, so we’ll just cut to the chase: Jim Stoppani has been sued again.

In what’s becoming an unbearably litigious year for the PhD, a […]
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RedCon1 Mental Trigger Brings the BRAIN Gains

RedCon1 Mental Trigger

The past couple of years, there has been a marked increase in the number of productivity supplements hitting the market over the past year. It’s common to strive for gains in the gym, but isn’t as conventional to try to make brain gains.

Yet the brain is the most powerful “muscle” in the body […]
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Northbound Nutrition BLEND – Cognitive Energy & Endurance

Northbound Blend Closeup

Sometimes we come across companies that start from the get go doing thing right. Northbound Nutrition is on these companies. We previously discussed the brand’s clinically dosed pre workout, Pinnacle, which we’ve been test driving and absolutely loving (review to come soon)!

Today, we look at the Northbound’s cognition enhancing formula Blend, which is […]
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